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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Just downloaded the photos from my camera rather than my phone. I had thought there was going to be a cruise around the broad before mooring like last time, so in anticipation, to capture a shot of every boat pass by, I had a different lens on and didnt have time to change it to the long lens. Sorry guys if I didn’t capture you all ( I told Grendel off lol)
  2. Few from my phone. The ones from my camera will need to wait until we get home
  3. Luna is dressed and we are ready and waiting to do the photoshoot of you all
  4. Don’t be apprehensive Kate. It’s a fun gathering of boat obsessed folk. See you later! X
  5. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    We came to Norfolk yesterday and went through the contra flow around lunchtime. Steady 40mph, added a bit onto the journey but really was ok apart from an ambulance trying to get through and not a lot of room for people to move over to let it by. We will continue to use the route at non peak times.
  6. Are we mooring on the same section as last time?
  7. We will be at Salhouse quite early so planning to take some pics of everyone arriving
  8. Wishing you and Pat a very speedy recovery x
  9. Warm welcome to the forum and look forward to reading about the restoration.
  10. I see Danni Diner’s Good Pub Guide on the shelves coming soon 😁
  11. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Just got back home. Took a chance and used the A11. Lots of traffic surprisingly for a Sunday morning but everyone was doing the required 40mph from Thickthorn to Wymondham and we actually ended up with a better journey than a few weeks ago when we got stuck miles before Barton Mills. Next trip is Thursday afternoon for the meet weekend. We will try the A11 this time as we will be in no rush.
  12. Wahhh I can’t believe I missed this momentous occasion! It was only a matter of time Bikertov 😁
  13. We are positioned where hopefully people can see us as the come around the corner, but yes, making the most of just the sound of birdsong at the moment. Total bliss
  14. Selsie and I send our sincere condolences to you both
  15. We are moored up at Irstead. Only boat here 😁
  16. May see you all. We are not planning going very far today.
  17. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Our journey usually takes 1 hr 15. Today it took us 1 hr 50. After looking at traffic reports before we set off we saw that there was issues already at Mildenhall so forgot about the A11 right from the start and went A14, A143, A140 onto A47 near Postwick and went to Stalham via Acle. Down to one lane near the Acle roundabout. Kept moving the whole journey but painfully slow along the A143 and A140. Listened to traffic news all the way and the A11 issues were regularly mentioned. This isn’t boding well for my soon to be commute from Norfolk to Cambridge once a week 😞
  18. Glad you had a lovely break Helen. Your trip up to Coltishall has definitely made me want to go (pilot assisted though!). The last time I was the other side of Wroxham bridge was back in the early 90’s I think when hiring a connoisseur. Now you are north, hopefully our paths/rivers will cross at some point :)
  19. Lulu

    Coldham Hall

    I look forward to more Danni Diner Reviews
  20. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    We will be going that way on Friday afternoon so will report back
  21. Our strangest thing…. so far …was removing a small useless handle to find a vast collection of washers connected to it.
  22. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Thank you for the update, its so useful for us. Will definitely use the Acle route this weekend now
  23. Well done Helen! I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough confidence to do that :(
  24. She is, we walk by her on the way to ours :)
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