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Everything posted by kpnut

  1. Yes, I decided to. While remaining impartial as I don’t fully understand who was in the right on the parish staithe, the matter of intimidation occurring on their property is worth flagging up to them. I rang, left a message with the clerk/secretary and forwarded the footage in an email.
  2. It shouldn’t matter a jot what history the 2 boaters have. This is just wrong. And just fuels the ever bubbling problem. It happened to me at Womack Staithe in October 2020. I was on the pump out staithe and not realising there was a water point there, I needed to move over onto the main staithe to fill with water. I called over to a man with his two teenage children who were fishing on the corner opposite that I’d need to come in there for about 20 minutes. It was the only available spot. My friend walked round the dyke end to see to my lines as I reversed in. But the family just didn’t make any effort to move. I carried on manoevering the boat. I threw a stern line across to my friend as the wind was pushing me across the dyke entrance again and it landed on a fishing box. My friend went to get it and I was promptly told in a very loud shout, ‘you tell your friend I’ll throw her in the river’ (add expletives in as many places as you wish and you’ll probably still miss one!) This was from the teenage girl, while younger brother kept out of it and father just gave her a thumbs up. I was accused of wrecking their day out. It was very unnerving having my friend on the staithe and me, unable to do anything to help her, on the boat. Other boaters did then come and help and the family moved pretty sharpish. When the couple on the boat next door returned to their boat, and I told them what had happened, they said much the same had happened to them and the family just shifted down to the corner, whereon the boaters explained it was getting busy and they’d probably be asked to move again soon. We decided to stay the night in the end, as much to stop the family returning and causing the same issue to another unsuspecting boater. This friend was so upset (on her 60th birthday to boot) that she won’t come again. Being a hirer at the time, somehow I didn’t realise I could have reported it. I’m recounting this, not to start a string of ‘it’s happened to me’ but more to show the upset it can cause. I now usually avoid anywhere where I need to ask fishermen to move unless there’s a really good reason why I will need to moor there. I know I shouldn’t have to, but once bitten as the saying goes. I’ve missed the opportunity to moor at Horning staithe countless times. And if I do need to go in, I tend to approach really really slowly and try to have a bit of banter through my helm window as I come in. I also try to exchange pleasantries with any fishermen I pass when walking on the quay as I’m sure it can only help relations between the two groups. Some respond, some don’t.
  3. Hi Andrew, sorry to hear about your stay in hospital. I’ve found the vast majority of pubs etc dog friendly, at least in the bar area. A few places that don’t take dogs - Granary restaurant, Ranworth staithe Bridgestones cafe, Potter Heigham - in main cafe. They do have a dog friendly ‘garden room’ which I unfortunately find a bit uninviting and chilly. Galley cafe, Horning - although I’ve read recently that they are now dog friendly. Yet to test it myself though. Can’t think of anywhere else off the top of my head.
  4. Thanks for putting this up. I was thinking I’d pressed something wrong on my phone. Was just about to sit down with a cup of tea and sort it out. I’ll wait awhile and see what happens.
  5. kpnut


    They always finish before reaching a conclusion!
  6. My ground just loves brassicas Grendel. It’s had many tonnes of cow muck dug into what started off as virtually pure sand. They like it so much, I often choose to grow the mini varieties to keep them a sensible size at harvest. I have to individually stake the sprouts, otherwise they’d topple over. Only brassica that doesn’t seem to do anything is swede. And this year, getting pepper seedlings to germinate in my airing cupboard seems beyond my capabilities. I’m on the 3rd sowing now and wondering if I actually have two dud packets.
  7. kpnut


    Me too. Long story, too much thread drift!
  8. kpnut


    Seeing as I won’t be back on the rivers till long after the water’s gone down (that is assuming that one day it will do so!) my head says the bridge can do what it likes. But of course that’s not true, I care for everyone else wanting to get through it. I think the dream was more an observation than a worry. Painting of Sprjnger’s Retreat hasn’t even begun yet 😥😥😥
  9. You wouldn’t want to taste some of it! You’ve summed up the growing of purple sprouting broccoli perfectly. Mines nearly ready. Hope the disappointment bit doesn’t happen. Yum, steamed with a bit of butter and pepper added.
  10. kpnut


