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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Graham has worked out how much food he needs and has posted instructions up on the fridge exactly how many scoops of food each of the dogs have each mealtime (morning and evening). His parents had a collie when he was a child that ended up looking like a barrel, manly because Graham’s dad kept feeding her titbits each meal. So, Graham is very focussed on feeding the right amount.
  2. We think he’s already put on some weight. You should have seen him when we rescued him, which is why the first thing Graham did after we got him onto Water Rail was to feed him. Hes still behaving each mealtime as though he’s desperate for food and unsure if he’ll ever be fed again.
  3. This afternoon Pozzick got let out in (our trashed) garden off the lead for the first time and was fine. He was sniffing the air a lot. Some forum members might remember me complaining that the contractors our insurance company sent in cut our hedge also chopped off an acer that I had in a pot (pictured). I'm pleased to say it's started sprouting little shoots. Good thing I didn't give up on it during the dry spell.
  4. The crate thing didn’t go well yesterday evening. After a while, as he obviously wasn’t settling, I took my pillows and a sleeping bag downstairs, let him out of the crate and settled myself on the sofa. This was about 11.30 I think. After some pacing around the lounge and dining room (crates are in the latter, so I left the door open) he settled himself in the dog bed in the lounge that he’s been using during the day and both he and I had a very restful night. We we’re later having our walk this morning, as it’s my non-working day and we first dropped Harry off at work. I have an ‘agile working’ arrangement where I work a 9-day working fortnight. The walk went fine again. Seren is too fixated on chasing her ball to play with other dogs, but Pozzick seems the opposite. He went to say hello to a tiny dog. Photo from this morning to follow. I should have tried to take a photo of them running together, maybe another time.
  5. Probably my inept description!
  6. We’ve mostly hard floors downstairs, so it will be lots of bundles of fluff (tumbleweed?).
  7. The only really thick bits at the moment are the fur on his head, neck and tail, but he does look like he’s been very undernourished, so maybe that’s affected his coat. Maybe the hot summer had something to do with it too.
  8. A very posh, super modern Porridge! Bet it was echoey.
  9. I’m so sorry Doug. They do become such a huge part of our lives, don’t they. Such a cute little dog, especially when she was a puppy. I feel a bit insensitive posting so much about Pozzick at this time. Do PM me if you find it so.
  10. A little snippet about Seren. Quite often when she barks at him, it seems to be when he’s doing something she knows that she’s not allowed to do. We’ve also caught her trying to ‘herd’ him a few times.
  11. Yes he is I think. He seems to be very quick picking up new things. The first day he didn’t seem to understand the command ‘sit’ at all, now he’s quite responsive. He also seems to have picked up on our disapproval of his trying to open doors. A few occasions of pulling him away with a firm ‘No’ seems to have improved things. The tail is very thick. I brushed one side (port side) yesterday evening and ended up with handfuls of hair. Graham did the starboard side today.
  12. Once I’ve up loaded my photos I click on (or select…whatever) the place in the text where I want a particular photo to appear than click on/ select that photo. It’s a lot more time consuming that way as you have to select each one individually, compared to just posting them all at once and it’s easier to do it on a laptop or tablet than a phone.
  13. Dogs had another good walk this evening. Graham had an online interview, so the boys offered to take the dogs out in case he got distracted by Pozzick whining or whatever. They walked to the lake and back. VID-20221006-WA0000.mp4
  14. Sorry. What's a pop dock? (Oh, hang on I'm not supposed to say the sorry word am I.)
  15. I think they opened up the garden bit when pubs were allowed to reopen after Covid. Our thanks! And you can't really overdo it with photos.
  16. I've done something similar on that upper Ant stretch, only in my case I thought I had turned toward Paddy's Lane and Barton Turf when in fact I was heading toward Weyford. Doh! It's not that wide up there near to turn around either.
  17. That's partly what I'm worried about with Pozzick - he can reach loads of things that Seren can't, and she's never shown the least inclination to open doors.
  18. Yes, seconded. Thanks very much for posting.
  19. Thanks guys. I'll try to remember to take some form of camera with me for tomorrow's morning walk...unless it's p..ing down.
  20. We haven't (so far) put our dogs in a crate during the day. We try to ensure that someone is with them during the day. Seren if okay by herself, but even she doesn't get left alone for long. I guess the time will come when we'll have to leave our two together at home for a short time, but hopefully they'll be well settled together by then. At least during the winter we can take one or both of them in the car if we go out. That's not so easy during the summer unless there's a multistorey near where you are going.
  21. We aren't keen on the idea of just leaving him out of a crate at night as he has a tendency to rear up on his hind legs to scratch at the door and the door handle whenever Graham goes out of the room. He can easily open a door anyway. He's quickly catching on to the idea that we don't want him to do that, but I'm not sure what he would do at night. He has quite a long body, so if he rears up on his hind legs he's almost as tall as me!
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