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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Glad you enjoyed it Neil and that you've been hooked! You can't beat it you really can't. Magical.
  2. You could have a point there Peter. I heard that Hoseasons quote socio-economic classes (I think that's the right phrase) for their 'target' customers. I had to chuckle because I certainly am not in any of those classes!!!
  3. Now I seem to remember that Carol did a really fascinating blog about the Church at burgh St Peter. I think the Vicar was called Rev Boycott if I remember rightly . I'm not sure how to do the link but perhaps Carol might spot this and help out
  4. Just to reinforce Neil's point here's 2 more at Ranworth and Horning. These were taken in December last year. Can you imagine it being like this in summer? That's why the Broads in winter is so magical. It was quite warm too, I didn't notice any flotillas of pack ice. Oh, and I moored side on at Ranworth as there were no other boats on the river but would have moved of course if there had been a rush on. I'm gonna miss Swancraft
  5. I’ve received a very helpful PM from a Forum member which has given me food for thought, much appreciated Very interesting thread this. I can certainly echo Keith’s comments that it is often surprisingly mild. The winter sun can be very pleasant and I have often enjoyed a pint outside a pub in winter. I was also pleased to hear from Keith that there are still a few hire boats around which underscores my feeling that there is demand for winter hire and folk can appreciate just how magical the rivers are out of season. I was also very interested to read Andy’s post which gives a very informative insight into how a yard operates particularly in the winter months. This does suggest, I think, that the larger yards are probably in a better position to offer a winter service with a bigger pool of staff available for call outs if needed. I’m very tempted to have word with Herbert Woods as they hire for all but about 8 or nine weeks of the year so you never know. I wouldn’t be particularly interested in hiring over the Christmas holiday and again take Andy’s point about call outs there. Having said that we hired from Swancraft for many years and scarcely troubled them apart from a couple of very minor issues – one which was resolved by calling back in the yard. In all the years I have hired in the winter I have never had a problem with batteries. Many boats now have LED lighting which also helps in this respect. It’s just a case of being sensible and bearing in mind you are running off a battery and not connected to the mains! I think supporting the local hostelries also helps in this regard. Very few hire boats have shorepower but again this is something I have never missed – Swancraft boats especially had such good heating systems that it really didn’t seem necessary.
  6. Aw, thanks Grace we should be sorted thanks, just need to confirm, so stand by for some inane rambling
  7. Hi Trevor, still November so still hiring, but they won't do December
  8. Very interested in this one as it is a subject very close to my heart. Also noted Neil’s original post and Andy’s comments with great interest. The winter is really a magical time to be out. If you are fortunate enough to own your own boat or be part of a syndicate then you can enjoy this time of the year. Sadly as a hirer it is extremely difficult. Understandably yards need to carry out winter maintenance and so will not have all their fleet available in the winter. However I would think that the tolls and insurance would cover the fleet for 12 moths so it seems a pity that some boats cannot be available at this time coupled with a loss of potential revenue. Royalls were always the winter specialists and for many years let boats out even over Christmas. However they have now stopped this and hire pretty much in the season. Herbert Woods hire for 10 months out of 12 but for some inexplicable reason will not hire in December or January. They are a large yard and well staffed so it does seem a shame that they couldn’t have something available which I’m sure could be worked around their maintenance schedule. It is true that Faircraft Loynes hire selected boats all year round and we have hired from them in the past. Problem is you need extremely deep pockets and the last time we hired from them we had problems with the boat which the duty engineer would not acknowledge and failed to rectify. Swancraft came to rescue and very kindly agreed to hire to us in December which we did for many years. These were some of the best holidays we have ever had. Crossing Breydon is seen as a no no but having done it numerous times in the winter it really isn’t any different to doing it in summer. It just needs normal caution with the tides and bridge heights. In fact the weather can be quite benign, it’s often worse in the Spring! I can understand that any yard would not want to be called out on Christmas Day. That is perfectly understandable. But why would they not consider hiring to people that do have some experience and are not going to bother the yard with preventable problems? Apparently Swancraft had a number of enquires about winter hire purely because of my ramblings on here. Certainly most yards are very suspicious about winter hire which does seem very sad. I am very fortunate to have had a very kind person working on my behalf so hopefully we will be sorted for this year, fingers crossed!
  9. Another good pub, touch on the pricey side but the landlord is keen on his beer and its very well kept. I believe the grub's good too but never tried it. They do regular live music. Breydon in winter is a doddle Alan, go for it, you know you want to!
  10. That's good, I could do with some tips!! Pub at Upton is the White Horse. Superb community run local. Excellent beer and they do live music too (plus bingo, quizzes and just about everything else) A real gem of a pub
  11. Def-fern-etly I don't think Poppy is going to very pleased with what we've done to his thread though!!!
  12. Well spotted Mike!!! Its all paved with sterns
  13. No sorry, the accents don't fit! if it were Norfick it would be Barrghton (where's Jon when you need him) Now up here in the land of the flat caps and ferrets WE would pronounce it Berrton For example telephone conversations in these parts are described as fern cerls and the head of the Catholic church is the perp, a well known fizzy drink is Kerker Kerler and so on. Nice flock of birds though are they starlings???
  14. You'll be fine Alan. Its been a very mild year so far. I'll keep fingers crossed for you but unless we get sustained low temperatures I'm sure you'll be OK. It is often surprisingly mild in December, I've been sitting outside the pub on several occasions in the winter sun. If anything it gets colder in January and February.
