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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. What a beautiful day it turned into. Lovely photos. Have a great day whatever your destination.
  2. Anyone who owns their own boat will know how it handles and probably have the experience to make the necessary judgment call. But how many times have we read posts on here, on other forums and on social media, pointing fingers or having a go at some poor person who has got themselves in a situation they should have avoided. For that reason I firmly believe that we should all do the responsible thing. Hirers often come in for criticism, sometimes deserved, sometimes not. But we should never encourage them to disregard the water level gauges or the stated air draft of their boat. It might be more than just their own holiday they spoil if they get it wrong. Just my own opinion.
  3. We were in something of a similar position on Zircon Emblem recently. I'm sure that boat goes under Ludham Bridge a lot of the time, especially at low tide, but we knew there was a chance that if the river levels were high, we wouldn't get up the Ant. It seems to happen frequently in October. We've also hired both Silver Emblem and Moon Beam (when it went from Horizoncraft at Acle) and we stayed along the Bure and Thurne on both of those. It's fine when you're on a short break but is restrictive when you're out for longer. However I would never encourage people to try any bridge thinking that the gauges are inaccurate and you've probably got more room. To me, as a hirer, it's not worth the risk.
  4. Well Richardson’s have just put 2021 on sale!!!
  5. Thank you for your kind comments. The music always takes me longer to decide on than putting the video together. I’m quite particular about the feel of the finished piece. I chanced on the singer Lizz Wright when I found her version of Southern Nights.
  6. I’m not sure about plans for next year yet. I did love being out in March and would be tempted to choose that over October. I loved the quiet of less boats being out, the solitude of having the moorings to oneself on occasion and the abundant wildlife with the coming of spring. Hmmm .... must give that some serious consideration.
  7. Thanks for your reply Simon. That is absolutely right. The shower was lovely but I think the toilet certainly used a lot of water. We're always very conservative with our water usage when we're afloat but were filling up the water every day instead of every other day. I was surprised by how deep that back step was and almost tripped over the ledge of the door on one occasion. I don't know whether the depth of the steps made the floor any lower and gave the extra head height. As for the bed being so close to the door I think with it only being 36 feet in length this is how they fitted a large double in. The bed was definitely bigger than the usual double on a boat. There is definitely enough head room all through the boat. My husband is 6'4 and on most boats would be wearing a baseball cap all week to avoid banging his head but didn't have any problems on Zircon. However the upholstery is a different matter. It hasn't worn that well and the light colour was a mistake. Chatting to various lads at the yard, the fit out wasn't done by FM. I've checked out the photos of Silent Emblem and Fair Marquess at NBD. I think they're the same boat but they've learnt one or two things about the design of the living area.
  8. Enjoyed reading your write up. Ferry Marina is a good yard to hire from in our experience. And Horning makes a good location to start and finish.
  9. That sounds like a great day. I've noticed the same with some boats that feel the need for speed ... and then you see them later on and wonder what the rush was for.
  10. Great write up again Jay and such lovely photos. :)
  11. And finally ... here's a video of our week afloat for anyone interested to take a look.
  12. Review of Zircon Emblem and boating in October Here's my thoughts on the boat and on being afloat in October generally. Zircon Emblem is a great boat, which I would hire again but out of my budget usually. Ferry Marina have been offering some good discounts this year so we treated ourselves to an upgrade on what we would otherwise have hired. Good points: Large double bed, amazing bathroom with full height shower and domestic flush toilet, in fact very good head height throughout the boat, best we've ever had, a large fridge, a small toaster but better than using the grill all the time, effective warm air heating and very good visibility from the lower helm, wide back doors and steps at the side that help with getting on and off at a side on mooring, plenty of cupboard space. Less good points (I hesitate to say bad as they wouldn't stop us taking this one again): Two deep steps in through the back doors, not much room in the bedroom but the larger bed is worth it, the Tracvision tv system couldn't always find a signal and is very noisy, the oven/grill is very small, there isn't a full size cooker as on other boats so depends how much cooking you want to do on board. The worst feature is the table in the living area as it is fixed, so you find yourself having to slide in behind it even to sit and watch tv and it takes up a lot of space. In summary this is a great boat for out of season because it's warm inside and the lower helm has great visibility. However we have experienced high water levels most Octobers that we have been afloat. The air draft is 8'4 so we didn't chance Ludham Bridge which restricted where we could go. The water was overtopping some moorings and very high up in other places so we didn't want to get stuck the wrong side of the bridge even if we could have got under, which I doubt. However if you want to use the upper helm out of season be prepared to wrap up well, otherwise it's a bit of a waste of having this design of boat. As for October boating in general, this was the coldest year we've experienced, and we've done it a number of times. You do take the chance with the weather, but that's the same with any season in this country. We took sleeping bags and hot water bottles, thermals, winter jackets and plenty of layers. Mostly the moorings were less busy than they would be in the summer but nowhere near as quiet as they were in March. My new top tip is to take your dressing gowns! Mine kept me very warm and cosy as I tended to wear it over my daytime clothes when sitting on the boat in the evening! Here's a few photos of the inside of the boat.
