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Everything posted by YnysMon

  1. Gosh, what an afternoon. We now have a stowaway on board, rescued from the river bank just south of Postwick Viaduct.
  2. We got up early and started off around 7 again this morning. Hope we didn't disturb the crews of Lightning and Peter's Joy too much. It's been a lovely cruise into Norwich. I have one grumble...where is the promised sunshine? At last it's not raining though.
  3. Yes she is, 👍 thanks for doing your usual magic 😊
  4. After a fairly long cruising day we are nicely tucked up in Langley Dyke and, even better, our neighbours are Neil and Karen on Lightning (we seem to have been following each other around this fortnight) and Paul and his wife on Peter's Joy.
  5. Nah, I visited it last time it was in Beccles. It's great for quilting and crafts, but that's not what I'm looking for.
  6. Just waved at Paul on Peter's Joy, emerging from his marina just as we were moving across from the Yacht Station to Hippersons.
  7. Currently at Beccles. We need a pump out, but Hippersons advised that they are too busy with day boats until late morning. At least the wait has given me time to pop up to the butcher's and Tesco's. Once we get our pump out, we'll be heading all the way back downriver to the New Cut.
  8. Yes, I thought so too. I also thought the King looked absolutely shattered. Apart from the emotional pressure and grief, I would think it's also been very physically demanding time with all those trips around the country.
  9. YnysMon


    Aww...she looks really happy!
  10. Just started out on our way back to Oulton Broad, having watched the Queen's funeral services at home. I thought the service from Windsor was particularly moving.
  11. I'll try to look that one out during our winter allocation. I've been wanting to visit Bungay.
  12. Yes, except it's not got a huge range of dress fabrics. Brilliant for quilting cotton's etc.
  13. Yes she is, she’s carrying three of us on this trip quite comfortably.
  14. We think we'll stay south next week. I like the Breydon crossing, but it does take time, and we only have four days. Don't tell Graham, but I have a hankering to visit a fabric shop in Norwich. I already own too much fabric, so will try not to buy much, if anything, but when you rely on buying online mostly, the opportunity to actually feel fabric is a bonus. Buying fabric online is a bit of a gamble, you can't really judge the weight or feel of it.
  15. If it's a proper kayak (by which I mean not just a sit-on one), the important thing is to keep your knees braced against the under side of the cockpit coaming. That will allow you to keep your balance.
  16. That idiot didn't slow down until the end before the yacht Station. Guess where they were heading? Yep...all the way to the yacht Station. We are now on our way back to MK, intending to be back on board tomorrow evening. I almost said back to Norfolk, but maybe I mean Suffolk.
  17. We have crossed Breydon (waved at Malcolm and Debbie as we passed each other near Marina Quays), now nearing St Olaves. On our way to moor at Oulton Broad, but not at the Yacht Station.
  18. To be honest, if there hadn't been a space at Eastwood Whelpton I would probably been in great difficulty. The wind was blowing strongly across the dyke and I would have had no option other to reverse out. On the other hand it was blowing onto the reedy bank not the one with all the moored boats.
  19. This morning we set out for Sutton Staithe to get some fuel...should have googled first, as the Yard was shut. We booked a slot at Boulter's instead for 12.30. After our trip to Horning we went down to Acle to see if there was any chance of a space with leckkie...no, definitely not! We took the chance of going down Upton dyke instead. The Staithe was full, but we were welcomed with open arms at Eastwood Whelpton (they remembered us from the Beccles Wooden Broads Cruiser Show in August). Currently in The White Horse.
  20. That's really why I do it too. It does take ages, but it's a great way of revisiting the good memories, as well as those times when things didn't quite go as planned. How is it that it's those times that we remind ourselves about years on?
  21. I composed this yesterday, but had no signal to post it. I have somehow moored in places without signal the past three evenings. A bit of catching up to do from yesterday (Wednesday). From Richardson's we went back down to Barton Broad and found the channel that leads to Wood End Staithe, where there is just about room for a Water Rail sized boat. We took Seren for walk. When we got back we realised that there was a strong smell of methane, so probably not the best place to moor. This was probably due to the thick layer of blue green algae. Neil, a member of the Lightening syndicate, had texted earlier to say there was a space at Gay's staithe, so we went there instead and just about fitted in. I had no signal there though. This morning (Thursday) we tried our luck at Potter H, there was a possibility of going through but not advised, so we didn't. We moored instead at South Walsham, having squeezed into a small Water Rail sized gap. Kate (kpnut) arrived mid afternoon and, after a cuppa, Kate and I set out for a walk with the dogs. We were so busy chatting we inadvertently took the longer circular route. It was a good walk though, and I certainly need the exercise. Thanks Kate! This morning we had a fairly short cruise up the Ant. We thought of aiming for Neatishead, Sutton Staithe or Richardson's, as we would like some electric to recharge our phones and power banks, however, Irstead was unoccupied, so we have hunkered down here for the rest of the day. The walk to The White Horse is tempting, but the showers are so heavy and frequent, we think it best to be lazy and stay on the boat. Harry took his paddle board out of its bag to dry, but all it's doing is collecting puddles. Kate has just gone past on Springer's Retreat and gave us a beep.
  22. Thanks for beeping as you went past Irstead Kate. I was a bit slow reacting, but I hope you heard my return salutation! Very much enjoyed our walk yesterday, it did me good to have a longer walk, and I very much enjoyed your company.
  23. Have a great time. Unfortunately we'll miss you too. We're going home on 23rd.
  24. Enjoying the tale Tim. Sorry I'm slow catching up. I seem to have got the knack of selecting moorings without signal most evenings this week.
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