  15. That looks stuck Trevor! That is the problem, as I mentioned on the other thread you're usually OK on the main rivers but the side dyes and marinas do tend to freeze over. Swancraft told me that the one and only time they hired in February they had a boat stuck at Ranworth for 6 weeks!
  16. Thank you Grace, you are very welcome Its amazing how different things look in the snow!
  17. Grace and Alan asked if I could post some winter photos. Here are a few, I think the snowy ones in December 2010 are my favourites tho
  18. Hi Alan, it's definitely better down South for not freezing, more tidal flow and less sheltered. Having said that weve been up to Stalham for the last few years, no problem. It's quite mild now so I'm sure you will be fine. But yes, ice can form surprisingly quickly in sheltered spots. You'll be snug as a bug too by the sound of it. If we can get organised for Dec will let you know but would likely be a bit earlier
  19. Hi Grace, should have some more, that was from December 2010 in the snow. I'll have a look. Re the cold It is surprisingly cosy. As long as the heating works you really don't need any extra clothing. A good thick duvet does help though. We used to blag 2 from Swancraft and double up.
  20. Good point about Stalham, fully agree. It often seems to be the sheltered places that are particularly ice prone.
  21. Hi Alan No, very good question. It seems to depend on location, temperature and how cold it is over a period. To give an example, we moored overnight at Womack in December last year. The water was clear and temperature above freezing. I took a bit of a chance as I knew the forecast was for the temperature to approach freezing overnight. Even though it was only just near freezing, a thin sheet of ice formed very quickly. We had to wait a couple of hours for it to thaw sufficiently to get out as even very thin ice can be very damaging to the gel coat. Womack is probably the worst place on the Broads for ice as it’s so sheltered and away from the main river. Ranworth can freeze overnight too. However there is a greater risk of ice if you get several days of cold weather particularly long periods of sub zero temperatures. It doesn’t need to be that cold, as soon as the temperature gets below freezing, ice will start to form. Having sad that I have never known the main river to freeze at places like Horning, Acle, Reedham etc where there is tidal flow. It has to get seriously cold for that to happen. It is mainly in the backwaters where ice forms. To give an example, we were out in December 2010 which is probably the coldest winter in recent years. There was even quite thick snow. Apart from the places I’ve already mentioned we got around without problems, the only ice on the main rivers was a small amount of broken pack type ice at Surlingham and that is unusual. If in doubt; keep to the main rivers, check the forecast and if the temperature is likely to get near or below freezing don’t moor at the likes of Ranworth or Womack or Sutton. But don’t worry, as I’ve mentioned we’ve been doing December and February for a good many years and (touch wood) not been caught out yet! PS – I should know but where are you moored now?
  22. Hi Alan, just re-reading your post. Yes, Stalham can freeze if it's very cold, Sutton too. Womack is a freeze hot spot too (excuse the pun). Main rivers are always fine tho. Music, Coldham Hall have a live band booked for NYE other pubs worth checking would be New Inn, Horning, New Inn Rockland, Surlingham Ferry, Dog Inn, Sutton Staithe Hotel, White Horse Upton, Kings Head Acle (all known for putting music on) I'll keep an eye on Twitter as pubs often post events on there. Fingers crossed
  23. Hi Alan I wouldn't worry unduly about the fan heater, Orca's heating should be fine. We just run the heating a bit during the day (the winter sun is surprisingly warm) go to the pub during the evening. When we get back we just run the heating for half an hour. Then get under the duvet and you are as snug as a bug. No need to have heat on when you are asleep. Then in the morning put the kettle on, switch on the heating and by the time the kettle has boiled the boat starts to warm through. You do tend to find in winter, particularly in places like Horning and Loddon, is that the liveaboards tend to hog the electric posts anyway. I've been on numerous winter holidays in December and February and never plugged in once. Pubs are generally open as normal although the Locks has reduced hours and some pubs like the New inn at Horning have slightly altered hours. Pubs like the Swan at Horning and the Bridge Inn open as normal and are just as busy as the summer. Most pubs will do grub too although the Dog Inn, I know, doesn't do food in winter. The locals tend to come out of the woodwork in winter and we have chatted to many folk in winter who you probably wouldn't see in the summer. We have had water from: Ranworth, Horning Marina Services, Boulters, Faircraft Loynes, Moonfleet, Sutton Staithe boatyard, LBBY, Potter Pilots Office, Goodchilds among others. The water at Reedham is left on but they take away the hoses. If you have a short length of hose (Swancraft lent us one) you can still fill up there. Talking of Ranworth if it does get really cold, Malthouse Broad can freeze over quite quickly. As can the Ant above Barton Broad, Loddon and Salhouse Broad too. The main rivers are fine where there is more tidal flow. Just don't moor at Ranworth if freezing weather is forecast! The river levels can be a bit higher in December but not usually a problem, its just a bit more of a step down and possibly adjusting fenders. As other have said just take normal precautions on deck particularly if they are icey. The thing I would stress is that it not like going to another continent in winter! It's bit colder and days are shorter but otherwise its every bit as good as summer if not better. If I ever had my own boat I'd tie it up in July and august and use it throughout the winter. Enjoy, and please let us know how you get on!! PS take a torch for the Dukes Head as that path is a bit dark in winter (been there, got the T shirt) although I did do it in the dark once....
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