  13. So ... time to get this tale concluded. Sunday was our final day onboard. Having seen some very helpful posts on the forum that there was a sailing race taking place somewhere between Horning, Acle and Potter Heigham, we had positioned ourselves out of the way! It was a nice lazy start at Salhouse Broad, we topped up the water, wrapped up in plenty of layers and decided to take the upper helm. Had a nice cruise in towards Wroxham, turned around without mooring and also with no exact plans for the day. It wasn't long before there were a few spots of rain in the air, which didn't come to anything much, but nonetheless it felt like coffee o'clock. No-one was moored at Wroxham Island, the BA mooring by Wroxham Broad with room for only one boat. Perfect! Another "never done before" now ticked off the list. Hubby did a little fishing and I relaxed on board watching the world go by. We really didn't feel inclined to do much so by lunchtime we headed towards Horning and moored in Ferry Marina's waterfront. A number of reasons for this. Firstly we could plug into the electric and not have to think about batteries or whether to run the heating etc. Secondly we could go to the Clubhouse again for another excellent lunch. Thirdly we could take our time to pack up later and have a quiet start on Monday morning to hand the boat back over and leave. I know it wouldn't be everyone's choice but it worked really well for us. And those moorings at FM are right on the river so there's still plenty to see, which on this occasion included many sailing boats getting back to Horning, some under tow, some joined together three at a time. Quite a sight. On the subject of the fishing, which I said I would come back to, there wasn't much biting all week. Talking to someone else moored at FM, he had spoken to some people from either the BA or the Environment Agency, I can't remember which. They said that the high tides has pushed a lot of brackish water up the rivers and that their scans had shown there simply weren't any fish in a lot of places. No wonder hubby hadn't been catching. Here's a few photos to finish the tale and then I will write a review of the boat
  14. Lovely photos Jay. Sounds like that was a long day’s cruising but still with plenty of family time. A nice balance.
  15. It's a shame to have missed you Jay. I'm not back at the caravan for another couple of weeks ... a little matter of my husband wanting to get to the football!
  16. Saturday dawned with blue skies and was one of the best mornings of the week. It clouded up later and was still a breezy day but we used the upper helm all day, wrapped up in thermals and winter jackets but it was lovely to be in the fresh air making the most of what Zircon has to offer. We needed water so decided that if we could get onto Ranworth Staithe we might as well do that before leaving the Broad. There were a couple of spaces on the front ... I tried them both! Yes, I provided the morning's entertainment by taking three attempts to moor. Just kept drifting across and by the time I could think what to do I was in the wrong place! So I went round again and made it safely in on my third attempt. Anyway ... we soon left and had a lovely cruise round to Womack Water. It was such a beautiful morning so we moored up there and stayed for a couple of hours. Hubby had another go at fishing while I went for a little walk to stretch my legs. But we didn't really want to stay there, we hadn't cruised enough to want to stop. Chatted with a very nice young couple out on Gleaming Light, Herbert Wood's new boat. They had also found that they couldn't get under Ludham Bridge because of the very high water levels. Where to go? Didn't fancy Potter Heigham as the wind would only have made it challenging to turn the boat anywhere near that bridge ... so we repeated our cruise of a few days earlier and went all the way along the Bure to Salhouse Broad. You're probably spotting the pattern here and can see why I said right at the start that this was a week spent on the Thurne and the Bure. And despite having seven nights we had ended up spending two nights at Ranworth and two nights at Salhouse. But there's nothing wrong with that when there are places that you enjoy. I enjoyed relaxing on the boat while hubby tried his luck at fishing again. There were quite a few boats arrived later. This was the start of half term for some areas so it wasn't surprising to see boats from NBD and Barnes arriving after 4pm. There was a definite shift to seeing more families afloat.
  17. Ok ... onto Friday ... another day that started with some showery rain so we were glad that we had now got control of the lower helm for the short cruise back from Ranworth to Horning. Left the boat with the yard and drove into Potter Heigham. We needed a few bits of shopping which we got in Latham's ... having first walked through full on Christmas which couldn't be avoided as it was just inside the door!!! A quick coffee break in BridgeStone's and then back to Ferry Marina. A very nice group of three lads were working on our boat. All in all it took them a couple of hours to get the cable to the upper helm fixed. Apparently FM didn't fit out this boat, they bought it in, and as such things hadn't been fitted out in the way that they would have done it. They had to unscrew various panels and pull things apart to get to where they needed to be. Anyway ... job done we left Horning about 12, cruised the Bure down to just past the Thurne before turning back and mooring down Fleet Dyke as we needed a lunch stop. But it was very windy and we decided we didn't want to stay there for the night. So back to Ranworth we went and moored on the Island again. Hubby had just set up to fish when the first heavy shower blew through, followed by torrential rain, hailstones and thunder. Oh dear ... no fish biting again. We spent a quiet evening again, just one other boat moored there. No-one came to collect any money on either night that we were there so a free mooring this time round.
  18. Oulton Broad? Have a lovely day Jay wherever it takes you.
  19. We certainly did. And they didn't quibble at all over the fact that they had to get to us by boat, given that we were moored somewhere with no land access.
