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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Brilliant photos Carol, many thanks for sharing with us. Love the one with the parasols, looks like they had all been to the Shed
  2. Thanks Ian, I'll print that off and show it to my Dad, he'll be very interested. He is having a think about it, as he hired a number of yachts over this period. I do have memories of me pushing the yacht along in a dinghy with an outboard. Happy days. If my dad can come up with any other related photos I'll certainly post them. Might take a week or two though before I see him next.
  3. Hi Carol It's worth a try. I'd be very interested to see one. I've a feeling it (the pub) used to advertise in the little booklets thats Blakes used to give out, as i think it was voted best Broadland small pub at one point. I would agree with the dates on the Norfolk pubs site, I think they are a bit there and there abouts, so it sounds quite feasible. Well done Sherlock!!
  4. Lakesailored! Sorry Carol. This is the recent one. The canopy bit on the front is new but the windows do look right and of course it fronts on to the road. Used to be a nice little pub, I remember going in.
  5. Hi Carol I have a photo of the Eagle now its a private house not as good as a pub one, but the windows may be similar, I'll have a look.....
  6. What a transformation! Brilliant stuff
  7. Hmmm, interesting one. The brickwork looks quite old, i.e. the bricks seem smaller. The pub does look quite similar to Sutton but as Carol has mentioned the window is either missing or obscured in the old photo which is odd. I would agree, I don’t think its Catfield although the brickwork is very similar. Geoff has mentioned the Lion at West Somerton (pic attached) but I don’t think its there. Going through Carol’s itinerary, I wondered if it could be the Anchor at Coltishall? I don’t believe it’s the Maltsters, nor the Ship at South Walsham and I doubt it’s the Kings Arms but have also attached a pic of this pub. Don’t think its Hickling or Horning either! Have also attached a pic of the Bell, again the brickwork looks right but not the windows. I've also attached a pic of the Ship but as pointed out, this has brick bays which are probably original. I think the bike is bit of red herring, probably nothing to do with the jolly crew! A very interesting challenge!!
  8. Hi Mark Yes! Someone will be along no doubt with exact figures but if you run at half or quarter throttle you will save a lot of fuel. ps I don't think you should need to top up. Have a great time!!! And please report back!!
  9. In response to Ian, have found one more pic of the yacht. I've been in touch with my Dad to see if he has any more. If he has, I'll post on a new thread. That's me in the pic! Humble apologies to Neil for invading his thread, I'll post any more separately.
  10. Looking at a modern photo of the Sutton Staithe Hotel, the frontage does look similar although it looks to me as if the door is nearer to the window in the old photo although this could be due to the angle at which it is taken. Windows look a bit different too, although they may have been replaced......
  11. I would go for Sutton Staithe as well. I'm sure that someone posted an old pic very similar a while back, might have been Barry (Springsong)???
  12. Selling out of hours Jill, even in the 1930's!!
  13. That's brilliant, thanks Carol! It has not changed much at all from the early 1900's - I understand that some of the ground floor was taken up with living accommodation originally but most of the structure must be 100 years old plus.
  14. Hi All I’m trying to find some info about the history of the Dog Inn. Looking at the Norfolk pubs database it looks to date back at least 200 years. http://www.norfolkpubs.co.uk/norfolkl/ludham/ludhdi.htm Like many pubs it has been extended many times over the years and I would love to find out which bit is the original pub and when the various extensions were added. Attached is an aerial photo (sorry about the flash burn) and one of the pub as it is now. I am guessing the original part is possibly the section in the middle with the chimney at each end but could be wrong. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  15. Hi Mark Hmmm, does seem a little steep. For example I have had 2 weeks on the Broads out of Brundall, covered the whole network North and South and used 100 litres of fuel. Generally boats should have enough fuel on board for a fortnight, touch wood, I have never had to top up!! Going with the tides can make a tremendous difference, particularly through Yarmouth and on the lower Bure, Waveney and Yare. Punching a strong tide can gobble up fuel. Most boats are now fitted with warm air heating and this also uses diesel fuel, I was once told about half to three quarters of a litre per hour but I could be wrong! I think a hire boat would typically hold around 40 gallons or 200 litres approx. I was also once told that a hydraulic drive will use more fuel than a shaft drive, but again I could be wrong!! Have a great holiday and I’m sure you won’t use £280 of fuel, I would have thought half that figure would be nearer the mark. Good luck!!
  16. Hi Neil Might have a go over the weekend if I get a few minutes. Could be a bit boring though, lot of time spent in pubs
  17. Spotted!!! Just shows you can’t get away with anything on the Broads If you look carefully you can see the logo in the window. Yes, thanks all, had a fantastic time. There were a few boats around as I think it was also half term week. DRL had quite a few out as did Faircraft Loynes and saw a couple of Herbert Woods as well as the odd private boat. Also saw a couple of Freedom boats out too. We were careful about the ice; Malthouse Broad was frozen at one stage although we took a chance after looking at the forecast and moored there on Friday night. It didn’t freeze but it was a close thing. Womack was frozen on Monday morning but we rang Darren as soon as we hit the ice. He asked us to carry on but take it slowly which we did. They have taken over much of the old Sabena fleet (we hired one of the Cameros a few years back). Funnily enough the sister boat to Fine Time (Caprice) is up for sale at Waterside. Spent a bit of time studying my bank balance but came to the sad conclusion I could probably only afford the fenders. But, yes, great service from DRL, very pleased.
  18. We were looking out for a boat to hire in February for Mrs Nog’s birthday and speaking to Lorraine at the excellent Dog Inn, she said why not try DRL? So we spoke to Darren who was most helpful and we arranged to hire Fine Time last week. Very comfortable craft for two based on an Alpha hull and fitted out in what I can only describe as retro romantic, someone has obviously put a lot of thought into the design. The boat performed well and we were very pleased with it. Huge newly fitted out bathroom as well. Great service from Darren and the team, Darren's dad even picked us up and returned us to Hoveton as we had come down on the train. We had a brilliant holiday. Highly recommended.
  19. Not trying to hi-jack Neil's thread of course but assuming it is Thurne here is a very old picture of yours truly in much the same position.
  20. Ah, that explains it. Now where did I put that spare 42 grand Royalls as well Poppy!!! http://www.royallsboatyard.com/about
  21. Was that the Alpha 42 footer Pete? I think I saw one for sale on their boat sales website but could be wrong. Its not there now.
  22. Hi Mark This photo is taken in the opposite direction to Terry's (ie looking out of the dyke) and shows how it widens as Clive has said. At a pinch you might be able to turn the boat on ropes in the dyke itself, its a reasonable width. The other 'leg' at Geldeston goes to the village and Wherry pub. Again its quite narrow but opens into a 'pool' just before Rowancraft where you can turn a 40 footer.
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