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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. That is probably one of the best analysis I have read regarding the pub trade highlighting the problems that hardworking landlords are up against. Very well put Barry and I think that goes right to the heart of the problem
  2. I think this topic has drifted somewhat in the inimitable NBN way However I think Peter's point is worth highlighting. I also agree about the eye watering prices in the Wherry as I've just experienced them first hand. But, and it's a big but, they were selling Green Jack and faced with Gloombar as an alternative I was willing to pay a premium. In addition we were in warm and comfortable surroundings with room to breath. We could also listen to the live band in the party suite next door the reasons for Pub decline are many and varied, Peter and Soundings have touched on some of them. I believe the pubcos have a lot to answer for too. However in spite of all this I still don't drink at home. To me a single pint of well kept real ale drunk in a pub is preferable to a crate of John Smiths or Gloombar drunk at home any day. If I had to resort to drinking in my kitchen I'd rather give up Long live the pub
  3. Wow, thanks for thinking of me John Whisky and cream eh? Not something I would drink personally but looks very interesting and I bet it would make a great Christmas present Not sure if Norfolk Nog is trademark as such, be interesting to see what Woodfordes think. Mind you they haven't sued me..................Yet
  4. Loss of any pub is a tragedy Peter. I think the key is on the Broads more than anywhere you need to be flexible, imaginative, adaptable and as long as customers are well behaved don't turn them or their cash away!
  5. Good comments from Paul and Griff. Pubs need our custom more than ever these days and some could learn valuable lessons from Phil at the Bridge Inn. They are doggy friendly and to quote Phil directly "we are a pub that does food' could explain why he runs arguably the most successful pub on the Broads
  6. Fully agree Griff. That's interesting as I avoid Facebook like the plague My guess, and it's only a guess, is that either new leaseholders will take over or that Adnams will put in a temporary manager. As I can't see it on the Adnams site, my money is on the latter but as usual I'm happy to be proved wrong They didn't have any Old on last week either It's certainly not the first time the lease has been up for grabs in recent years.
  7. I thought that would be the case. I can't see it on the current Adnams website. But in any event it's very unlikely to close as a result. As I mentioned its a food led pub, probably pubs such as the Kings Arms and the Sutton Staithe would be better bets for pool and darts. Dog Inn too PS I know Griff likes to play darts on his lads week so he may have more info.
  8. Is this the sale of the freehold or the lease Andy? There is an important difference. My guess it's the lease in which case the pub shouldn't be under threat.
  9. Hi I was in the Ferry last week. I thought the room where the pool table used to be had been knocked through and was an extension of the dining area but I'm happy to be corrected. It's a very food orientated pub. It's also an Adnams tied house. Adnams are not particularly known for flogging off pubs but again I could be wrong. Be careful of rumour, it's a bit like boatyard whispers. I'd be happy to make enquiries with the local CAMRA Branch.
  10. Look who I spotted moored opposite the Wetherspoons last week
  11. Hi Steve IMHO the beer in the Fur and Feather is rubbish. Its not run by the brewery, its leased out. Its more of a restaurant than a pub. Its arguably the worst place to drink Woodfordes beer. I have drunk Mardlers in other pubs and found it exactly as you have described it should be. I would say that Wherry is the beer they have mucked about with most, the Mardlers and Norfolk Nog seem to be pretty much the same to me but I would imagine they are brewed in very small quantities. PS my colleagues at Norwich CAMRA have spoken to Belinda and have been very encouraged. I'm sure she will do well and the beer will be all the better for it.
  12. As far as I am aware they are still producing Mardlers but it gets little or no promotion. Agree with the others which have gone. My own favourite was Great Eastern Ale. Replaced with Sundew. The cynic in me would say that Sundew costs much less the produce as I'm somewhat at a loss as to what is actually in it.
  13. Ha! Nice thought Iain but not that I am aware of. Jennings crops up a lot on our manor as it's part of the Marstons Pubco. It's quite good for a national brand and unlike Greene King Marstons have at least kept the brewery open. Also agree the comments about Mardlers. Rare as hens teeth. MM has hit the nail on the head - we do need more choice. The Broads is awash with Doombar, Wherry and smattering of Greene King. For a county with over 30 excellent small breweries it's very sad. That's not to mention the ones in Suffolk as well.
  14. Oh I agree, there are some excellent dark beers out there too, Adnams Old being one of my favourites, shame it's not more widely available.
  15. Some great news on the Woodfordes front. The previous Brewer was an ex Bass man and as such had a tendency to brew beers in that style. However he has now left and the new Head Brewer is Belinda Jennings who used to brew at Adnams who produce beers with more character IMHO. Even better news is that Belinda is a hop fan so hopefully we may be starting to get some Woodfordes beers with some hops! I've been trying the new test beer Woodfordes 352 in Norwich over the weekend and was impressed. It's very much in the Little Sharpie vein, not quite there yet but shows great promise. Fingers crossed
  16. Another option would be to time your arrival at GY just after slack water. At least you could come in to moor against the incoming flood. If we visit GY we tend to moor at Brundall and catch the train.
  17. Many thanks for your kind comments and good wishes folks, it's much appreciated Just enjoying a very nice pint of Grain in the Beehive, Norwich And yes, Bridgecraft are brill
  18. Aw, thanks Monica and all the best to you three too
  19. Sorry Iain, at Acle station at the mo. Will ask when back next tho
  20. Well this is the end Massive thank you to Stephanie and Mark for putting up with us. What a fantastic friendly, family run yard. Not used them before so very impressed Oh, and despite the rumours you may read in other places Mark and Stephanie are most definitely here to stay and the longer the better I say. Fantastic yard. The 2 ex Alpha boots will look stunning when refurbed too. Finally a massive thank you to everyone who has liked and commented on this thread. And many thanks to Monica and others who wished us a fair wind across Breydon.
  21. I have seen forty footers up there and it can be done. However it's more comfortable with a smaller boat.
  22. It is tight but with care you can usually moor without any problem. Just take it slow and steady and turn with ropes if necessary. I've done it loads of times and touch wood, never had a problem. Monica, sorry about the Poppy's gaff bit, just my silly sense of humour.
  23. Sorry Monica, only joking. Upton Dyke it is. And very quiet and peaceful too. You can't beat it
  24. I'd better leave that to Poppy, Monica in case I blow his cover
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