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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. So glad you are back on the rivers. Pity we’ve missed each other by a day but hopefully will meet up soon x
  2. Can’t say I was looking resplendent but hopefully Luna was 😂
  3. Just wonder how many of those lovely boats are still around. I also feel I need to get a bobble hat. Seemed to be the in thing back in the day 😁
  4. Brilliant tale, thank you for posting. Its been so interesting. Im always curious about different walks but I have to admit, Desmond and I are quite lazy and dont do long walks. Also making me seriously think about going to that little staithe off Barton Broad. If a boat was already there, is there still enough room to turn or would you have to reverse back out?
  5. I vaguely remember doing one holiday on the Thames. Unfortunately dad doesnt have any photos of it. All I know is we picked up the boat from Reading but no clue who the hire company would have been. I do remember getting fish and chips while we were waiting to take the boat over and Rasputin by Boney M playing on the radio which would be around 1978. Funny what you remember as a kid of 9 !
  6. Or watch the chips very intently ….
  7. This doesnt bode well for my score
  8. I don’t do Facebook so can’t see it :(
  9. Lulu

    My Day

    So happy for you Carole. Let me know when you are coming North and hopefully we can meet up
  10. Im 53 and not embarrassed to use our caravan steps!
  11. Ive heard bitterns booming at How Hill just before the season kicked off. Amazing sound. I saw one years ago somewhere between Ranworth and the Ant mouth. Last weekend, at every spot we moored at, we could hear cuckoos That definitely was a stressful time! Our last move didnt go well either. We got to 3pm, removals van outside our new house waiting for the keys to be told money hadnt been released somewhere along the chain, nothing could be done so we ended up in hotels, had to buy clothes and toiletries, dump the dogs at my parents and finally got moved the following Wednesday after having to pay for the removals a second time. The removals company were brilliant as we had left our medication on the truck and they unloaded a load of stuff to get to it. We got all our expenses back but what we learned was dont move on a Friday, pack a bag with essentials and dont move again. So what are we doing or trying to do 6 years on….. I have moved a lot in my time (ex was in the military) and one move went through in 6 weeks from start to finish so it is possible to have fairly stress free experience!
  12. So it was still quiet at Ludham. Has everyone gone south or something? I have wondered where you go if theres a queue waiting for the bridge pilot. Another thing that’s put us off trying but we really must have a go. I really want to get up to the Belaugh mooring as well as Coltishall.
  13. Luna is our happy place that is for sure. Hope you are having a great time on Hi Jinks x
  14. Jubilee Weekend We had a great few days despite the rain. It was just lovely to get away from an awful lot of stress these last couple of weeks. Some of you are aware of our trials and tribulations in trying to move to Norfolk and our planned move on the 6th June was replaced by a trip to the boat due to things going wrong with exchanging contracts at the last minute. Can’t think of a better place to lick our wounds. Friday night was spent in the marina, How Hill on Saturday and a very empty Fleet Dyke on Sunday , finishing up at our beloved Irstead on Monday. Selsie seemed to be the rescue person on duty. He mended someone’s engine (loose wire or something) and another time talked through a family who lost power leaving the mooring and were drifting out into the river. It was dual helm and he asked them where they had last helmed from. They realised it had been from the upper level and they hurriedly went up top and got power back. So glad we have our simple arrangement on Luna! Only a few photos as it was raining when we were cruising. The last photo was from this morning before returning to the marina. Finally some blue sky and a lovely view from the galley while washing up. We really didnt want to come back this morning as it was a glorious cruise back in the warm sunshine (had to have the heating on yesterday evening!) but we have so often had our fair share of lovely weather so not complaining. The wildlife has been fantastic and even saw an otter crossing Barton this morning and 3 kingfishers near the marina.
  15. I haven’t been keeping Luna’s Log up to date recently but just had an amazing nature day at Irstead. Watched the otter pootling about then suddenly just now a barn owl appeared, sat in a tree, then dived into the long grass and flew off. Of course this trip I didn’t bring my camera so excuse the grainy pics
  16. We left Fleet Dyke earlier where there were only two other boats and a few on the corner , St Benets, two boats, not that many at How Hill or Ludham. Now moored up on our own at Irstead. Feels very like winter cruising!
  17. I haven’t been to Wroxham Barns since I lived in Norfolk back in the early 90’s. Will definitely have to go and visit at some point. I still think of distance travelling around Norfolk as how long it takes to get to the destination by boat and then when going by car, realise how close everything actually is!
  18. Looking forward to the rest of your tale. We are out and about until Tuesday so may pass you on the Ant tomorrow. Currently at. Currently at a deserted Fleet Dyke
  19. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Went through the Wymondham stretch at around 12.30 today. Steady 40mph and no problems at Thickthorn either. Did get a bit snarled up at Barton Mills (the usual heavy traffic)and on the A47 near Postwick due to a broken down lorry apparently. Our usual 1hr 15 min journey took 1 hr 50
  20. Loads of clearance 😁If only we could get the nerve to do it ourselves!
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