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Everything posted by PaulN

  1. This just popped up on my Youtube, no doubt lot's of you have seen it, but for those who haven't:
  2. Yes. We swear by The Pink Stuff, very low abraision and works wonders on the Fibreglass. Perhapd remove any hevy corrosion first, then give it a try. KM We have artificial teak decks, hope that fits in somewhere in your pecking order (tongue in cheek)
  3. Yes, saw that on the ITV national news at lunch time today, even had a video of the individual walking down the pavement outside. Lets hope he is caught and locked up
  4. JennyMorgan If your Genie granted you 3 wishes, could you get rid of this virus please, so we can get back on our boats
  5. Could it be the Otters? I have copied and pasted this from the Norfolk Wildlife Trust website "Otters will mainly feed on fish (40-90% of their diet)and will take a variety of species depending on the time of year, species such as carp, stickleback and eels."
  6. Yes, I'm always very wary where those steel piles are and being on a bend, you can't see what's coming either. A row of rubber tyres on them like they have on tug boats might be good.
  7. Recalling parliament referred to above is no big issue like it use to be when MP's had to leave their villas in Tuscany and return home, it's now a 'virtual' parliament with MP's sitting at home in any case, only having to switch on their computers. Unfortunately the government can no longer bring in tier changes and lock downs straight away, as a couple of months ago MP's on both sides of the house forced a debate to make it law that these measures could only be enacted once approved by the house thus causing a delay to any Covid response. Tiers 2,3,4 or lock down haven't mattered at all to my wife and myself, s we have been shielding for 10 months now and it just makes our blood boil to see the media cover of crowds congregating and broadcasting inane sound bites from idiots among the public.
  8. Really enjoyed watching that. Thank you for sharing
  9. Agreed. Well done all the Admin team The moderation keeps this forum very friendly and welcoming to comparative newcomers like me. Looking forward to a better new year. Keep up the good work please.
  10. Website working for me. I like the 'History' section with Clive staging a photo between his hire boats just like his farther in the photo above
  11. PaulN

    Boat Show

    The trouble is that if you look at Rightmove, a new 4 bed flat in the area where Earls Court Exhibition Center was, is £7m to £8m, that's why it was demolished
  12. I just have one thing on my bucket list!!! In 2019 we spent a total of 14 weeks during the course of the year, cruising the broads on our boat that we purchased in December 2018 and regularly eating out at riverside pubs. I want to be able to do it again.
  13. PaulN

    Boat Show

    Hi Broad Ambition Yes I'm afraid Earls Court has been demolished (or rather dismantled, they took the roof and cladding off then dismantled the steel frame). I always hoped the show would return to Earls Court, but before I retired in 2017, I use to stand on the platform at West Brompton tube station each morning and sadly watch the exhibition centre being taken apart.
  14. PaulN

    Boat Show

    The boat show was never very good after Earls Court which is now demolished and replaced with flats. Would always arrange to meet up with friends on the Guinness Stand, as did so many others. Walking around the first floor balcony looking over the pool, gave such a great view of boats below and added to the fabulous atmosphere we got there in the depth of winter. RIP Earls Court you are sorely missed.
  15. Thank you BA, that seems good solution, as I already have a coax socket outside
  16. Broads Ambition. Also, thank you also for your advice.
  17. Thank you so much everyone for sharing your expertise. JM - Sorry, but we already have microwave on board, really useful, especially when defrosting from the freezer so that I can have a quick meal and be ready to watch Spurs on my laptop via the internet
  18. Thank you CC, do you for example get reception in the cut at Ranworth BA Moorings, I have seen Lady Cerise moored there?
  19. Any advice please on which is the best TV aerial. The one we inherited when we bought the boat is an Ultraspectra, which I can extend on aluminium poles to about 2½ m above the cabin roof and have since added a cheap booster from Argos http://www.unispectra.co.uk/product.php?p=UNI-220670 Reception varies so much, at Ranworth I can get nothing, at Horning Staithe, lots of channels, at Horning Pleasurecraft Marina ITV1 only etc. I don't want to go to the expense of a Satellite Tracker, but would appreciate any views e.g. can anyone get reception at Ranworth BA moorings?
  20. Thought I might share this as it has been so successful. When this pandemic started, my wife received a Government letter saying she should shield as she is one of the most vulnerable, no doubt some other members received one as well. We therefore decided that when we came out of lock down (4th July), we didn't fancy going to pubs to eat, nor visit shops if we could avoid them and thought a decent freezer on board would be good. We therefore purchased a 40 litre freezer from ebay, which has been brilliant. It holds a large amount of food milk etc, which we bring from our freezer at home, which stays frozen in a plastic box during the car journey (the milk helps, as it's a giant ice cube). It sits on top of our engine housing which is amid ships, where I added an extra socket outlet off the ring main. It is very quiet, doesn't use much power and runs off the inverter if we are not plugged into shore power. It doesn't defrost if not connected for a couple of hours or so. Thought I'd share this in case anyone else is interested
  21. Hi TF89 It might be worth reading this earlier discussion on the forum
  22. We should be on board in March hopefully, pandemic permitting. We like to be there for our wedding anniversary on the 21st, probably have two weeks, so will look out for you all. We are on Bon Bon, Alpha 36
  23. Hi MauriceM I was an idiot who purchased a boat and had nowhere to moor it. However Clive said, 'I think we are full but bring her along and we will fit you in somewhere'. He did and we have great mooring, can even see the boats on the river passing by the end of the cut.
  24. As you probably know Kitti, the South Broads are quite tidal, you can see the tide line on the ramp in the photo. A step right at the bottom of the ramp doesn't matter too much when launching, but I would think recovery is easiest when near to high tide, to void any step. No doubt the key holder can advise in detail.
  25. Hi Kitti With reference to the slipway at Rockland, I copied this from Rockland St Mary Parish website Slipway "Situated opposite The New Inn public house, the cost to use this facility is £3.00. For details of how to get the key to the gate please contact Keith Saxton on 01508 538622."
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