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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. It must be nice finding places you like while on holiday and knowing it’s only a few minutes in the car if you just want to go again from home on a free day.
  2. Yet again, I saw absolutely zilch. I sometimes wonder if it’s my eyes that filter it out before my brain registers, as someone else in east yorks said they saw it. Cambridge had a good display so I’ve been told. We do seem to be getting more and more frequent ‘alerts’ in the UK and Norfolk seems to be lucky in that respect. it must be doing no good at all for Icelandic and Norwegian ‘Aurora’ tourism!
  3. If you’re still up, the northern lights are supposed to put in a good show tonight.
  4. Ooh, I’ll look out for you and Vera. I’ll be out and about with Finlay.
  5. Thanks for all the photos Jean. I know its only next week till I go back to the boat, but even so, looking at beautiful photos makes me very restless. I have 101 jobs to do here before Sunday pm, so shouldn't even be on the forum perusing photos but that's the way it is, ha ha.
  6. I saw it this morning and thought it certainly didn't look alive. It didn't ask for food right from the first day. BIrds only have limited energy resources and will always favour ones that will be more likely to make it through. It was a lot smaller than the others when it hatched.
  7. You’re more than welcome to join me Biker, starting from Salhouse. But there are far nicer boats to hitch a ride with than mine. So I won’t be at all surprised or offended if you go for a better offer. But you’re on the CinC now one way of another. it’s just flashed up that Grendel has replied while I type, so that’s probably you sorted then!!!!
  8. I would have thought somewhere like Ranworth would have plenty of witnesses to deter anyone going over the top in their reaction to a request by/discussion with a ranger. But a ranger trying to negotiate with a boat moving at speed while flouting regs, or performing dangerous manoeuvres, or pulling up to a lone boat for some reason (I can think of bbq being used on the roof by people with too much pop inside them an obvious scenario, which I’ve personally seen) would be more likely to find themselves on the wrong end of an abusive tirade or whatever and perhaps be grateful for the footage for later use.
  9. I could say Tony’s era then, but that would be cruel 😂 I have seen pictures of him seeing to the horses when ploughing, but by the time he was working properly he had a little grey Fergie with 2 furrow plough.
  10. Good that you managed to get moored at Somerleyton, even with a bit of a battle.
  11. Well, that’s ok then Mark, as I used to work as a shepherd, so am fully entitled to cast my clout!!!! I spent a lot of time traipsing up and down the scarp of the South Downs when moving them, bringing them down for lambing, clipping and dipping, up again afterwards, driving up and down the bostal (a track on the downs) on a Massey 135 when checking them. And sorting them when grading the lambs for market up on the tops in a makeshift pen and race setup.
  12. I think they’re getting quite popular on the canal network. A read of some of the canal forums might shed some light. I did see someone mention a toilet that you press a valve for one way for a wee and another for solids. Ok if you do things separately!
  13. I’m going to try Langley dyke moorings next time down south. You always make them look so enticing on your photos Mouldy.
  14. Doesn’t take long to get into retirement mode, in whatever form that takes, once you’re ready for it.
  15. Yes Helen, my oven is most definitely not the same as at home!!!!
  16. I think so too Malcolm. Good for you. I too think the year is flying by. As I was taking the dogs out this morning, I wondered how we’d suddenly leapt from winter to near summer. May is one of my favourite months, still having the promise of the summer to come but long days and often nice and warm enough to be out and about in just trainers and jumper (ne’er cast a clout till May is out - I’m sure it refers to May blossom (now) rather than the month of May being finished, as the temperature over the past couple of days would leave me wilting with a coat on). But the month will soon be gone once I get to the boat next week and forget the time.
  17. Or so expensive if you have to add a fiver to your visit to the shop, even before you’ve found they haven’t got any.
  18. I don’t mind being in a CinC, just not leading it please! (Would need to cruise to Malthouse broad first, to cruise back again). It’ll be homemade biscuits this year for the quiz unless I practice making full sponge cakes with the boat oven beforehand. I’m not sure it’s reliable enough. I’ll be around from sometime on Friday to help put up the gazebo etc Tell me a time and I’ll be there by then. Im looking forward to it.
  19. Were the Reedham moorings clean or still muddy Jean?
  20. kpnut

    My Day

    It looks like a clematis Montana to me. Or at the very least an early group 1 clematis. Not much needs to be done other than keeping it tidy. Mine tried to grow all along my washing line.
  21. Maybe there’s a space where a holding tank used to be, or maybe the holding tank is still there, just not plumbed up? Welcome and good luck, busy busy from now on!
  22. Many thanks for writing that up. That’s a long old drive home! I tried downloading it but my phone OS is not a high enough number, too old I suppose.
  23. I moored at Potter at about 10.39am on the Saturday a couple of years ago. That was good, being able to watch without having to walk anywhere, although I did go to the staithe at one point to see the de-masting action at closer quarters. I expect Ludham bridge might be good as you’d moor above the bridge and view from the bridge but then when you have seen enough, you’d be able to carry on your journey upstream. I did think about mooring on the side of the Bure below Fleet dyke entrance, but thought I’d get too worried if yachts were needing to tack near me.
  24. Head for Coltishall for the weekend if you can get under the bridge.
  25. The lanes round there are very small. Bit like living in Cornwall with large unsuitable vehicles trying to pass each other and churning up verges etc.
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