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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. Could be the frost preventing staff or the virus getting there. The news this morning said that some centres were not able to open due to weather. Surely you're English enough to know that two snowflakes brings the country to a standstill! It's almost encouraging to see a bit of normality.
  2. And I doubt you ever will. For me, the original article this thread is about, has no more credibility than an attention seeking social media rant. Click bait yes, but a shame that these days publishers stoop low to expose us to yet more advertising.
  3. This was very unfortunate but fair enough; we've heard about what happens when there is vaccine left over at the end of the day because of storage problems, but doing extras may cause a shortage and someone who does qualify could be turned away? There's always going to be borderline cases and knowing my luck, that'll be me!
  4. I'm not at all surprised to hear about stories of people jumping the queue and I wonder how many are true, given the modern hunger for rumour spreading via social media. They are vaccinating people so quickly that it hardly matters, given the present level of lockdown; we'll probably all be done by the time we're allowed out again. And now the news seems to be softening us up for the possibility that the vaccines don't do much at all. They don't seem able to say clearly the level of protection given.
  5. Unfortunately, we've had to use the tell-us-once service recently and I can confirm that it certainly helps reduce the workload and stress involved. Citizen's advice sounds a good first step though; someone or some organization you can discuss the situation with in great detail. Not a forum.
  6. You should have warned us there's a bloke in it wearing flared trousers!
  7. Good question and maybe a reminder is needed that we have all been asked not to phone up with enquiries about the jab, unless of course you have been asked to, because it jams the system.
  8. Blimey, calm down Peter, it's not going to happen. You'll be declaring war on Fredonia next! Here's your man: "Writer, angler and amateur naturalist. Conservation, environment and fly fishing are specialities. Gray's Sporting Journal (USA), BBC Wildlife Magazine, BBC Countryfile Magazine, Derbyshire Life, Fallon's Angler, Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Magazine, Yorkshire Post, Sunday Telegraph. Podcasts for BBC Countryfile Magazine. Photography. Story consultant. Communications consultant. Fly fishing guide on England's historic River Dove. (Contact for details.)" ................................................ Just a journalist then, and a fellow fisherman. "Story consultant" - creativity part of what he does then. So creating a provocative little article is more likely to get published, and the more reaction to that article will in turn, provoke more of the same. I'm not taking the bait.
  9. Talk of park and ride made me wonder how close Postwick P&R is to the river for "Park & Float". But then I notice there seems to be just a row of trees between the car park and the railway. Please tell me someone considered putting a platform there and it was rejected for very good reasons? It would give access to Norwich and the Broads. Just saying.
  10. Exactly, and as you most probably know, the same is true of the National Trust & others in the Lake District. I remember pulling into one place we had never been to before just to have a look around. The car park charges were high enough to make us consider the fact that if we didn't like it we would most likely want to go and visit another place to make a day of it. No wonder people look for places to park on verges and farmers have to deploy concrete barriers etc. Market Harborough is a lovely desirable place to live these days but back in the 1970's it was quite run down to say the least. Free parking was the answer. It soon brought the shoppers back in and the place has never looked back. It's not free anymore by the way! I'm afraid it's going to be a very long time before I get on public transport again.
  11. Excellent timing: just we have a pandemic for which we have no cure, someone proposes to crowd us all together on buses as an alternative to one of the best, most versatile and affordable modes of transport available. More places to park cars is the answer, along with more attractive prices to use them.
  12. I think the main message so far from this is that people will notice and they are prepared to come forward as witnesses. Thank you whoever you are.
