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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. I remember as a kid, always helping dad clean whatever boat we hired. It was a daily routine and we both loved it and took pride in keeping it pristine. It was our boat for a week and always gutted when we had to hand the boat back. I absolutely hate cleaning the house, but love cleaning Luna. Mopping the deck takes me back to happy childhood holiday memories. Just sad now that I know dad cant manage to get on and off a boat anymore
  2. A full day for us is two hours cruising max and the rest lounging doing nothing 😁
  3. Earlier this week when we were on board in the heat, after all this time owning Luna, we had a revelation and realised we could have the front screens down but the canopy still in place so letting in a lovely breeze but having plenty of shade. The use of two 12v fans were also a godsend. I also found the boat was relatively cool at night so slept well unlike at home.
  4. Great to have an aerial view of Luna moored in what we now call “Luna’s Nook”. Btw that is the second rhond anchor we have left behind 🙄(thankfully we inherited at least 6 when we bought the boat!)
  5. Thank you for rescuing our rhond anchor this morning!
  6. 3 Rivers next year Doug?
  7. It was an absolute pleasure finally meeting you, Deb and Harley. Have a fantastic rest of your holiday :)
  8. Really sorry to have missed it. I just can’t quiz on the phone especially with intermittent signal!
  9. Lulu

    My Day

    Think we saw you pass us at Upton Dyke? There was a stunning sunset last night
  10. So glad you are back on the rivers. Pity we’ve missed each other by a day but hopefully will meet up soon x
  11. Can’t say I was looking resplendent but hopefully Luna was 😂
  12. Just wonder how many of those lovely boats are still around. I also feel I need to get a bobble hat. Seemed to be the in thing back in the day 😁
  13. Brilliant tale, thank you for posting. Its been so interesting. Im always curious about different walks but I have to admit, Desmond and I are quite lazy and dont do long walks. Also making me seriously think about going to that little staithe off Barton Broad. If a boat was already there, is there still enough room to turn or would you have to reverse back out?
  14. I vaguely remember doing one holiday on the Thames. Unfortunately dad doesnt have any photos of it. All I know is we picked up the boat from Reading but no clue who the hire company would have been. I do remember getting fish and chips while we were waiting to take the boat over and Rasputin by Boney M playing on the radio which would be around 1978. Funny what you remember as a kid of 9 !
  15. Or watch the chips very intently ….
  16. This doesnt bode well for my score
  17. I don’t do Facebook so can’t see it :(
  18. Lulu

    My Day

    So happy for you Carole. Let me know when you are coming North and hopefully we can meet up
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