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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. An interesting thought indeed.. and directed towards this forum... Equal shares - so at anytime during the year there could be a few people wondering around like they own the place. Policy meetings would be interesting. Easy to find 75 people round here with a spare £20k as we're all loaded but not sure you would get anywhere near that number of people who aren't in a permanent state of conflict with Yare House. Not a basis for a good business model. And as they say on Dragon's Den: ..And for those reasons, I'm out.
  2. I can't fault him. If he installed a manager he would still have ultimate responsibility hanging over him while on the beach somewhere in Barbados. He's had 20 years at it this time, expanded it, and it sounds like he has made a good reputation for himself and the place. I don't know him but I say well done sir! I would have sold up earlier.
  3. Some youngsters seem to have replaced "please may I have?" or "May I have xxxxx please?" with "Can I get xxxxx?"
  4. Damn! I thought you were a Dior stockings girl. But for the booster jab you'll have to get up early to beat me, Smoggy & MM now you've given the game away. And don't try changing; I'm sure you're image will be imprinted on the retinas of all the staff at the centre if that's how you turned up!
  5. Thank you Vaughan. Your post should be printed out in a large font and displayed at every retail business for all to see. I often mention Ms Rantzen when discussing customer service. She lit the fuse by teaching us all how to complain, but then she fired up the ordinary person's latent megalomania by inferring that anyone in business is a crook. Some people's favourite anecdotes are usually about how they spoke down to another human being trying to do their job. I've always found the best way is to make the effort to be a good customer.
  6. Probably because they would have to justify their actions somehow and let's be honest, if there were no accidents and they increased tolls to prevent them, I can imagine the reaction here! I think it's the compensation culture and as Pally points out, the fear of corporate responsibilty is the driver here.
  7. Thank you Peter, you never know, one day the boat may get that far....
  8. Same here, I wait in the car while Mrs R does the shopping (her choice, I would get it all wrong wouldn't I?), watching couples going in to shop together. At least they are now enforcing the mask rule, even to their own staff behind screens.
  9. Thanks again for all the pointers. On very close inspection I reckon it's actually veneered but extremely well done. By clever use of staining, with the line slightly offset from the veneer join, they have disguised it very well. Ah well, I have a lovely pair of quality tables until I need timber for a drinks cabinet!
  10. Yes, I went this morning dressed as you and got thrown out. They said I wasn't the first bloke from this forum to try it either!!!
  11. Just to repeat: when I bought my first caravan I was advised that liquid soap is better where ribbed plumbing pipes are used as bar soap has a tendancy to clog in the ribs.
  12. Just my sideways thinking again but: From another thread: back in 1975 there were 20 drownings in the previous 5 years. It looks like statiscally we haven't moved on. From another thread: Some people have been told over and over again about the danger of Covid 19 but choose to accept the risk and carry on as normal. Ditto smoking. The BA are trying to build a blame shield for future claims. 4% is just about ok but it's not the best example to show your industry. How many marinas have increased prices?
  13. Thank you all, I really appreciate the help. Tomorrow I'll take another pic or two to try and show the colour a bit better. I don't have Kodak standard grey scale anymore but I'll find something as a suitable comparison. I looked for signs of veneer and was convinced it was solid but now you've put a worm of doubt in my mind so I'll have to have a closer look tomorrow. As grendel says, I have two nice bits of timber around 2' x 3' plus legs and other bits. And if all else fails I have a couple of nice tables!
  14. Thank you, that's the impression I get, hence the question.
  15. Difficult to tell without nipping round to the lock up in the sleat and wind, so I'll hang on for a bit. It was difficult to photograph as the light reflected off it. The second pic is closest. I have a sample taken from the boat and these are darker than that but it's probably bleached. I'll sand some off it to have a look. Thanks for the reply.
  16. It was a live auction online and I only had the auction house photos to go by. They were described as a pair of Danish teak lamp tables. The tops are about 15mm thick and I wondered if they were any good to patch in the teak decking on the Denham Owl? After they've been through the planer/thicknesser of course. They were cheap enough but I wanted to check before I butcher them. Sometimes auction houses at a certain level can be a bit creative with their descriptions!
  17. Don't worry, nobody can get their head round that one. I would love to see BA's written justification of it. There is also a Winter Lay up Tariff which is cheaper, but for some reason it extends to the end of April so you effectively pay for April twice. Makes you wonder how many more tolls they would have coming in if they were a bit more flexible with the way tolls are collected. Apologies for the thread drift.
  18. Well good news today for all those eager to get jabbed: it seems the longer you have to wait, the better chance of getting a more effective vaccine. Another reason I don't mind hanging on.
  19. Well I was trying to be positive earlier but... It looks like there may well be the same argument going on outside of this forum which looks at the situation from a different angle; it seems that someone may have read my post from the other day suggesting a different priority order for the vaccines. Yes, they say age is predominant, over 50's. But there a lot of over 50's still in work within those groups quoted who may have a different point of view. They may point out the people who are well in to their old age and have survived Covid, and "youngsters" who haven't. I was working as a supermarket driver until I was 58 and I was not the oldest. I can almost hear the conversation around the tables in the canteen and it would be quite heated. I'll hold back any suggestion of the details of what may be said, but it would be upsetting on this forum. Mind you, most lorry driver's conversations would be upsetting on this forum! Apart from age, are there stats regarding smokers or others who have disregarded their health for years? Perspective needed. Stay safe and hang on, we'll get there.
  20. I wouldn't be too worried; it's been around for a long time now and I'm beginning to think that those of us who haven't had it must be doing something right somewhere. Ok it's down to luck as well but if we carry on taking all the precautions and using the same shops etc we should manage a bit longer.
  21. Approaching the Thickthorn junction - which lane for the stock car race around the island to the A47 today? Then Pozzik viaduct, as we locals say. It must have taken some of you an age to get along the old version of the A11. Apologies if you were stuck behind me around 2010ish. You see, some bright spark decided that fitting satellite tracking would catch us all sitting in lay-by's and improve efficiency. It actually meant that we could be seen breaking the 40mph mandatory speed limit for HGV's in place at the time.
  22. Thank you, that is reassuring. I heard that someone had been turned down for a Pfizer vaccine (before others were available) because they were on blood thinning meds. Maybe advice is changing in a positive way for a change.
  23. It's getting a bit nasty now. I had one of those calls from Microsoft yesterday from "Jake" who was clearly in a room with quite a few other people. After he had gone through the start of his patter I asked if there were other people with him and he said yes. I asked if there was Covid where he was and he said yes. I asked why go into a crowded room and risk getting covid just to do what he was doing. The answer was "I hope you die from Covid you M..........r!" I always string these people along so they have less time to bother other people and will continue to do so but just beware, if you are easily upset, just put the phone down.
  24. Not if I dress like you and get there first!
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