  13. DIY at the mooring is exactly what I do and it works very well. I was also very lucky that it all fell into place by accident! The agreement at Brundall Gardens is that DIY at the mooring is OK unless you're going to make exsessive noise or mess, in which case you have notify them and they find you a temporary berth around by the workshop. At least that was my agreement but of course it's always best to try and work out exactly what you will be wanting to do and checking with the marina first. That said, I would be very peed off if I went over to sit and relax on my boat, and the bloke on the next mooring started drilling all day, so I keep it to reasonable hours and never make a noise if there are people on the boat immediately next to mine. Although last time I was over there (I can just about remember it!) the moorings either side of me were empty, I wonder why? And don't get me started about pressure washers! Extra care is needed when cutting wood as the sawdust can blow around accross the water and give you away. I wait for still air and always have the vacuum cleaner handy. And of course oil spills will get you keel hauled. As others have said, you'll hardly get anything done due to the locals but I found that a good opportunity to ask them how they feel about it and clear the air. In fact my closest neighbour always offers to help! I spent a couple of years looking for a boat during which time I came accross a yard on the Broads which seemed to have a lot of project boats with hard standing where you could do the restoration. Can't for the life of remember where it was though, although I've a feeling someone will be along in a minute or two and tell us....
  14. I asked the Nuns to explain this to me but they refused. However, one of the older ones commented that in her experience, half an hour was not nearly long enough??? ........
  15. The owners seem to think it's vandals. Emergency services called at 08.43. Blimey, your Norfolk vandals get up early don't they? And in winter. They need the guy from the original Italian Job to try and "blow the bladdy doors off". Should they rename it The Phoenix?
  16. Over 50s are most at risk from serious symptoms we are told. So a 55 year old delivery driver visiting quite a few locations every day is well down the list behind someone who has hardly any contact with the outside World.
  17. I've heard of a senior NHS worker who works from home getting the jab, and her husband who is over 50 but doesn't qualify. I've also heard of builders working in a hospital getting the jab, which I agree with. I'm surprised no-one has commented about the order of vaccine priority. At the risk of making myself extremely unpopular, here's my go: NHS & care workers - Teachers, police, firefighters etc. - Essential retail staff - Anyone unable to work from home - Students - the rest of those employed - as you were. I've probably missed out a group or two but that's generally the idea. That's my attempt at prioritising those who at most risk of actually spreading the virus. It puts me and probably most of you at the bottom of the list I know, but maybe we should put self interest aside for a while.
  18. Mirror on the wing, whatever next!
  19. Looks like an amazing place to work, under cover with plenty of like minded company? Sorry for the digression but is that a Cortina estate?
  20. Mine is by far Ewelink which is an even cheaper version, and probably says a lot about my good self! Controls the dehumidifier and bilge heaters on the boat. Saves me more in a month than I paid for the whole set up. Also, I can have look around with the camera but that's just depressing at the moment!
  21. No money at all: How much does a hobby cost? Don't answer. You have a lovely secluded part of Leicestershire with a private parking spot, around 1/2 to 3/4 hour's very pleasant walk to Foxton Locks which is nice day out (2 x pubs and the inclined plane museum). From Foxton you can walk further either above the locks or take the branch towards Market Harborough. Of course the other way from Debdale takes you towards Leicester, another nice tow path walk. When you get back to Debdale after walking you have this shed like place where you can sit and relax, keep a stove and have nice cup of tea or meal before going home. Oh, and as an added bonus you have the chance to slowly get the shed looking like something resembling a boat, which you could take a week's holiday in.
  22. I had two Ventora FD's, a Mk1 which fell apart, then a lovely Mk2 UBC 5H.
  23. BBC news: Boris went for a bike ride. Knowing the World's media would be watching and he was within the guidelines/rules. So over to our correspondant who is where? At home? In the studio? No, he's gone to Westminster to pose outside parliament for the benefit of us who may not be able to relate what he is saying to government. Within the law yes, but sensible? A good example? No. Then an article saying there were more deaths last year than in any year in WW2. Statistics then. Over to our head of statistics who starts his waffle and just happens to slip in, "it's hard to compare modern statistics to those of WW2". So a totally misleading and unnecessary article altogether then. Then an article speculating, no statistics, just a made up article, that after the pandemic people will leave the NHS. The point of the article being? As I have said before, God help us if there is ever another war.
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