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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Back to Lastdraft's original post. Found another pic of the Lotto boat and it's little sister too! Acknowledgement to Broadsbeat as I nicked this from their Twitter feed hope tthey don't mind.
  2. Mmmm, sounds promising. The Bridge Inn gets a mention too, but who is Charles Coker or am I missing something?
  3. Hi Trevor I remember him. Did they call him Andy? I have a vague idea that the pub is/was owned by the National Trust but I could be wrong. I suspect he was possibly tenant or leaseholder.
  4. Bit more about this in the EDP. It appears Mr Hollocks will appeal against the ACV listing which is no great surprise. But I would think unless the Broadland Council didn't follow the correct procedure and given the weight of opposition to the planning application I can't see it succeeding. But you never know, fingers crossed. http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/new_hope_for_isolated_broads_pub_berney_arms_1_4280397
  5. Ray "Winkle" Norman at the White Horse, Upton. He was certainly a character even when he was younger.
  6. I've not been in the Berney for a while so can't comment re the service. It was closed the last time I visited. However I take on board Ian's comments, I believe that the pub is viable in the right hands but of course regardless of who is there it must be run with professionalism and dedication if it is to succeed (as with any pub).
  7. The pump out machine at WRC is on the left of the photo. Certainly looks easy access right on the river frontage
  8. MM and Keith have summed this up very succinctly especially the last sentence in Keith's post. If the Berney was allowed to compete on a level playing field I'm sure that it would be viable. Pubco's are very good at blandly claiming pubs are not viable, there are numerous examples of pubs thriving when freed from the shackles of rapacious owners.
  9. Hi Mandy Hate to be pessimistic but it could be difficult to get someone's turn out on those days. I seem to think that Goodchilds have a coin operated pump out machine. They certainly have a coin operated water point. It's a bit of a trip from Brundall though. Good luck!
  10. Could not agree more, our friends at Norwich CAMRA certainly know how to put on a festival http://www.norwichcamra.org.uk/festival/fest2015.htm PS - sorry going off topic somewhat
  11. Arggghh, tharse not wrong theer lad, reet strange lot!
  12. The Norwich beer Festival is one of the best in the country and no doubt there will be a mouth watering selection of beers on offer if previous years are anything to go by. Sadly I am stuck up here in the land of flat caps, ferrets and John Smiths but would love to be there!
  13. My colleagues at Norwich CAMRA managed to get the Berney listed as an Asset of Community Value (ACV). Although this doesn’t stop the pub being sold it does give the community (or interested parties basically) six months to put together a bid. However I’ve just been checking on the TW Gaze website and the Berney is indicated as under offer. It will be interesting to see what might happen. If Mr Hollocks had his application for a change of use turned down then I would suppose it’s likely that a new owner would too. By all accounts the current leaseholder seems to be making a go of it. It would also be good if Green Jack would buy it, after all they did buy the Locks when it was very run down and restored it to its former glory by installing an excellent experienced leaseholder and above all, charging him a realistic market rent. Watch this space I think......(with fingers crossed)
  14. Hi Iain I was interested in your comment about the steering on Sparkling Horizon. It looks like an Alphacraft hull. This is the shorter version of the 35 foot hull. One theory which has been put to me is that as the keel tapers ie it's deeper towards the stern. Therefore in the 'cut off' 31 foot version a bit of keel is 'lost' therefore doesn't steer quite as well as the longer keel. Out of interest was it hydraulic drive? Bit hard to tell from the brochure.
  15. Hi Iain, really sorry to hear that things didn't go as well, as you hoped, like everyone else I really trust you can make it again. Martin's idea sounds good, maybe best of both worlds? All the best Howard
  16. I would have thought that the hire fleet was actually expanding. New boats are being built and bigger ones too which would attract higher tolls? Granted yards are closing but in most cases the boats are transferred to another hire yard eg Swancraft. Wonder if JP uses the same statistics as Ray Hollocks (insert naughty smiley)
  17. I'd agree with that. There isn't really much in the way of alternatives and the Yacht stations are manned (or should that be personed)
  18. Fascinating video Carol, many thanks for sharing with us. I've done that trip many times but the narrative and old photos really brought it to life! Great stuff.
  19. Well done, glad you made it. In some ways summer can be easier if most of the Whelptons yacht fleet are out on hire but of course weekends are also popular with private sailors many who have moorings as Poppy has pointed out.
  20. Looking at Craigs database it looks as if they are Aquafibre hulls but been with BB since built in c1990 No knowledge apart from that, I guess with their size they have been popular with larger parties but I would hope BB have done the maintenance and would represent good value. Great time to be out on the rivers too, enjoy!
  21. Just to reiterate if I may, one of the reasons affecting the pubs viability is the expectations of the freeholder in terms of the rent as well as the asking price for the freehold.
  22. Hi All Been in touch with Lorraine, still there and no plans to move ATM - good news indeed superb pub
  23. Hi John I've not been in touch with Geoff and Lorraine for a while but as far as I'm aware they are still there. The pub lease has been on the market for a while but in the current climate these things take time. Certainly one of the best pubs on the Broads IMHO
  24. If you've not heard it look on YouTube for Santa Baby - The Norfolk Broads Version Done by Carol, it's a cracker! remnded me from Grace's post
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