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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Fantastic write up. The photo of your boy on the well deck in his life jacket looking at the swan just took me back to my childhood in the 1970’s at that age at Salhouse. The scene has hardly changed at all except we used to moor bow first tied to a tree in the olden days
  2. Definitely. Dad very close by to take over in a nano second. Happy memories 🙂
  3. So is there a ranger assisting people to moor or are they just directing people on where to pay? I still dont get how you can assist stern on mooring. By the time you are at a range to take the ropes, you are already basically in and have the time to get off and do it yourself. Im curious as we only stern on moor in our marina as we dont like sardine situations. All these years and its never been needed before. Has there been a health and safety incident thats triggered the need for this. Sorry if these questions have already been answered somewhere else.
  4. So glad you have finally got there. Hopefully meet up soon now!
  5. When we thought we were moving to Norfolk last year we were absolutely ruthless in getting rid of stuff as we were downsizing. When it all fell through at the last minute we unpacked and now really like having no clutter. Nothing has gone back in the loft either (and wont be). If we try again to move it will be very easy to pack up and nothing to sort through (unless we go even more minimalist…..)
  6. I certainly don’t envy you. We had work done on the house last autumn. They only took 3 days but its the dust getting everywhere that stressed me out. How long do they anticipate it will take to complete?
  7. If this happens we will sell and that will be our boating days over. We cannot afford to pay for a mooring each day for the amount of days we are out and about, on the top of all the other costs involved in running a boat.
  8. So is this all year round? I thought I read somewhere Nov to March there would be no fee but maybe i was imagining that. Thats the only time we would go there so if its charging all year, we wont be visiting again.
  9. Day 4 is very interesting!
  10. Very similar when we had 2 jet black greyhounds. Their undercoat was pale grey soft fluffy stuff
  11. Thank you Carole. The two weeks I missed last summer and autumn, I have plenty of photos but delayed writing each one up then forgot completely and now I’ve forgotten details on what we did! We are out and about so much but we don’t actually do a lot other than laze about and relax:) Looking forward to meeting up this season x
  12. I haven’t posted on Luna’s Log for some time. I realise I missed write ups on two weeks over summer as well. We have been on board quite a lot over the winter but it’s all been very samey to be honest, Irstead, Potter, Acle, Stokesby so we had electric. We reached our limit of -7 in the marina but we are definitely not fair weather boaters! This weekend we’ve actually been somewhere different. We stayed in the marina on Thursday then Friday morning decide to go to Gayes Staithe for the first time but we needed the side on for Desmond. It was occupied so we went on an adventure to find Woods End Staithe. Kate had been there recently and had sent me some pictures so we knew roughly what to expect. I was nervous in case it was occupied as reversing back out would have been a considerable challenge. It was empty. A very tight turn but we had no problems mooring. The mud was horrendous. I tried to take Desmond for what looked like a lovely walk if it was drier but gave up when Desmond sunk in mud to his ankles and he looked up at me in a very pathetic way. He was a show dog , a princess and doesn’t like getting dirty (unless it’s fox poo for some reason) . It was a lovely peaceful mooring but not sure we will go back until it dries up. Does anyone know anything about the sunken wooden boat? I’d love to know some history about it. It’s a sad sight and wanted to take lots of photos before it’s completely gone. We left there early this morning, waved at Moonlight Shadow at Irstead and stopped at How Hill in ‘Luna’s Nook’ , saw Moonlight Shadow pass so we headed back in the hope Irstead was free. Totally empty so here for the rest of the day. Back home tomorrow
  13. We made a snap decision after you passed us at How Hill and went back to Irstead which was totally empty 😁
  14. We gave you a wave as we passed Irstead earlier. Have a lovely rest of your holiday
  15. This is basically what I said when I wrote to the BA. We have worked hard to get our boat, we budget to keep her running but if the future is charging at free moorings, for the large amount of days we use the boat , we won’t be able to afford to pay for the toll and additional daily mooring fees (effectively paying twice) .
  16. Warm welcome to the forum :)
  17. Such a shock :( We met Alan last year and helped him moor up at Potter when he was solo helming. We had a lovely chat and was hoping we would meet up again. Very, very sad news. Selsie and I send our condolences to his family.
  18. I was really pleased to see quite a few coots and also moorhens on the Ant last weekend. I can’t remember seeing any last year.
  19. I’m impressed. You’ve thought through all possible scenarios 😁
  20. It was lovely to see you Kate and Graham sends his thanks for the Upton blackberry gin x
  21. How’s the weather down south? We’ve just cruised from Acle to Stalham in rain and some sleet.
  22. Lulu

    My Day

    At Acle today then probably back to the marina tomorrow as we have some maintenance jobs to do (as always)
  23. Lulu

    My Day

    Very mixed weather today
  24. The only places we’ve had issue with signal is Salhouse and Fleet Dyke
  25. Lulu

    New Boat!

    Ray and I were founder members of Three Boats in a Year Club. We have a lot of catching up to do 😂
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