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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. We used a wireless doorbell as a panic button for my Mam when she was with us. The trouble with baby monitors is they pick up so much sound. If you are concerned about the person at the other end of the monitor it can result in disturbed sleep.
  2. Just rechecked the BA website. It says ‘Moorings at Barnes Brinkcraft are not fixed, if you wish to moor here please speak to reception to be assigned a mooring.’ And there are 6 moorings apparently.
  3. I should have said ‘free BA moorings’ at Barnes. Seems an odd arrangement though, which is why I wondered if anyone has used them.
  4. According to the Broads Authority page on mooring spots there are 6 or so (I forget the actual number) BA allocated moorings at Barnes Brinkcraft. You have to phone them though to request, I don’t think they are in a specific area. Has anyone done that?
  5. Love it. We were on that boat (Lullaby) a couple of years ago. Fond memories, even though my Mum had passed away just a few weeks before. That holiday was just what we needed at the time. So peaceful. No engine! Helen
  6. Thanks for posting. I have my eye on that St Benedict’s mooring. I’m sure it will be sooo peaceful mooring overnight there. Enjoy!
  7. Glad to hear Karen is feeling better. It must have been very scary..especially being away from home. She’s lucky she has such a lovely caring partner. Helen
  8. Well done Griff! My father in law managed to give up smoking even though my mother in law carried on, so it can be done!
  9. So pleased to hear of your trip on Luna...even more pleased to hear that Lulu is getting used to the boat. Don’t leave it too long before you take her on another trip. (That’s an incentive to get the heating sorted!)
  10. Lovely, thanks for posting. I'm so glad to hear that Lulu was happier on board than you had anticipated. Hope she will many happy voyages with you! Helen
  11. More like ‘My night ‘. Yawn! Graham, son Harry, me , and about 10 others slept outside Willen Pavilion in MK last night to raise money for ‘The Big Bus’, a local homeless charity. It was a wonderfully mild night, and I was quite toasty in my sleeping bag, but I didn’t get that much sleep. Should have taken something softer to sleep on than an old 80’s vintage carry-mat. Maybe I’ll have a nap this afternoon. Seems a bit of a waste of a beautiful warm day though.
  12. The lowest one naturally.
  13. Is this the ideal opportunity to get under ‘the bridge’?
  14. Jay, you naughty man! LOL. Bath, as in the Somerset Bath, as you well know. Good to see you posting again.
  15. Hope so! Now all I need is for those weeks to coincide with a slow week at work. Doh!
  16. Look forward to reading your holiday tale Jean. I’m already missing the Broads and next Feb seems ages away. Still, all is not gloom and doom. Ive been in touch with an ex work colleague who left the OU about 10 years ago and moved to Cornwall. We are having a reunion weekend in Bath soon.
  17. I use this site (see link below). It gives you a chart for the week showing the tides at various places around the Broads. Slack at Yarmouth is roughly an hour after low water. This site shows low water at Yarmouth being at 04:49 and slack at 05:49, a bit later than the app above...probably because gives low water on the Bure near the Yacht Station rather than the Yare. http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/tide_report.asp
  18. Not sure about the accuracy of the height gauge. I think I read somewhere that the rise and fall is negligible. Although there was once more clearance on the upriver side there is now a board suspended from that end which evens things up.
  19. I noticed a lot more of my work colleagues going to Med destinations this summer than usual. I wonder if there’s been a lot more last minute discounting going on in other sections of the holiday industry, so drawing people away from UK holidays?
  20. I've got a copy of the old A4 version which I printed off and laminated. The only thing is, I saved it as a .jpg and it's got my forum name on it. Helen
  21. We walked past the cafe and over the bridge the last two times we ere in Acle, I’m pretty sure there was a parking area beside the public conveniences, not huge, but not full either. There’s certainly a turn off from the road just after the bridge.
  22. Hope the cafe stays. I haven’t tried it out yet, but had a peek inside and it looked very good.
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