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Everything posted by Lulu

  1. Lulu

    My Day

    Will be thinking of you Carole xxxx
  2. Its hard work being a supervisor!
  3. Will you be doing anymore Broads videos? Ive just subscribed. Really enjoying the other videos :)
  4. Boat: Luna Aurora Lulu and Selsie 2 + Desmond Dog
  5. Salhouse so you dont have to go via Yarmouth šŸ˜
  6. Lovely videos. Iā€™d come across the first one before. Really well put together
  7. Lulu


    Warm welcome to the forum:)
  8. There is something very special about winter boating. Now we have our diesel heating, we absolutely love it.
  9. The Sailing Brothers YouTube channel is one of my favourites. Ive been watching them from the beginning.
  10. There seems to be a recurring theme of getting stuckā€¦. Will eagerly await the next episode šŸ˜
  11. So tickets are selling fast. Are there any updates or is Andy T Boater still stuck in his coat?
  12. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/local-council/norfolk-broads-national-park-norfolk-coast-aonb-powers-8627884
  13. Lulu

    My Day

    Thatā€™s the intention for this year. Not going to promote myself to Captain just yet though!
  14. Lulu

    My Day

    Beautiful day has now emerged here at Stalham. Selsie has done an engine service. After a call to the JanetAnne emergency helpline when there seemed to be something wrong with the starter motor, all sorted, and we just had to have a test cruise down to Paddyā€™s Lane and back where I practiced mooring. Not going to say it was perfect by any means but I did it!
  15. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Thank you Jean. Thatā€™s made the decision easy now. Acle it will definitely be on Sunday
  16. Lulu

    My Day

    Congratulations Ray! Certainly was a stunning day for a cruise
  17. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Thank you Heron. We are at Stalham for the weekend. We often use the Acle route. Typical we didnā€™t use it today.
  18. Lulu

    Roadworks 2022

    Completely forgot about these and we were at at standstill for ages today. Absolute chaos with people getting out of their cars or turning around. Will go home via Acle instead on Sunday in case they arenā€™t finished.
  19. Totally agree. I donā€™t use Facebook or intend to and get so frustrated when itā€™s referred to for info all the time
  20. https://www.simpsonsboatyard.com Could try Simpsons
  21. The alert popped up šŸ˜Š Particularly love the clouds at 0.54
  22. Iā€™ve always thought the term is odd. Bathtubs should be full of water. Boats shouldnā€™t!
  23. Thatā€™s a shame Ray. I remember dad buying everyone a pint who helpfully weighed the boat down to get us under Potter many, many moons ago. We could have an NBN weigh in at Ludham Bridge šŸ˜
  24. Stunning photos. I particularly like the second one
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