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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Hi Dave Many thanks for the update. Would you happen to know if it's on a lease or if it's been sold?
  2. Gone off topic a bit but I agree with Geoff. I too can drink (relatively) cheaply locally. But drinking in a Broads pub is priceless when you are on holiday. Griff - look forward to this. One of my favourite pubs.
  3. Sorry just crossed with Matt - perhaps mine could be deleted?
  4. .......holiday terminated apparently - failure to navigate, or should that be read!
  5. A while ago all four of the MPW pubs were advertised for sale either freehold or in the case of the Bridge Inn, the leasehold. I’ve just noticed that all four seem to have vanished from the adverts so I’m just wondering if there have been any developments? Has anyone heard anything?
  6. Neil is right, eleven miles, Acle to GY. I'd allow a good two hours going with the tide, more going against it.
  7. Just to say as I mentioned in an earlier post, it's not financial issues, more of an running a business on small margins and having very little free time away from the yard. Also as has been said dealing with some very annoying customers who insist on flushing wipes down the toilets and then demanding late night call outs. I could go on and on. It's not easy. But please, there is no financial intrigue. They're will be very much in business for boatbuilding and repairs and services. As I say, when the lottery comes up I will be straight round there!
  8. Hi Iain I’m here! Adnams have been bringing out more new beers recently, I think they are beginning to realise that tastes change and they can’t always rely on the same old beers. You don’t get much of a choice on the Broads, its basically Bitter (or Southwold Bitter), Broadside or Ghost Ship. They do brew a light beer called – surprisingly, Lighthouse. I find it a bit bland but it’s a light session beer. They used to brew a beer called Regatta which was very nice but I’ve not seen it for while. Likewise Explorer is a superb pale, hoppy beer but as rare as hens teeth particularly on the Broads. Another one called Fat Sprat does crop up now again and is a pale amber summer beer. I do tend to agree with the comments re Broadside. it’s a classic beer of its type. I don’t mind the odd half but find it just a bit too sweet and heavy to drink in any quantity. My namesake – Norfolk Nog is similar but not quite as sweet I think. I can certainly drink that more easily as it has a bit more of a bite to it. But to pick up on Alan’s point, yes I think some of these brewers are getting too big and taking their eye off the ball somewhat. That’s why I particularly look out for the likes of Humpty Dumpty, Green Jack, Grain, Wolf, Golden Triangle, Winters and the many excellent smaller breweries in Norfolk who still believe in brewing beer you can taste! And please don’t mention Doombar…………..
  9. Latest news on the Swancraft front. Some people may be aware already but I can report that that the Swancraft fleet has been sold to Richardson’s with effect from the end of this season. This is good news, not only will the boats be staying on hire on the Broads but they will be going to another yard with a great reputation for customer service. The boats will be based at Stalham. As Richardson’s have been building bigger boats, and will be for the foreseeable, Swancraft’s fleet of (mainly) smaller boats will complement the Richardson’s fleet very well I think. I have OK’d this with Clive by the way! I think there may be an announcement in the press shortly too.
  10. Got to agree with Bob esp re pubs, well worth a visit. I've not managed to get to the Lion recently either so would be interested in any feedback
  11. Like this Iain Lovely spot.
  12. Done it also. Easy to do and doesn't take long. A very worthy cause, thanks for bringing it to our attention Carol
  13. Now you're talking Iain, that was a proper pub
  14. Quite possible I would imagine. It's owned by Punch and I wouldn't put it past them to use this as an excuse to close the pub and sell it off. Imagine what a prime riverside site like that would be worth :-o
  15. Would it be worth contacting RSPB or there is a organisation called Norfolk Falconry (Google) who may be able to advise??
  16. Looking good Carol, you've done an excellent job :-)
  17. Ah, sorry should have been clearer. This was a few years ago now. I seem to remember they did a quiz and then play your cards right after that.
  18. PS - did you moor at Ludham Bridge later on? We might have seen you when we went up to the Dog Inn but wasn't sure - 2 of Clives boats??
  19. Hi Andy Glad you enjoyed the Falgate. The landlady is called Annette. Its being run on a pretty much day to day basis as its up for sale and I think the Pubco are just letting her stay on until its sold. Slight downside for me is they don’t sell any real ale. However I have to say me and Mrs Nog popped in for a quick Guinness recently and were made very welcome. It is a proper pub, very unspoilt by Broads standards with many of its original features intact. Its always seemed more of the locals pub, probably because its nearer to the village proper and the Broadshaven has never been much competition. We’ve been up to the Falgate for quiz mights in the past and always had a good evening. its always good to hear positive comments about a pub. If I had a spare 200k I could even be tempted!
  20. Pic of the bridge showing about 6'4" The gauge is clear enough to see and mounted in a good position. Another possibility is that they may have tried to follow another boat with a lower airdraft
  21. That sounds spot on. The gauges on that bridge are prominent enough but they obviously didn't look! There must have been tons of pressure on that boat as the tide rose.
  22. Hi Iain I believe the folks behind the RS did show interest initially but pulled out, probably because of the work involved. You may well be right about the interior, not sure if its listed or not. I believe it had a major revamp back in the 70's or 80's (Carol would know) but not much done since I dont think.
  23. I looked in at the Berney too. Like the Lord Nelson I think it will need some serious investment although the pub interior looks reasonably intact. The shop I believe suffered some flood damage. Very sad and a difficult situation. I think unless someone can come forward with some capital and the owner can show some flexibility (unlikely I think) then it is unlikely to re-open in the near future. Problem is the longer it is left empty the more it will deteriorate. I've spent many happy hours in there and it would be great to see it running again.
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