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Everything posted by SwanR

  1. Thanks for all the updates. It’s been a very interesting read. :)
  2. My biggest issue was that the emoticons didn’t all display, you saw the text code instead, which made it hard to read. Don’t know if that was ever resolved as I haven’t looked at the app in a long while.
  3. I don’t have the answer to your question but can say that despite having the app I never think to use it! The site scales well and works fine in a browser on both my Android tablet using Chrome and my iPhone using Safari.
  4. We were out walking at Burgh Castle this morning and saw lots of boats crossing Breydon Water in both directions. If you happen to pick this up @grendel, any idea what time you’re expecting to all arrive at Oulton Broad?
  5. Didn’t even look too closely, made a hasty retreat!
  6. They already are! Was in there on Monday and saw boxes of Christmas cards for sale!
  7. I’m on O2 and have good coverage almost everywhere. Hubby switched from EE as that was a lot worse at the time.
  8. Great write up. Isn’t it funny how we sometimes perceive things very differently. Given that we are always on the lookout for tea rooms rather than pubs, I have become very fond of Potter Heigham. Bridge Stones is highly recommended for a stop at any time of day. But the Kings Arms at Ludham is a way down my list of places to go. The food has always been reasonable and we do visit if we are moored at Womack Water or down the Dyke. But it’s not one of my favourites.
  9. We were at Reedham yesterday and noticed that the bridge almost looked as if it wasn’t going to close after a boat had gone through. It seemed to stop for a while before finishing the manoeuvre! It was very peaceful sat on the quayside watching the comings and goings. Quite busy.
  10. How interesting. A bit like you, now we have the caravan it’s a mix of occasional boating holidays and weekends on the coast. As we drive up from Essex we pass by all those places between home and Lowestoft without stopping. So we haven’t ever made it to Southwold.
  11. SwanR

    My Day

    No prizes for guessing where I ended up this morning! About 6 feet clearance for anyone wishing to know!
  12. This is fantastic news ... congrats to you and Graham! As for August Bank Holiday ... closest I have come is a midweek break first week of September ... the children were back in school but all the private owners and adult only hire crews were out and about. I would aim for Ranworth Island and Salhouse Broad as there are quite a lot of moorings and as you have to pay, they aren't most people's first choice!! If you check back on my holiday tale on Moon Beam you can retrace my steps, we had amazing weather but the popular moorings were very busy. :)
  13. Shame we’re not up to the caravan until later this weekend. Looking forward to reading an update that you’re through!
  14. Can't remember exactly but think we had seen her in the old shop. She was on her own behind the counter, and spent ages on the phone with someone, I think trying to direct whoever it was to pubs that might stock their beer. Seemed totally oblivious to us waiting, no attempt to end the call or get another member of staff over.
  15. We went across to the shop two or three weeks ago. Very sad. It's so small now it's joined onto one end of the pub. Used to enjoy having a browse round their stock but now there's very little there. And there are some items they didn't seem to have any more. Really a shadow of its former self and we probably won't bother again which is a shame. We've enjoyed two or three trips a year across from Lowestoft to stock up the caravan but the lady in the shop wasn't even very friendly or chatty anymore. That's a big thumbs down from us.
  16. Sounds like a nice mix of family time and river time. :)
  17. Thanks for the info David. I sometimes take photos that look amazing on the little screen on the back of the camera but rubbish on my computer!!
  18. Lovely to read about your time afloat Alan. I guess if we ever get back out on the southern rivers we should try Rockland again. Went there once and really didn’t see the attraction! Mind you, I have got my eye on a nice looking cottage for sale there. Found it on Rightmove last week but sadly we can’t actually move house yet!
  19. Thoroughly enjoyed this. Something a little different given you’re on your own in a syndicate boat. And with the drone too. Fabulous photos. Forgive my ignorance here but when you’re flying a drone do you have any way of seeing what you’re taking or is it all a surprise saved for when you can load it up?
  20. SwanR


    Afternoon Ste and welcome along.
  21. Amazing photos. Cockshoot Dyke is a lovely mooring place often feeling less frequented than other spots. The walk to the Broad is well worth it. We love the peace and quiet for our overnight moorings rather than being anywhere near a pub!
  22. We’re in the caravan at Lowestoft at the moment and wondering whether we might fit in a drive to Beccles before it rains. Came up quite late yesterday evening after we let the traffic clear on the A12 before setting off. You never know, I might end up at Oulton Broad while you’re in Lowestoft Ian!
  23. Been difficult at work this week. We supposedly have “climate control “ in the building but it’s rubbish. Over 29 degrees in the office so I was moving staff around to try to get them into the one or two rooms where we actually had cooler air coming through. Really not good! Gave them longer lunch breaks and let some go home early.
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