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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Friday 7th April We usually avoid going to the boat at Easter knowing it is likely to be very busy but Graham really needed a break from work so after him nipping to work for a few hours we set off for Norfolk at 10.30am. It usually takes 1 hr 20 but it took us 2 1/2 hours. The traffic as we predicted was dire. We had Norfolk Radio on listening out for traffic reports. Wroxham came up as long delays so we carried on on the NDR and went to Stalham via Coltishall instead. On arrival the plan (Graham’s plan) was to get a pump out then back to the marina to do some maintenance and go out the following day. We had a pump out at Simpsons using our freebie from the loyalty scheme and I could have bet a million pounds that Graham would say lets just go out now. As we approached the dyke to our new mooring, sure enough, we just carried on. ‘Were you surprised?’, he asked. ‘Not at all, you do this every time!” We had a lovely cruise deciding on ‘Luna’s Nook’ at How Hill. It was free so that was the first choice of our holiday achieved. I took Desmond straight off for a short walk on the field. He had an injury after picking up some glass in his pad. £160 vet bill and we were armed with antibiotics and painkillers and the fact he doesn’t move around on the boat much, hoped this holiday would aid the healing. Desmond was riveted by a couple flying a kite in the field. I don’t think he could work out what it was at all. It was lovely to see Toad Cottage’s little garden looking so neat and tidy. I only realises after they were leaving that the Catcouk crew had been moored up in front of us. The problem with Richos new thing of only having the name on the stern. During the afternoon into the evening a steady stream of boats came down the Ant. The season had properly started. Lovely sunset. Shame about the camera light in the shot below.
  2. Lulu

    The Broads

    You’ve described exactly how I remember boating hols with my brother and parents back in the olden days. I remember the big orange lifejackets had a distinct smell. I’d be woken to the sound of the decks being mopped by dad. The essential items dad brought with him was black tape and a wire coat hanger which he said could fix anything and seem to remember they did. Happy times 🙂
  3. Think the biggest issue was that horrendous coconut oil, butternut squash meal creation you had
  4. When I’ve reached my weight loss goal, I may just cave in as a reward 😁
  5. Having been on Kate’s ‘bathtub’ yesterday, it was a lot of nostalgia and fond memories sitting in the well deck in the sun. I don’t think Ive been on one since I was a kid. Love the layout and space, especially the outdoor space. I can see why my parents hired Bermudas and Caribbeans all those years ago.
  6. Oh I’ve tried to halve them and eek them out over a few sittings. Didnt work. Share? No way!
  7. It was nice that we had no condensation to get rid of for a change this morning when we went back to the marina but yes, a bit chilly. If you go to Stokesby, will you be able to resist a cake like I just managed to do. That was a tough day!
  8. Finlay has been an absolute star and therapist to Desmond. Desmond lost all confidence with other dogs of his size and above since he was attacked but Finlay has really helped him. I’m chuffed to bits and very grateful for his patience
  9. We thoroughly enjoyed our morning with you. Another particularly lovely day to add to the memory bank and Desmond sends his thanks to Finlay for his kind acceptance in allowing him on his part of the sofa x
  10. Warm welcome to the forum :)
  11. Just realised after you left How Hill earlier that we were moored infront of you. Such a shame as we would have come over to see you all. This is the problem with the new livery, you can only make out the name once someone has gone by!
  12. Fantastic write up. The photo of your boy on the well deck in his life jacket looking at the swan just took me back to my childhood in the 1970’s at that age at Salhouse. The scene has hardly changed at all except we used to moor bow first tied to a tree in the olden days
  13. Definitely. Dad very close by to take over in a nano second. Happy memories 🙂
  14. So is there a ranger assisting people to moor or are they just directing people on where to pay? I still dont get how you can assist stern on mooring. By the time you are at a range to take the ropes, you are already basically in and have the time to get off and do it yourself. Im curious as we only stern on moor in our marina as we dont like sardine situations. All these years and its never been needed before. Has there been a health and safety incident thats triggered the need for this. Sorry if these questions have already been answered somewhere else.
  15. So glad you have finally got there. Hopefully meet up soon now!
  16. When we thought we were moving to Norfolk last year we were absolutely ruthless in getting rid of stuff as we were downsizing. When it all fell through at the last minute we unpacked and now really like having no clutter. Nothing has gone back in the loft either (and wont be). If we try again to move it will be very easy to pack up and nothing to sort through (unless we go even more minimalist…..)
  17. I certainly don’t envy you. We had work done on the house last autumn. They only took 3 days but its the dust getting everywhere that stressed me out. How long do they anticipate it will take to complete?
  18. If this happens we will sell and that will be our boating days over. We cannot afford to pay for a mooring each day for the amount of days we are out and about, on the top of all the other costs involved in running a boat.
  19. So is this all year round? I thought I read somewhere Nov to March there would be no fee but maybe i was imagining that. Thats the only time we would go there so if its charging all year, we wont be visiting again.
  20. Day 4 is very interesting!
  21. Very similar when we had 2 jet black greyhounds. Their undercoat was pale grey soft fluffy stuff
  22. Thank you Carole. The two weeks I missed last summer and autumn, I have plenty of photos but delayed writing each one up then forgot completely and now I’ve forgotten details on what we did! We are out and about so much but we don’t actually do a lot other than laze about and relax:) Looking forward to meeting up this season x
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