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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Thanks for posting this. I shall look out for the biography. Current re-reading ‘The Coot Club’, partly because I started a re-read of The Swallows and Amazons series of books a few weeks ago, but also to whet my appetite for our first trip on Moonlight Shadow. Only a fortnight away!
  2. Essentially it’s a way of reducing the size of your sail. If you look closely at a sailey you’ll see that the lower portion of the sail has three rows of ties dangling either side, so you can tuck up a portion of sail and use those ties to secure the excess. I’m fairly new to sailing, so I’m sure that sure others could give a clearer explanation. Helen
  3. Oops, I somehow missed that one. You obviously changed it too quickly Mr Treebeard.
  4. I like the latest one. Very apt!
  5. I must say, I was expecting Gollum. Unpredictable? Hmm...
  6. Careful is my second name! If anyone is more risk averse than me I’ve yet to meet them! Bit too risk averse to be honest...
  7. Yep, typical...still waiting for the Tolkien avatar.
  8. Jay, for goodness sake get a less annoying avatar, or whatever-you-call-it! (Hmm...I’ve probably been a tad unwise there...he’ll probably stick with this one just because...) Sprouts! Honestly!
  9. Brr! Wouldn’t mind watching others being brave though. I can’t even swim in normal (Irish Sea) summer sea temperature nowadays...my skin just comes up in itchy red blobs. Shame, as I grew up on the coast and as a child/teen loved swimming.
  10. Must admit that I don’t tend to eat much chocolate or sugary things nowadays. So when I do, I notice I get a bit of a craving. I reckon sugar is far more addictive than most of us realise. Still, really good quality chocs are worth it.
  11. What, you’ve not sampled any yourself!?
  12. I should add...our first ever week on Moonlight Shadow will be the August Bank Holiday week, then our second will be in February.
  13. Brilliant! Thanks guys. Useful to have info about Northern Broads too, as I’m sure we’ll eventually manage to get up there in winter. By the way Mr Nog, Mrs Nog’s accounts of the chocolates at The Ferry Inn Stokesby has made me think a visit there is essential! Not sure we’ll find a mooring there last week in August though!
  14. I’ve heard the carvery at the Kings Arms is very good. Must try that sometime. (Wednesday evenings and Sundays I believe?)
  15. Well, perhaps I should have given it a different title...like ‘advice on winter cruising’. It’s all welcome advice! oh boy...like Grendel () this evening I’m having huge problems with auto-correct on my tablet. It keeps entering gobbledygook which I keep having to re-type.
  16. He, he...just realised I’ve drifted my own thread from water to heating.
  17. Sorry, I’ve posted replies rather belatedly, so this thread looks a bit disjointed now. Never mind, I’m very grateful for all the advice and input!
  18. Hmm, just remembered we kept it on a low setting, so maybe it could be toasty if we tried. 😊
  19. I think the one we have is fairly low power, it’s not toasty but it does keep the chill off overnight. Didn’t seem to use that much power off the posts we were using anyway. Unless my memory has gone, I think we were okay overnight with less than 50p ‘inherited’ on a post.
  20. Yeh, we’ve got one of those too. Found it really handy overnight when we were on our last couple of early spring/autumn visits on hire boats. So we’ll certainly be taking that with us. A couple of weeks ago Graham bought a small generator from Aldi, as we’ve discovered wild moorings on the northern Broads. Don’t suppose there are many of those down south due to the tidal range. Would be good to know if there are though!
  21. Thanks. Lovely picture Mouldy. So does the boat’s heating not draw upon shore power...hence the fan heater?
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