  20. Thursday morning dawned with beautiful sunshine for a change. We had decided that this was the one morning that we would get up and away a little earlier to make the most of the good weather. Hubby filled up the water while I wiped down the upper helm ... clearing windows of condensation every morning was another theme of this week with the chilly nights. And of course to helm from on top that also meant being well wrapped up as it did get quite cold and very breezy up there. We cruised into Wroxham but didn't need to stop for anything. Barnes Brinkcraft looked quite full, I could only see one space other than on their pontoons where you have to be under a certain length to moor. Didn't see many of their boats out. There were quite a few of Richardson's older boats around and actually a good number from Ferry Marina which wasn't surprising given the offer they had on. Anyway, I turned before we got to the bridge and we went back the way we had come. We managed to moor on the waterfront at FM as we wanted a pumpout. There is both a water gauge and a waste tank gauge on this boat so we were easily able to see how things were going. Once that was done we decided to stay there for a while and then get lunch in the Clubhouse which is a cafe come restaurant, open for breakfast, lunch and dinner, where Pedro's used to be. The staff were lovely, the food was good and the atmosphere friendly and welcoming. I would definitely recommend giving them a go and hope they do well. After lunch we cruised almost as far as the Ant mouth and then back to Ranworth. There was space on the staithe but we opted for the Island. We just like the seclusion when it's quiet and hubby had it in mind to fish for a while which would be easier sitting on the bank there. Zircon isn't a boat you can easily fish from. However ... things did not go according to plan. Knowing that the forecast for the next day was for rain, and that we would probably want to leave using the lower helm, we decided to make sure that we could switch this back, having been on the upper helm all day. This had been a bit stiff earlier in the week. Long story short, we absolutely knew we had both helms in neutral but could not get this changed round. I called the yard and we had a chat with them. Decided we would take the boat back there for them to look at as it was only about 3.30 and we weren't that far away really. Hmmm ... started the engine, hubby took the ropes off, I put the throttle forward ... lots of revs but no movement!! Called to hubby to get the ropes back on if he could, which he duly did. Phoned the yard again and within 40 minutes they were out to us on their little boat. What I had surmised turned out to be correct. The upper helm was jammed in gear and in fact the cable had now snapped. Quite fortunate that this didn't happen while we were out on the river. But there you go, it's a boat, it has mechanics, and these things happen. The very nice engineer got the helm control back onto lower and we agreed we would go back to the yard the next day. We were just glad to know that we weren't marooned and settled in for the evening.
  21. So ... where were we ... ah yes, moored at Thurne Dyke. Not much to report for Wednesday really. It did indeed dawn windy and wet. The showers kept blowing through and as I had predicted we decided to stay where we were for a while. Just didn't see any point heading off in poor visibility. We relaxed on the boat for the morning and watched the world go by. It worked out well as I had the idea to go to The Lion for lunch and then have a cruise in the afternoon by which time the weather was supposed to improve. We hadn't ever been to The Lion before ... yes, something else to tick off my list. About 11.30 we saw Robin walk past with a few people and soon realised that Lads Week had indeed moored at the far end of the dyke by the river. By the time we went out for our lunch, there was a large group of men to walk through in the bar! Can't quite remember what we ate except that it was very good value from their lunchtime offer for two courses. And it is definitely somewhere that we will go back to. On the way out I saw Griff just outside the bar and said a quick hello. Didn't quite have the courage to go looking for any other forum members amongst the Lads so apologies to anyone I missed! Maybe next time. Back on board it was still breezy but we decided to head off. Between hubby and I we got away from the bank and made a safe exit from the dyke. Turning left we headed back down the Thurne and then along the Bure to Salhouse Broad. The sun had come out and it was the best part of the day. Can't quite recall what time we arrived, probably around 3.30pm. We knew there would be plenty of room and having eaten out at lunchtime we were able to relax on the boat for the rest of the day.
  22. Interesting about the hovercraft Ian. I didn't know you could do that. Looks like you had some nice weather for it too. Hard to believe it's almost November. We're planning one more trip to our caravan in a couple of weeks' time before getting it drained down for the winter.
  23. Interesting. Seems to have become quite a hobby for you both Helen. Nice to have an interest to share.
  24. It was a complete nightmare. I'm not sure I've ever got in that position before where I really thought I couldn't do it. We'd done quite a lot that day, first full day out as well, so we were both tired. Thing was that I knew the weather forecast for the next day wasn't great, so I had wanted a mooring where we would be happy to stay for a few hours if it was wet, preferably somewhere sheltered, hence why we headed for Womack Water ... you'll see whether I was proved right when I get the next day written up!
  25. It's a great boat and I was so glad we tried it. Hadn't thought about the wash at the back. It is a larger space there than on similar style older boats such as Silver Emblem. There is quite a high ledge to step over through the doors and then actually two quite deep steps down into the rear cabin. Not ideal therefore if you have mobility issues. I'll hopefully remember to mention this when I do my review but here's a photo I took so you can see what I mean.
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