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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. A big welcome to the forum. Hope you have a good time and have good weather. We've been on the Broads the first week of July for the past two years and have been lucky weather wise. We're hoping to be on the water for a week from 26th June, depending on how my 90 year old Mum gets on. She's recently out of hospital but not doing so well, so we're not really sure if we'll be able to make it. If we do we'll be on a sail boat this time, trying to get by those pesky chalets in PH that churn the wind up so much! What dates in July are you down in Norfolk? Helen
  2. So, Norfolk is the new Midlands? I must admit when I lived in Anglesey I thought anywhere south of Manchester was 'the south' (couldn't understand any of that 'Watford Gap' nonsense). Now I live in MK anywhere north of us is 'oop north'. Crazy what?
  3. Hasn't his thread meandered away from Irstead ages ago?
  4. I know I'm going to regret this...but what's Northern Nancy?
  5. I know...maybe we're hoping all the mods are away at the meet. You know what they say...when the cat's away... Lovely to meet you the other week Sue. (Hope I've got the right Sue?) Helen
  6. Naturally...maybe you need to get away from the coast though...
  7. Probably because there's a collective memory among Welsh speakers that they weren't allowed to use Welsh for any official business until the 70s, so there's still a bit of a grudge against 'the English' collectively but mostly its not personal. I can remember by Gran ('Nain' - who incidentally married an Englishman) telling me that she was punished for speaking Welsh when she started school even though she spoke no English. My Mum only spoke Welsh until she started school too and it was drummed into her in that she should speak English. Not excusing bad manners, just trying to cast some light on why people would behave like that. By the way, about the only time my Mum and I spoke Welsh when I was younger was when we were 'abroad' (and that includes England), not that we were doing it because we were criticising anyone, it was just instinctive. Helen
  8. Oooh lovely...especially the first one with a gleam of sunshine breaking through the clouds
  9. Thanks for posting the tale of the rest of your day. Glad to hear you spotted Bob48. I know it's not that long since I was last on the Broads but I have withdrawal symptoms and your tales are keeping me going! Have a good time tomorrow. Hope the weather improves!
  10. Well they obviously hadn't taken into account that it's the weekend of the forum meet!
  11. What a shame...never let not knowing Welsh put you off living in Wales! I don't know why I get so frustrated trying to speak Welsh, trying to remember my Welsh vocabulary...if you go down somewhere like Bangor High Street and pass some so called Welsh speakers every other word is English...seems to defeat the point to me, but then I guess that's a bit of a cheek on my part to think so having moved to Eng-er-land.
  12. Thanks for sharing...it's a good reminder that any one of us can end up in the water following a moment's inattention resulting from concentrating on something else, no matter how experienced. Glad that you're okay. Helen
  13. Once you know the Welsh alphabet spelling and pronouncing words isn't too much of an issue as the spelling is pretty much phonetic. The letters don't necessarily sound the same as the English versions though and there are some 'letters' that consist of two letters such 'll', 'dd' and the notorious 'ch'. Having started off in a Welsh primary school I had trouble with English spelling for ages (still do occasionally). Unfortunately we mostly spoke English at home, so putting me in a Welsh class wasn't the best idea. Theoretically being bilingual is supposed to be good for kids, but I'm not sure that was the case for me. My Mum meant well...she thought it would improve my Welsh. I think it just messed me up, though I'm glad that I can understand Welsh, even though I struggle nowadays to speak it (my vocabulary deserts me). There are some really beautiful Welsh poems and songs that I'm glad I can appreciate. Helen
  14. I'm looking forward to your including some of the history of the Broads, as you mentioned in an earlier post. I must say the way you are planning and setting up sounds very professional! Helen
  15. As you might guess from my forum name, we're originally from Anglesey. God idea to travel down the day before and stay over in Norwich! Where in North Wales are you based? Helen
  16. A belated welcome. I had a bit of a nosy around Golden Emblem when we hired Royale Emblem a few weeks back...looked like you are in for a treat! Helen
  17. Perhaps I should add that there have been mitigating circumstances today which have been more than a bit distracting. Our Social Worker phoned late yesterday afternoon to tell us that the respite care home that we'd booked Mum into for our July trip on a Hunter's yard boat couldn't do the same dates now Mum needs nursing care. So...We check what dates are available for respite care, check with my boss what other dates I can take, check with Hunter's yard on boat availability and send my son into work on his day off to talk to his manager. I'm relieved to say that we've got it all sorted and are now booked on Wood Violet for 26th June to 3rd July...though of course it all depends on how my Mum gets on in the meantime. She's very frail and not eating much.
  18. Oh no...ignore my last post. The last thing I want to do is to start a 'politics' thread!
  19. I don't suppose anyone on the forum will believe that I'm normally okay with data...just left my brain out of gear today! I don't think Trump getting in was due to miscounting but that wierd electoral college system they've got over there. Didn't Hillary win the 'popular' vote? Helen
  20. Thanks very much Alan. I wouldn't want to give people the wrong impression about some of our favourite pubs! Helen
  21. I know...I should have provided a key or something. Back to the drawing board. Can it be edited in retrospect? The main point is that it was a strong field!
  22. Thanks so much for the lovely feedback - much appreciated. Perhaps I should have said that the 1= highest rated and 7 =lowest. Actually I Barbara was a bit lukewarm with her reviews, as she only score one establishment high (1 - The White Horse) and one low (7). Everything else rated the same, so I was in a bit of a quandary how to score them. I ended up giving them all a 6. Personally I love The White Horse, and maybe I'd 'talked it up' a bit too much to my companions. We had pretty good food all week, so the standard was pretty high. I think the interesting thing about reviews is how many aspects can influence the scoring, and what suits one person might be absolutely hated by someone else. It may be that a particular dish didn't quite meet expectations, or that the service was considered great/ok/iffy. Most reviews are individual opinions after all, so I thought it would be good to show how our collective opinions varied. Good thing there's plenty of variety out there! Helen
  23. Oh well...my scores table went a bit wonky in the last post.
  24. Café/Pub Ranking for the week (from our combined scores) I thought you might like to see how we ranked the places we ate at this week. I've also shown our individual scores, as it's clear that our opinion of each place varied quite a lot, depending on how we each liked what we chose off the menu, the service and ambience. Helen wishes the post to be edited to say that the highest score is 1 and 7 is the lowest. The Swan The White Horse, Neatished The Ferry Inn, Stokesby The Staithe and Willow, Horning (for breakfast) The Rushcutter’s Arms, Thorpe Green Wroxham Hotel The Dog, Ludham Helen Graham Sandra Chris Barbara Score Wroxham Hotel, Hoveton 5 6 7 6 6 30 Rushcutter’s Arms, Thorpe Green 3 5 4 6 7 25 The Swan, Loddon 1 1 1 1 6 10 The Ferry Inn, Stokesby 7 2 2 3 6 20 The White Horse, Neatished 2 4 5 2 1 14 The Dog Inn, Ludham Bridge 6 7 6 6 6 31 The Staithe and Willow, Horning 3 3 3 6 6 21
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