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Everything posted by Cheesey69

  1. Oh the security risks! Card reader anyone?
  2. What must be considered is that The Broads is no way natural. After reading the many interesting posts in the archeology section plus history and personal memories the only conclusion you can draw is that humans must regulate and control the area. Whole courses of rivers have been made or straighten out to suit. I was amazed to find out that the bit that goes in front of the Abbey was in fact, man made. Trees growing right up to the bank? Not back in the day. Its like we are talking about the landscaping around the M25 Reminds me of the time we aggressively cut down the the trees on the side of the rail tracks. Got a letter complaining about the wholesale destruction of habitat until it was pointed out that in the days of steam, no growth was allowed due to fire risk and in fact , teams were employed to keep the sides bare of growth.
  3. Staggering to think how times have changed. My first hire still had gas heating and that was in early 1990s
  4. As a side note, a lot of the time it’s simply the tech is old and out of date. You may have a graphics card that’s worked well for the last five years but is no longer supported by its manufacturer and it’s drivers are out of date. same with software, still works but it’s 3 generations old I run a gaming pc. Nothing is more than 2 years old, Windows gets reinstalled every year, never had a problem the problem with Microsoft and Apple is that people hold on to their tech a lot longer now and keeping everything current is getting a serious problem If your keeping a proper back up of data then a reinstall will work wonders
  5. Up go the red flags for the future. As usual many thanks for reporting this. Your on my Christmas card list🙂
  6. Tricky one. I’ve seen anglers boats in all sorts of positions, pushed in the reeds, double weight moored at funny angles on the rivers and one swinging on a mud weight in the upper Ant near the split to Sutton.
  7. It’s all down to those bloomin electrons init?
  8. Also, and this is only from own experience, your going for 2 weeks count on a pump out. when I last did a fortnight and this was back in the day, I came very close to running out of diesel. For me and i really like cruising, 2 weeks was overkill and I visited places more than once and on the south side that’s a lot of distance. I think I calculated it was about 1.5 litres to a mile but this was the days when you had a dip stick for the diesel. Oh and towels. Always more towels than you think
  9. Toilet paper-the ladies must eat it. run
  10. Your right! 8 ton of boat is still 8 ton of mass moving either on land or water
  11. Hmm personally I think learning in a bog standard boat teaches you the fine art of control when I first started out the boat was the holiday if you get my meaning, destinations was where you moored up at night. so I spent hours cruising and learning each and every boat I hired Because I knew I was going to own one, eventually it’s the end goal that counts, I wasn’t running mooring to mooring, pub to pub just messing about on the water
  12. Homework at least for me it was. there was a book published back in the early 90s that describes every inch of the broads and had a section on steering and mooring plus I was a forklift driver and understood the rear steer principles. still made cock ups but it helped I went in off seasons at first
  13. Ok ok, in a nutshell so I don’t have to read pages of arguments what is the objection to a national park? i only day this as a toll payer and a long term holiday maker. My stance is I’ve been coming here since 1994, on and off and to be honest things feel stagnant and Indeed getting worse
  14. Hi Its my home berth and I’ve left my car there without a problem as there is always someone around as it’s a mixed yard with privateers down one side and hirers on the other It’s a very large boatyard well covered by cameras we used to shop for the week as you can always bring it back again also it gives you the option of staying in that really nice spot
  15. Probably wrong here but won’t raising The Broads to National Park level help keep the area in the public eye? I mean I work less than a hundred miles from it and most of my colleagues haven’t heard of it or know about it vaguely. However ask about the Lake District or exmoor it’s a different story Because if those funding cuts come it’s going to be easier to cut money from places without National in the title
  16. Made the mistake of mooring at how hill. Got hit several times but the most annoying was from a privateer who used a boat hook to fend off. Still, I could surround my boat with Bruces. ......
  17. Been there done that. so I stuck a micro switch on the lever and a red led on the dash. But what people don’t realise is that your exhaust is made out of rubber and that too melted. I also bought a cheap aquarium alarm that was set for 65 as 70 was melting point for my water lock. But above all, I do a visual.
  18. As above, raw water cooling separate from your hot water heating. The heating loop will convey heat from the hot water back to engine as it’s on the same primary circuit before the thermostat Your impeller dies then you really need to inspect your heat exchanger if you can’t account for any bits that are not in pump housing. I consider the impeller as a service item and it gets changed every year
  19. I used to get a strange disconnect when I used to drive my artic to Great Yarmouth going past Stokesby on the A47 then around the yacht station it’s like two different worlds
  20. I feel it’s the general trend to turn the clock back to before humans came along. Call me strange but acres of flooded land don’t do it for me. It moves nature away from me so I can’t stumble upon it. I used to love groups of water birds flocking around the boats but I don’t really see that as much as I did. How long before humans continued rubbing up against nature on the broads gets more erased and buffered and, here is the point, our boating activities starts to get really relegated in the interests nature welfare? Mooring spots removed, rights of way not maintained and wild moorings restricted by a very powerful lobby?
  21. From personal experience it’s not the army you need but distribution experts. The supermarkets. Sad fact the army is relatively too small now and when the supermarkets allowed cross stocking it really flowed.
  22. Point of order here. sweating sickness Spanish flu two outbreaks that came killed and disappeared and we have no real idea the makeup of these outbreaks. covid is not unusual. throughout time we have been battling virus and bacteria winning here and losing there (herpesvirus) most we can’t cure and humanity over time develop herd immunity. Also this was forecasted. It was a matter of when not if. Because this normally happens to those countries far away we forgot to be wary. Don’t forget without penicillin we died of toothache. This is the normal state of affairs for most living things on earth and I think covid has reminded us that we still have not conquered nature
  23. Totally agree. Our briefings at work state that outside exposure risks are very low. Ultraviolet and atmospheric conditions really hurt the virus as with most other. There simply was no spikes after the mass meetings and beach sunbathing. However enclosed gatherings are highly infectious as again, with other infectious diseases. so as we humans retreat from the cold expect the infection rate to increase
  24. It’s a bit like learning to drive from reading a book. There comes a time when you have to do it. sure, the handbooks handy when you need to know where the gas shut off valve is or fridge operating instructions. But that it ain’t going to help you moor. Not the feeling of it The thing is, your on a massive boat and the pressure is on to go somewhere, to do something not inch around practicing stopping I started out at the very start of the season in the smallest boat my family could fit in and over the years gained experience and moved up the year and boat size because I knew I loved boating and my goal was to own one on the sea and here. To others, it’s just a holiday, no need for homework or serious thought because that ain’t a holiday that’s work
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