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Everything posted by floydraser

  1. When over 1,000 people are dying every day I wonder about argueing about any kind of recreational activity?
  2. My MIL who was jabbed the other day has just had her booster jab cancelled but not re-scheduled.
  3. I thought it was getting quite political.
  4. Blimey it's confusing... please put the following in order of abrasiveness, if that's even a word: Brasso, T-Cut, cutting compound, Cif (Jif or cream cleaner), Vim, lemon juice & salt, your Grandad's flannelette nightshirt, and anything else found in the kitchen or garage. No prizes.
  5. Not a farce at all, only within the relms of a social media forum where over discussing something is quite common. The right advice came at Christmas when we were invited to take responsibility ourselves and not wait for the letter of the law. Then there's solidarity which seems to have gone out of the window. Anyone looking for an excuse to do something when the rest of can't is hardly thinking we're all in this together. Oops, sorry, I forgot; I was thinking back to a time when there was no such thing as the mental health trump card to play. Just me living in the past.
  6. I took mine, a mere 89 year old last wednesday. I think the checks are designed to be quick as they are trying to get through so many in a day, and but accurate to make sure no-one is jumping the queue. For my flue jab last month I wasn't even allowed to sit as they were trying to jab one person every three minutes on a Saturday morning. Standing up meant they didn't have to sanitize a seat.
  7. With respect, although the restrictions were relaxed we were also given the opportunity to take responsibilty for ourselves and the advice was not to mix if we could possibly avoid it. The fact that we somehow need to be ordered about with a set of rules and regulations reflects our own general lack of self discipline.
  8. Because they would be criticised like hell if they didn't; they would be accused of sitting back and doing nothing. We all need to be focussed on the virus and not seemingly obsessed with the rules and how they made.
  9. Special thanks for the heads up on marine grade ply.
  10. With this new strain being even more contagious I was expecting the recommended distance to be extended to 3 metres.
  11. A couple of ways to treat phone scammers: if you have time on your hands, keep them talking by asking dumb questions. The longer you keep them talking, the less time they have to scam others. It can also be fun. Tell them your name's Oswaldwhistle or something. We also have one of those desk bells that you hit the plunger on top to ring. One of my lads bought it for me for a laugh, the dome is 6 inches diameter. This is sometimes deployed at short range; childish I know but as I see it, the scammer has already broken down the barriers of what is sensible.
  12. floydraser

    Not Good

    I just wish I could nominate my place in the vaccination queue to one of my kids. I would gladly isolate for as long as it takes to get them all jabbed.
  13. I use one of these: https://www.aldi.co.uk/car-battery-charger-2019/p/099132311147100 Sorry it's not actually available at the moment but they come up in Aldi and Lidl for about £12 to £15 every so often. Just set it up and leave it trickle charging all day. It's small enough that if you are careful you can put the bonnet down if it's raining. Not as good as a good run for 20 minutes but a good stand by. I also take it when we go away in the caravan after I found that some sites want payment for lending you a charger.
  14. floydraser

    Not Good

    Another vote for Howdens. We went for an independant fitter who we just happened to know, then a tiler to finish. More expensive but very happy with the result.
  15. I enjoyed it more than most of the stuff on TV at the moment! As someone who makes videos for Youtube and does restorations I can see that there has been as much effort (if not more) put into the making of the video itself as the restoration. Hence the truly excellent photography and attention to detail. There is probably more value in the video than the bike. I've seen something similar with the restoration of an old Zippo lighter found in Vietnam.
  16. Loved it. Spotted the boat similar to mine being repaired; he was giving it quite a whack wasn't he? Loved the Coypu hunter: "...I ain' gonna 'urt yer". Bang! The old Marshman's accent reminded me of a forklift driver at Asda Norwich, Tony. I think those coasters would have frightened the life out of me. That said, wouldn't I just love one as a project!
  17. Well in an effort to spread a little optimism: Mrs R and I have just taken her mother for the vaccination. The venue was a large conference hall and outside the car parking was well marshalled with a one way system and drop off point for the disabled. There was also a one way system through the building with around 10 operatives doing the jabs at the same time. Very efficient and all very positive.
  18. Ah, smaller halls and a cloud of nicotine smoke hovering just above the heads of the crowds... the good ol' days! NEC prices are through the roof! I remember them shouting about free parking when it opened but I suppose as long as we are mug enough to go there.... Can be cheaper by rail, if you can make it out of New Street Station on the right train. Excel is fun to get to, an interesting place and combined with a bit of London viewing is a good day out from here. Plenty of places for a drink and something to eat. Southampton would be a bit more of a challenge travel wise and I imagine even more so the further North you're from.
  19. One vote here for bringing back the Royal Tournament. Wasn't it killed off by political correctness along with our nuclear industry and a few other things we should have kept?
  20. It may be worth having a look on the obvious places like Gumtree and Ebay but also Facebook have a sales section I think? Someone found me one on there being sold by someone breaking a boat for spares. In Norfolk too but I already had one by then. Although things probably won't get moving sales wise until the new year.
  21. Oh happy days. About 6 or so years ago I used to book a days holiday, weekday ticket for the London Boat Show £10, book train tickets in advance - £7 each way from Market Harborough. So after a hard day walking round the show and stopping on the way back to take in Tower Bridge at night, treat myself to first class trip home for £14. The only downside being the cost of what they tried to pass off as Guinness was nearly as much as the train ticket!
  22. Anyone interested in accents could have a bit of fun here: https://funtranslations.com/norfolk I used something like this for my book. Unfortunately they don't have suffolk, but it's all the same in East Anglia isn't it?
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