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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. He wanted a fleece waistcoat but not the same one as I’d bought and that’s all they had unless he went for the fuchsia pink number but I agree, it was a shock him arriving back empty handed. That toblerone brownie was unbelievably unhealthy but oh so good!
  2. We arrived at lunchtime on Friday and had some things to do so chose to stay in the marina until the morning. A very peaceful evening and looking forward to the week ahead. It seemed a very long time since we had last had a whole week afloat Saturday 26th Feb 2022 Set off from Stalham around 8.00 and what an absolutely stunning day it was. We had the Ant virtually to ourselves. We knew this week would probably be the last week we could decide where to moor and get that mooring. So Potter was our destination. It was good to see scaffolding around the mill knowing it was being looked after. As ever it was quite breezy at Potter and waves were rolling up the river, a sharp contrast from the millpond of the Ant earlier. Is it ever not windy at Potter? Once moored up, Selsie went to Lathams for something he needed but they didnt have! I treated myself to a Toblerone brownie from Bridgestones and a sausage roll for Selsie. I decided to see if Ray from our Three Boats in a Year club was around having only briefly waved at some time ago across the Bure. He was having lots of fun with poo pipes but popped around to see us on Luna and then we went over to see Ray’s boat. Apparently it was a good thing I still havent got my sense of smell back! It was great to finally meet you after all this time. Looking forward to meeting Gill and Danni next time :) I took Desmond for a few walks over the day. He was so very happy to being back on board. He’s definitely a boat dog. There were only a few boats on the moorings and overall very peaceful. £1.75 left on the electric. All in all a rather perfect start to our holiday.
  3. Sorry CC, we came home this morning as the sun had gone. We had obviously used up our allowance over the week!
  4. Lulu

    My Day

    Shame we missed you. We were moored at Neatishead last night. Congrats on the new boat!
  5. You are very welcome and lovely to meet you yesterday 😁. We inherited 70p from yesterday. Been doing well on the electric posts. Potter had £1.75!
  6. Seen a few hirers out today and one privateer. We’ve been on Horning staithe all day after arriving in the rain. A few people have come and gone but mostly had the place to ourselves. It’s been overcast and quite chilly but at least the rain stopped
  7. We are out and about this week. Seen a few Herbert Woods boats around and some Richardson’s. Hoping the rain will clear today but can’t moan considering the glorious weather over the last few days
  8. Lulu

    My Day

    Moored up for the day on the taxi rank at Ranworth . Been totally on our own for a few hours
  9. Lulu

    My Day

    I couldn’t smell a thing lol. Great to finally meet you too at last! Hoping we have struck lucky this trip with the weather. We are onboard until probably next Saturday:)
  10. Lulu

    My Day

    It’s been a stunning day. Now at Potter where it’s got pretty breezy as usual!
  11. Just want to say a massive thank you to JawsOrca for contacting me earlier and fixing down one of our door covers which had broken and was just hanging on in the wind and also rescuing, wait for it, our life ring! Just love this forum and how we help each other.
  12. We also got caught out at Stokesby. Absolutely convinced on which way the tide was going but then rapidly realised it wasn’t doing what we thought it should be doing. We will certainly be on guard next time. Useful to know about the water at Acle as we usually fill up there.
  13. I think we should all sign in as Bikertov !
  14. I don’t blame you Helen. Last night was pretty bad, and if this next storm is worse as predicted it makes sense to go home today. Wishing you a safe journey and hope Graham feels better soon. Looking forward to your detailed write up :)
  15. Warm welcome to the forum :) The Aweigh app is also useful
  16. Its down at the staithe. Nice and easy to fill up from there. Its now our go to place to fill up
  17. Im so sorry to hear your sad news. I know how you must be feeling having lost our rescue Lindy Lulu very suddenly one day during lockdown 1. Huge shock. My thoughts are with you.
  18. When you win it Kpnut, it will be so easy to run. You would be quizmaster. What you say goes. Don’t bother keeping count. Just announce that Bikertov has won. No one will question your adding up 😁
  19. A wonderful addition to your fleet! This is becoming like Nipper, Nippers Nipper, Nippers Nippers Nipper
  20. You could be based out of a marina and have permanent shore power, washing, shower facilities. if you were continuous cruisers, would you want to keep a car? Then you would have to keep moving the car. Floating Our Boat is another good YouTube channel. They started off having a cottage they rented out and also had a car which they ended up selling both and do some lovely videos of life on board as continuous cruisers.
  21. I agree, try before you buy. Also, is it possible to hire during the winter months so you get a taste of living on board in cold, damp weather and mud!? We are boaters all year round on the Broads and although we absolutely love it, last weekend for instance, we stuck it out in those storms but were absolutely shattered after two days of not a lot of sleep. Ive been tempted to go down this route, but feel in reality I’d want the best of both worlds by having a little house to go back to now and then. There’s a vlogger I watch who has a motorhome and him and his wife probably spend around 7 or so months travelling the country, coming back every few weeks throughout the year. That for me would be the ideal.
  22. That’s great news. I wasn’t sure if this was in place for private boats. Coltishall here we come!
  23. Yes, you had better hide JA! You are off the cake list buddy Luna isnt for sale, but arms could be twisted with that top budget 😉
  24. We had an outboard on our first boat. Absolute nightmare for us personally. We had a stern on mooring and worried about it getting damaged. We didn't get on with the handling (but we were very inexperienced at the time) and I was uncomfortable having to deal with petrol (which I believe Broads boatyards dont sell anymore?). This was our own personal experience and obviously loads of owners get on fine!
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