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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Carnage? Hope the little girl is okay.
  2. Oh er, Jean. As many have said previously, all boats go wrong sometime or other. Sounds like you had a prompt response from Ferry Marina though. Helen
  3. Although I haven't posted on this thread for a while, Graham and I have signed up for classes again this term. I managed to finish the daffodil sun-catcher week before last (must take a photo!) and last week made up four coasters to go into the kiln. Picked them up today and, on the whole am very pleased with them. Except one that is...one of the 'stringers' that I had carefully place on it went wonky in the kiln. Oh well, back to the drawing board....
  4. Doesn’t help when you haven’t got used to the boat. They all handle differently. We hired two Fair Regents (1&3?)...you wouldn’t believe how different they were.
  5. Lovely tale as always Jean. Your tale of mooring up in Thurne Dyke struck a chord!
  6. Good to have some holiday tales this time of the year. Thanks.
  7. On our first jaunt on Moonlight Shadow we found a couple of hoses on board, so other syndicate members have been very thoughtful in that respect. We had our AGM just over a week ago, and it was lovely to meet other syndicate members. Great bunch of people and all dedicated to keeping Moonlight Shadow well cared for. I was very encouraged. Not long now until our November week!
  8. ‘Fraid not...tides have ruled that out. Never mind, it’ll be great to be back on the Broads.
  9. We have a week on Moonlight Shadow from 9th November. As newbie syndicate members we are taking a keen interest in this thread! Looking forward to our week, but similarly thinking about water availability and so on...
  10. Wow..dramatic intro! We’ll be keenly watching out for an especially interesting travel tale.
  11. Sounds like that raincoat was a good idea.
  12. Hi Susan, I load my photos onto my laptop first and then use the 'choose files' link below to select them. I have had problems loading them once or twice, so nowadays I usually edit the photos I want to post to re-size them. Lovely tale by the way. Helen
  13. That must have been such an emotional time Steve. It’s a testament to your ties to your family that you were able to sort it out together. I’ve heard from too many people how going through such difficult times just caused arguments, which is why I was glad that, as an only child, I was able to sort out my Mam’s household effects myself. Mind you, hearing your account makes me think that having siblings would have made it easier, not harder. I have mentioned to my boys that when Graham and I pop our clogs that getting on together and loving each other as brothers is more important than quarrelling about ‘stuff’.
  14. We like Ferry Marina too. Have hired from them on three occasions. Lovely boats and very friendly staff. Mind you, I hear good things of Silverline, and I like being on the Southern Broads. Welcome to the forum! Helen
  15. So, can someone enlighten me on what spider poo actually looks like? Or is this thread just a big leg-pull? (Of course that never happens on NBN!)
  16. Thanks for the lovely tale and photos Malcolm. I’ve always enjoyed tales of her adventures..doubly (or more) now we’ve joined the syndicate. Looking forward to our next week on Moonlight Shadow (more thanks!).
  17. Love the photos, especially the ones of Sydney.
  18. That’s really good news. It’s so easy to jump to conclusions. (Sorry!)
  19. I wasn’t suggesting we avoid Stokesby. Haven’t heard of any incident there previously so, as Ray said, probably someone passing through. Not sure about the mud weight , probably not in the areas with stronger tides. Yes to tying back to the boat though.
  20. Hmm...two runaways in one day. Coincidence?
  21. Looking forward to hearing about your October trip! (More!)
  22. I don’t think the ‘report’ sufficiently addresses the possible impact on The Bridge Inn and Pedro’s. They talk about making the food offer distinctive, but the examples pictured suggest not. The current cafe fits in well with the other two establishments.
  23. Tina looks a lovely girl. I agree about the puppy farms comment. Our previous dog was from a dog shelter and he had a lovely gentle nature. After we lost Marvin we had planned to get another rescue dog, but a work friend knew some farmers who had some collie puppies, both parents working dogs. As they hadn’t bothered with pedigree certification and all that nonsense Seren actually cost us less than we would have paid for a rescue dog. Mind you...we think she is priceless.
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