    On a lighter note re:flooding and cos Smoggy and Griff mentioned getting under the bridges on another thread - I had a strange dream about Wroxham bridge last night. It felt like it was in real time, full colour and motion etc. I was in Wroxham at high tide according to the aweigh app and noticed the bridge only had enough space for a kayak to get under. Funnily enough, it was Wroxham with the environs correct and folk on the other bridge looking down, but the bridge itself was flat topped like Ludham Bridge. So I took a photo to put on the forum. I then made my way to the Hoveton side to take a photo from another angle, all of two minutes walk. By the time I got there, the water had all drained and a boat going through was scraping its rudder on the bottom! And like Ludham, the cills were there, plain as day. No-one else in my dream thought this behaviour of the water was odd. So just goes to show, this damned flooding and rain problem affects us all in many diverse ways😂😂 Wish it was true though and the high waters would just disappear overnight.
  11. kpnut


    Same goes for the NHS etc. Wouldn’t preventative work be so much more cost effective than just prescribing meds ad nauseum to put thing right once they’ve gone wrong?
  12. Yeah I know Mouldy, but being a grower, I go with the horticultural /meteo one as it comes earlier and cheers me up better! I’ve survived the winter gloom for another year!! And yes, today’s rain felt pretty much like previous, with a touch of sleet in it. And my waterproofs and the dog got just the same soaking as all through winter. It’s nearly dark here now, or so it feels. But doesn’t it then make you feel so much more justified to have a lovely treat along the biscuit/cake lines once home? Sorry about the wrong bits copied on the next bit! (Smoggy first, then Griff was what I aimed for) I had a strange dream about Wroxham bridge last night, along those very lines. Will put in the ‘flooding’ thread.
  13. Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus i Helen a Graham, ac Arthur a holl aelodau'r NBN sy'n frrindiau i Gymru. A chroeso mawr i ddiwrnod cyntaf y gwanwyn. (Happy St David's Day and a big welcome to spring)
  14. Not to mention the staffing of it to get them through.
  15. Has been since October!
  16. kpnut


    That’s just what I have, and do too. 3 spares as there’s only one of me, (4on board in total) and kiddies ones when needed from Richos. Even the 6 wk old granddaughter had one issued to her.
  17. Any idea who the new “mine host” is ? On one of the Facebook groups, the rather cryptic conversation going to and fro between a boater and Steve from the Granary implied we might all know the new landlord. Presume one and the same, but if I’m wrong, I’m not trying to start rumours!
  18. Happy times await. Welcome from me and Finlay springer on Springer’s Retreat. No doubt we’ll see each other at some point.
  19. On first watch, I thought Mermaid looked rather a strange shape. Then I realised the first boat on the video wasn’t you!
  20. Looking forward to it. That journey from Auckland-my daughter did it in November with a 6 month old baby. It took her quite a few days to recover!
  21. It was fun with all those folk. For anyone thinking of giving it a go, there’s always lots of questions that everyone can have a punt at. Biker points awarded for ‘jumping the gun guesses’ and other things that make us laugh. Interspersed with a few obscure questions that have us all baffled. All done by typing in your answer before others reach for the keyboard, trying not to do too many indecipherable typos! Give it a try. It starts just after 8.30 once we’ve had a good chat, and finishes about 10 with another break in the middle to fill glasses, put the kettle on, do whatever and catch up with each other about anything that jumps into our heads. And occasionally the teddies are let loose when an injustice has been done 😂
  22. Ouch. Wonder if they had a little boy or a little girl?
  23. Oh ye of little faith. Water will be low sometime in March! (???) Has been for the last two years. Just have to be there on the right day. And if that prediction (guess, wishful hope) is right, I’ll apply for a job at the Met office.
  24. Well, Sam. A CnC up there then. Even I’ve gone under there, albeit there’s only been two suitable tides since I bought Springer’s Retreat, but ever hopeful.
  25. Just stay away from the edge if you’re going to be toppling over. You’ll have to cycle round and round the reception building, that’s far enough away from the water! Good on you for giving it a go, hats off to your new venture. The ‘jelly’ feeling and legs not working is lack of oxygen in the muscles. You could always wear an oxygen mask, or just cycle along with your mouth open, breathing deeply and being sure not to swallow any flies. You’ll be surprised just how quickly your fitness improves with regular outings. And yes, helmet is a good idea. I must admit that I hate cycling. It’s so uncomfortable. But an electric bike might tempt even me.
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