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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Finally back home. We went to Simpsons for a pumpout, water and fuel. As usual, excellent service and next time will be a free pumpout as we had filled up the loyalty card. £110 in total as we needed 60 litres of fuel. The traffic home was very heavy around Thickthorn and the Barton Mills roundabout. The journey usually takes us 1 hr 15, but today 2 hours which is what we expected. Fabulous long weekend. Now to start the washing while Selsie cuts the grass.
  2. Would love to but need to get a pump out , fuel and water tomorrow then slightly dreading the journey back. We are going to assume the traffic won’t be fun. We do, always our preferred choice. Been spending a lot of the day sitting on the bow looking at the lovely view. 🙂
  3. 17th April After the chilliest night so far this weekend we left at about 8.15 and made our way up the Ant. I still get anxious with Ludham bridge if it’s busy and once on the Bure there were plenty of boats on the move. No problems through the bridge. Had a bit of a shock when a large cruiser cut across our bow suddenly making their way for a mooring at How Hill but apart from that, a lovely cruise and ended up at Paddy’s Lane. Only a couple of boats when we arrived but now completely full. Plan to go back to the marina early tomorrow as we know grass cutting will be needed at home.
  4. Takes me back to RT’s diy sos days. 🙂
  5. Beautiful morning. Warmer outside the boat than in! Just about to set off
  6. Bit like Lathams then, only go in for one thing ….think we spent about £7 Im fairly certain the sign at Womack Dyke says something like , take your litter home and also mentions the nearest bins are at the staithe but could be imagining it
  7. 16th April I woke early feeling quite chilly but it actually was quite warm outside. The sun soon warmed the boat up and I took the opportunity of the heavy dew to give Luna a wipe down. We took Desmond for a walk and dropped the rubbish off at the bins near the staithe. On the way back we saw lots of youngsters all getting ready at Hunters yard so decided to leave earlier than planned as we didn’t want to get caught up with lots of flappy things. Pipedreams crew left just before us around and we decided to make our way to Fleet Dyke. The moorings were quite empty which didn’t surprise us as even though it was still early, we had seen many boats already out and about. We moored up at the end nearest to the broad and that was us done for the day at 9.30! We spent the afternoon sitting by the boat. The moorings soon filled up. Desmond enjoyed a bit of sun but then preferred to snooze in the saloon while we stayed outside . Huge change from last year when he had to be in sight of us at every minute. I took him for his afternoon walk to the little staithe. There were clouds and clouds of midges on the way which I tried not to breathe in. We had the pork chops from Ludham butchers for dinner with mash. So different from the supermarket stuff. Yum. Another fantastic day. Will probably be making our way back up the Ant tomorrow.
  8. Thursday 14th April Selsie and I counted down the hours until lunchtime when we were due to finish work so we could get an early getaway to Norfolk. We were on the road by 1.30 and had a really good journey, even Thickthorn was ok. We stayed in the marina doing a few maintenance bits and bobs. Friday 15th April We set off about 7.30, destination Womack Dyke to hopefully meet up with Pipedreams’ crew. A steady stream of Richardson’s boats passed us on their way back to Stalham. Massive dilemma. Irstead was free (dither, dither, no carry on……). It was a bit busy at Ludham Bridge but got through with no problems. We reached the Thurne and in the distance could see over the reeds that there were plenty of spaces at Womack Dyke. We moored up on our favourite end spot and lo and behold, Pipedreams crew came along soon after. We traipsed off to the butchers (because it’s against the law not to). Selsie got some pork chops, a sausage roll and a scotch egg then just had to stop at the bakery on the way back. Selsie got the last slab of bread pudding and I had a couple of pain aux raisin? (can’t spell). Thoroughly recommend. We had never bought cakes from there before. Once back at the moorings we had a nose around Pipedreams. Absolutely lovely boat. We spent the day relaxing doing nothing. Desmond enjoyed the sun flooding in. I decided to have a short nap which ended up being 2 1/2 hours! then in the evening popped next door and sat with Pipedreams’ crew. Unfortunately it suddenly got very chilly so cut our visit a bit short but a very nice time had by all. A lovely sunset finished the day off nicely.
  9. A really lovely evening and great company. Great to see you both today. Selsie is asleep, think the malt has kicked in…
  10. Will be popping over in a bit with the 10 year old malt 😁
  11. Lulu

    My Day

    Such brilliant news Carole. Now go and enjoy that new boat of yours x
  12. We have just arrived at the marina. May see you out and about in the next few days :)
  13. That’s way over more than it costs us to run Luna for a year 😳
  14. First one, the back of the Malsters
  15. Very similar to our Broom Skipper. Excellent choice!
  16. Lulu

    My Day

    I see she’s wearing the body suit instead of the dreaded cone of shame. It worked well for Desmond recently after his little op and glad we paid the extra for it. Wishing Millie a speedy recovery
  17. The marina is certainly looking very empty this evening!
  18. I read this earlier and signed up to the newsletters
  19. How far is the walk and are dogs allowed? We havent moored there thinking there was nowhere to walk to
  20. Thank you both. Back home now to a very overcast day. We were very lucky with the weather after planning this weekend months ago.
  21. Ok, its a phone issue as Ive just uploaded these from my ipad instead of the phone and they are obviously fine
  22. 26th March After spending a couple of nights in the marina, cleaning and getting the BSS done, we headed out with a plan to go to the boundary farm moorings but spotted a nice end spot at How Hill. The weather was absolutely glorious, a few hire boats but surprisingly not that many privateers. Wonderful sound of bitterns booming close by. Im going to attempt to upload photos but suspect they will end up sideways which never used to happen but lets see….
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