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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Afraid I must concur with Dave on this one. There is no way that the pub is worth that amount. The report that Peter kindly provided the link for says in several places that the expectations of the freeholder are unrealistic. In addition the premises are in poor state. The whole situation is very similar to Punch on a small scale. I don't know what the freeholder paid for the pub in the first place. But I suspect he is desperately trying to make money from an over valued asset., it may well be he will have to take a hit on it. He's a property speculator, that's a risk you take. 15k might be a fair rent for a town pub with all year trade. A pub near me in Bridlington is being advertised by Punch for 7.9k rent. It's a big pub near the front, know it well. Only recently the rent on the Locks was 9k. The Berney could work with people like John and Tracy running it who have good understanding of running a pub and good knowledge of the Broads too. But it's got to be sold at a sensible price or leased at a reasonable rate. I think sadly we have probably reached a state of impasse. The next move is down to the freeholder. I await with some trepidation.
  2. Did there used to be a firework display at Ranworth or am I imagining it?
  3. Just to mention that John and Tracy ran the pub for several years. They did a very good job IMHO but it was the rent being demanded that did for them. Otherwise they could still be there.
  4. The problem is that the pub needs to be run by people with passion, professionalism and a true love of the Broads. No one is going to get rich out of it. You would need to live on the premises, casual staff are a no no because of the access problems. I’m sure that in the right hands it could do well. But I’m afraid that unless it is sold for a sensible price or leased at a sensible rate then it will only be taken up by people who do not have the necessary experience coupled with a proper understanding of the business. People with the real skills needed will not be attracted as things stand at the moment. It’s a very difficult situation and I sincerely hope it doesn’t end in tears. This is all in my very humble opinion of course.
  5. One, if not the main, problem with viability is the expectations of the freeholder. You can't apply the Punch rent model to the Berney, a little flexibility is needed. For example at one time the rent on the Berney was TWICE that of the Locks. (not the same owner obviously)
  6. Great news. Coupled with a successful ACV application Mr Hollocks will not be a happy camper. However I await his next move with some trepidation........(property developer) :-0
  7. Sorry John, picked this up via Twitter (via Humpty Dumpty) but otherwise not heard of it before. Pity it was not more widely advertised :-(
  8. Apologies if this has been mentioned before and also it's very short notice. Apparently Reedham Ferry are holding a Ferryfest Music Festival from 11th to 13th September. Don't know any further details although it looks as if some Humpty Dumpty beer will be available
  9. Good news is that Norwich CAMRA have got the Berney listed as an ACV (Asset of Community Value) This hopefully will give it some protection but I suspect the freeholder will not be too chuffed, watch this space I think.
  10. Ha!!!! Proud to be a Yorkshireman today (and any day come to that)
  11. Thanks Monica, nice idea but can't do it, it's Kingston Communications or nothing, Grrrrrrrrr....:-( Should live in Norfolk PS forgot to say we normally only do a bit of browsing so our normal allocation is plenty, it's just knocked itbover with this Windows thing. Thanks forthe suggestion though
  12. Thanks for the advice folks, much appreciated. The spikes seem to have settled down now so this would tie in with what Jonathan has said ie hopefully Windows 10 has done it's stuff, so the advice to leave well alone sounds good to me. I'll let Mrs Nog have a look when she gets in as shes much more computer savvy than me (doesn't take much) We've just gone into our next charging period for the broadband and up now all seems OK touch wood. I'll keep a close eye on it. Sadly we live in the only place in the country where one Internet provider has a monopoly and we can't go anywhere else :-( Thanks again for you advice everyone
  13. We have recently had some huge unexplained spikes in our broadband usage over the last month and Mrs Nog is not a happy camper (she pays the bill) I made some enquiries at our friendly local computer shop and they informed me (if I have got this right) that Microsoft are surreptitiously downloading Windows 10 onto everyone’s computer whether they want it or not. Apparently it sits in the background waiting for you to activate it. I don’t want windows 10 and am quite happy to stick with Windows 7 which I understand will be supported until 2020. Is there any way that I can :- A - get rid of Windows 10 from my computer and B - block any Windows 10 activity whilst still receiving Windows 7 updates? I know that you can turn off automatic updates but would still need the Windows 7 ones. Hope this makes sense. Any advice would be much appreciated.
  14. Hi John I'm not jealous of course. Many thanks for the update. I'm assuming its the same folks who have been in since the Spring? We popped in during May and were very impressed. Good to see that they have now got TWO Green Jack's on, superb stuff - they just had the Trawlerboys earlier which was excellent. Jenny Morgan is a lovely beer, I've not seen it that often, so look forward to trying it again.
  15. New Inn is an interesting thought Iain. The other side of the river would look right certainly. I just can't recall what the pub garden was like. Kings Head is another good thought although I think there may be too may trees to be Wroxham?
  16. Hmm, river looks a bit narrow for Surlingham? Also looks to be houseboats in the background? I did wonder if it could be the Swan at Horning. The front garden was all grassed years ago. But there again I could be wrong
  17. It would be good to find out where it has gone. One for Monica perhaps?
  18. Some very good observations there from folks who know their stuff, agree entirely 
  19. Hopefully this one won't be a Co-op :-( 30k is a fairly hefrty rent. Looks to have been very food led in the past. Barrelegae turnover looks to be down year on year. Inertersting to se how this pans out.
  20. Ouch! Just seen this one on Twitter BB possibly?
  21. There’s an advert out by local estate agents TW Gaze for a pub which looks remarkably like the Ship at South Walsham to me. They have it down as NORTH Walsham but never trust an estate agent with an accurate description. The same agents that were handling the sale of the Berney I do believe. http://www.twgaze.co.uk/licensed-trade/property-search/ I’m not registered with them so I can’t get any more info. At this price its leasehold obviously. I don’t go in there that much now since it became a gastro pub although I believe the grub is good. I used to like it when Kim and Giles had the pub and it had a lovely beer garden before the present operators dug it up to make a car park. Anyone got any more info?
  22. That's interesting Do please keep us posted!
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