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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Under a certain large airport nearer to me than the Broads I heard. The rumour was that it was in case we lost the last war but it's amazing how logic and facts can be twisted to make a good story.
  2. Unfortunately, there are at least 3 households in our cul-de-sac that have flounted the guidance/rules a lot more than Dominic Cummings. I'm sure the same is so nationwide.
  3. Perspective needed: Politicians were all in place in 2016 and cygnus only involved a few of them. Even now, any politician could resign saying they don't want the responsibility. I think history will and should rightly show that the effects of this pandemic have been made worse more by ordinary people, not those in authority.
  4. I have vintage car magazines from the 1950's and in the letters pages people are complaing about the money raised from road tax being used for other areas of the economy while the roads were not properly maintained. Hmm. If that's still the case maybe there's a case for changing the way money is raised.
  5. I think this comment is political and I'm surprised it hasn't been deleted. But in the interest of balance: This is just repeating the same old stuff peddled by the BBC and other corners of the media. Anyone brave enough to put themselves forward (and it is a brave thing to do) does so based on their political principles obviously, but also with confidence that they know how best to handle things like housing, the NHS, the economy etc. No politician anywhere in the World was, or could have been expected to be, prepared to handle a pandemic. It's so easy to criticise from a forum without inside knowledge. And I shudder to think how any other set of people would have handled it! Ditto all managers and supervisors.
  6. ....before nipping next door to Primark to buy some.
  7. The idea is to get us all to rush out and spend our savings on electric cars. When the honeymoon is over they'll suddenly "discover" how to make something like hydrogen power viable and off we go again. Also, by 2030 they'll be millions of us still with petrol/diesel cars and more significantly, one vote each. I mean that to be politically neutral as all parties will be after those votes and they won't want to stitch us up. I hope!
  8. And I wonder what effect modern journalism and social media would have if ever there was another war. We would probably all just cave in trying to save ourselves.
  9. Just had another look and I would guess the marina are trying to get back some lost income. The phone numbers given are those of the marina but I think the person behind the auction is a friend or employee. Understandable as selling on Ebay can be a real pain. Who ever it is I think someone should have told them it's not a narrowboat. But then it is selling and I doubt the buyer would break it up; there can't be anything worth more than £73 on it!
  10. I was told a while ago to make sure I get regular exercise to help with minor health problems, to stop them leading to major health problems. From driving and unloading artics to sitting on my a**e in an air conditioned office was a lovely step to make but didn't do a lot for my circulation. A lot of people are maybe finding working from home means even less movement during the day. We do about 1/2 hour every other day and are happy to walk around the village for a bit of fresh air.
  11. Couldn't agree more. They will be forums populated by folks who either don't feel the need to express themselves and have learned when it's best not to say anything. Please try.
  12. Yep, I'm now beginning to think they are a lot younger than they look. I think they may be more like sketches to record an existing design rather than the design itself.
  13. I bought an SD1 just for the V8 engine, which I transferred to my TR7. Promised myself I would hunt it down one day; it went north and hasn't been taxed for years.
  14. It provides no balance due to the amount of times someone posts these "Look what I did" posts. It's been done before and would be better left un posted. If you think there is a "frenzy" on the forum you may well look at the amount of posts you yourself have made.
  15. How many are we up to now? "Look at me everybody!" What else does this contribute to the debate?
  16. I've just found a bit of a biography on the Clyde Maritime forum after searching "harold a underhill - wiki". Interesting.
  17. Good points. There are no specific dimensions marked so it would be difficult to build one from this anyway I would think. In the bottom left corner (not clear) it refers to drawings 790, 791, 792, 793 & 687, all being 30' boats. This was probably then a general illustration for a sales pitch? I imagine there would be more detailed drawings for the actual construction.
  18. What a shame that some people of this country seem to have descended into petty squabling over such pathic details. Wouldn't it be great if we could exploit the millions spent on our education system and work out for ourselves what would be the best thing to do for ourselves and those around us, instead of waiting for someone else to make a decision, then criticising. What a contrast in attitudes: some people have for a long time, been prepared to volunteer to give up their spare time for others (Saturday morning kid's football training etc), while it seems that a lot of other people can't make any kind of sacrifice for the community, even in a crisis.
  19. I so wanted to call this thread "Wooden Boat Porn" but I'm thinking about people in the future doing searches for information. Just like Vaughan, I was recently ferreting about looking for something and came accross this plan sheet for a wooden work boat and thought I would share it with you. I can't remember where I got it from but it's not a family thing. I think I just keep it because it's old and could be used for model making or something if I ever run out of things to do. Anyone want to speculate as to the age?
  20. Right again, which is why there is one permanently on the boat along with a set of screwdrivers, tape etc, all the common things which tend to get left behind.
  21. Used to be. I make endless notes now before travelling; 140 miles suddenly becomes a lot further when you forget something!
  22. Well there's a difference of opinion then Paul because I thought it was getting political. But then every thread which gets into the finer points of the Covid guidance/law is teetering on the edge of being political when it starts anyway, as it all originates from the government! I also think the amount of passion being displayed sometimes shows that some people are dealing with this situation better than others.
  23. They didn't have any wide berths available when I enquired. Would have been handy to nip round to yours when I forgot my drill!
  24. Just up the road. 17 miles as the crow flies. Bit nearer than Brundall but slightly more involved. Probably not previously owned by a famous actor or I'd be in. What3words: shelters.divorcing.topic - gets you right into the helm seat. Debdale is a nice little marina but quite remote for a low loader. The only way out floating is north through Leicester for anything fatter than 6' 10".
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