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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I'm inclined to agree with Geoff. Other problem is yards probably wouldn't have time to examine every boat in detail for example underwater damage may not be picked up immediately. I've even heard of hirer's bodging fibreglass with plastercine and spraying it with white paint. The damage waiver is quick and easy to administer and probably saves a lot of argument with hirer's eg how do you estimate the value of damage on the spot?? Just my 2p
  2. Wow, fag paper job indeed All the more skillful navigating with a longer craft too I would imagine. Top job.
  3. Another superb comment, an extract of which puts it better than I could ever hope to: Many Broads pubs can and do survive largely on trade during the summer season, provided that the premises costs, capital or rental, are reasonable. There is good reason to suppose that the capital value and tenancy rental attached to the premises by the current owner are higher than can be justified by the likely trade and do not fully reflect the access problems. Unrealistic premises costs should not be a reason for claiming the pub to be unviable and so justify its conversion to a dwelling house. Excellent comment IMHO
  4. NorfolkNog

    popped in

    Wondered where you'd gone, good to hear from you Jon and glad u keeping busy and business with boots is good! :-)
  5. Hi Mark As I understand it the pub has been taken over by the same outfit who have the Rising Sun at Coltishall among others. There's always rumour and counter rumour. Problem is the pub is in a bit of a sorry state and will take a lot of work to get it going again. It was completely stripped (I took this photo a couple of months ago). If it were Wetherspoons it would probably be open again in few weeks. However my guess is the work is progressing at a leisurely pace and based on current progress I really can't see it opening this season. I think Christmas would be more likely. It's possible the work is not getting priority which could explain why not much seems to be happening. They can't be paying rent on it, so I would guess that Wellington have either sold it or have suspended payments. All this is conjecture of course and someone more local may have better info.
  6. According to the Twitter feed Potter Heigham Bridge was showing 5'11" today.
  7. Some very good objections have been added. One in particular has hit the nail squarely on the head in a most succinct manner The freeholder claims it cannot be a viable business. He is the one that sets the rent and thereby directly affects the viability of the business. That is the crux of the problem IMHO
  8. If we are all thinking along the same lines (which I think we are) then hopeful indeed.
  9. Go on, I'm always up for a laugh. I'm on the extreme right, circa 1974. Grace's mum was still very young then
  10. I have an inkling where you are coming from. It will be interesting to see what happens, please keep us posted!
  11. Hi Andy Sorry, just caught up with this, no, not in the slightest Just seen via Fleurets website that the Falgate is sold subject to contract. It will be interesting to see what happens, I just hope it continues as a pub. Wonder what will happen to Annette?
  12. Some good suggestions there Keith. The Crown is one pub I have never been able to get to so that gives me some ideas.
  13. This is a sports type cruiser, sister ship to Camero from Sabena Marine which we hired a few years ago. They are lovely boats and easy to handle but as others have said they are quite compact so space is a bit limited. The advice about using folding type bags is sound too. Have a good one!
  14. The freeholders submission makes interesting reading. As expected it claims the business is not viable including some strange assertions including most hire craft are too large to pass Great Yarmouth! Reality is that thre asking price is unrealistic and that previous tenants have been charged such high rents that they had little prospect of making it pay. At one point the rent being charged was twice that of the Locks. Good objection responses already including one from my colleagues from Norwich CAMRA and I suspect a certain forum member
  15. Thanks for the update Alan. Green Jack involvement sounds good news indeed. It does sound however that rhe freeholder still retains ownership of both premises and here lies the rub I suspect.However fingers crossed for both. I will certainly object if I can.
  16. Well spotted Peter. It would not surprise me, as sadly is all too often the case, that the pub is run down in an effort to claim it is unviable. I also believe that the freeholder was trying to do the same with the Beauchamp a while back. I would also urge folks to object.
  17. Good news indeed. Plus Green Jack Waxwing is a superb beer (IMHO of course) :-)
  18. I agree with Marshman, all the suggestions are very good friendly places but for special guests the Norfolk Mead would tick all the boxes IMHO. Patronised by royalty too. I do believe
  19. Peter's last sentence is a telling one and right to the crux of the matter.
  20. Alan, I'd be most interested to know!
  21. Must agree with Alan here, I am indeed a big fan of Green Jack beers, they brew some superb stuff. However I am quite intrigued about the situation with Green Jack and possibly Alan or Keith might be able to clarify. As far as I know the Berney and the Beauchamp are owned by the same person. Now I am wondering if Green Jack have entered into some sort of agreement with him. I would be rather surprised if they have bought both pubs. I believe the disposal of the Locks and the Stanford Arms was as a result of a recent divorce settlement. Its good to see such quality beers on the Broads – Trawlerboys was also on sale at the New Inn, Rockland recently, not sure if its still on. I shall watch developments with interest!
  22. Ribs of Beef. Fine pub indeed. I'm not jealous of course...... Mooring outside too. Now that's what I call style
  23. Hi SwanR Really enjoying your holiday tale, many thanks for sharing with us. We hired SR2 this year too in mid May. It is a superb boat, just such a shame that Swancraft are stopping hiring, we will miss them. Any piccies?
  24. Thanks Dave, thought that was the most likely scenario!
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