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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Hi John Thanks, that would explain it. Came through Wroxham Bridge earlier and had loads of room!
  2. Certainly did Niel!!! I'm in the Bridge Inn using threir free wifi and Mrs Nogs dongly thing
  3. For those who yearn to get through 'that bridge' there was just short of 7 feet clearance at lunchtime today. I think someone has pulled the plug out!!
  4. Here’s a couple of pictures of Rod’s chains at Wroxham. I agree with Rod, there is s bit of latitude as we just glanced one the chains going through last time but had plenty of room as it turned out. As has been mentioned the main thing with Wroxham is to be aware that it is offset – if you centre up on the arch and ignore the footbridge and the bank you can’t go far wrong. We take a centre cockpit Alpha through and with the gauge showing 7 feet you have loads of room.
  5. Neil, all I can say is…… Your right! No tin hat though!!!
  6. Hi Ken Sorry, I’ve not heard anything about ye olde saddlery opening again, so I guess possibly not. Someone will probably know for definite but if not, I will be up there in 10 days and will have a look.
  7. Hi Ken Wroxham to Acle is 15 miles, which is a fair trip. In May you will have light nights but depends what time you pick the boat up. Can be done but quite ambitious. Neatishead to Coltishall is about 19 miles but shouldn’t be a problem as you have all day. Please bear in mind that Potter Bridge is very much down to conditions at the time and there are no guarantees you will get through! Might be worth having a plan B up your sleeve. Good luck!
  8. Hi John The Tap was certainly open in December (and very good it was too). Tracey told me that the Planning application was due to be heard in January but I believe a decision has now been deferred until March pending further information being submitted. Hope to be back again in a couple of weeks so will check it out (probably several times)
  9. Wroxham can be a tricky one particularly if you can’t get through the Bridge. Hire boats can moor at boatyards if there is room. I believe that Faircraft Loynes may let you moor in a private boat if you ask nicely and there is room. You can moor in front of the Hotel Wroxham – free during the day but they charge ten quid overnight. There is the café as has been mentioned, I have moored for free in winter but normally there would be a charge. I seem to think the sign says “negotiable†so they may be more lenient if you patronise the café which is fair enough.
  10. If your commentary is as good as your singing Carol, you’ll have no worries! Nice to hear the EDP have picked it up, I usually look at their website most days so will keep an eye open. It would be fantastic if it would give a lead to the identity of the family involved in the film too! It would be great if the profits from the DVD can help to fund running the website and preserving this fascinating material for future generations. Please put me down for copy! All the best
  11. We managed to get Swan Royale through in May last year and I would guess the airdrafts are similar(ish). But it totally depends on conditions at the time and as Dan says, you need a bit of luck on your side! If you can’t make it, a dayboat might be an alternative? Anyway we’ll keep our fingers crossed for you!
  12. I’ve been following Carol’s narrative on her 1930’s cine films and it is really fascinating stuff. Check out the Broadland Memories blog http://www.broadlandmemories.co.uk/blog/ Carol’s narrative really brings the films to life and she must have gone to a lot of effort to fill the blog with interesting facts (ably assisted by Clive I gather). Nice one Carol, and do you plan to release a DVD in the future?
  13. Hi K and A Just checked a couple of editions of the NBD brochures and it doesn’t say that Fair Regal won’t so I guess it will if that makes sense. Although it’s a Faircraft hull it looks very similar to the Alphacraft centre cockpit design which needs around 6 feet ten at PH. But as with all boats – it all down to the river levels on the day, there are no guarantees unfortunately!! When are you going?
  14. A most worthy cause, hope it goes well
  15. Hi John Apologies for not coming back to this earlier, been doing my bit trying to keep Saltaire Brewery in production Mooring in Norwich is thorny one. We have moored there many times without any problems. However I think it would be wise to avoid Friday and Saturday nights. We had a lengthy conversation with the ranger there in the summer. I forget the exact figures but he said that out of x thousand boats that had moored there only a handful (single figures) had experience any problems. It might also be worth considering mooring nearer Bishops Bridge where the river is further away from the road. Mooring at Thorpe is a possible but you need to be careful not to get stuck because of the bridges. Another option we have tried is moor at Commissioners Cut which is just downstream from Thorpe. A track leads from the back of the cut, over the railway and out onto the main road. It should be possible to get a bus or taxi into Norwich. Even at Norfolk prices, a taxi should be under a tenner. Another option would be to moor at Cantley and catch the train. The station is only a few minutes walk from the moorings.
  16. If you are lucky enough to be around the Broads and particularly Norwich in the summer you might be interested in “Norwich – City of Ale Event†which is running from 26th May to 5th June. More details here http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/nor ... o_1_774071 I must say I take my hat off to the EDP, the support they give to local pubs is tremendous.
  17. Thanks for reporting back and glad you had a good trip! The ebb down the Bure probably helped with the fuel, bet you fair flew along!!
  18. The KC Cafe apperently. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/clear_up_be ... h_1_773037
  19. Hi Would you consider hiring a dayboat from Ludham? It’s not far from Wroxham by car. Try having a word with Darren at DRL Marine. Their prices are reasonable and you may get a deal for 3 days particularly early in the season. http://www.drlmarine.co.uk/day-boats.php You may pay a premium for Wroxham based boats.
  20. Boulters http://www.boultermarine.co.uk/DayBoats.asp?a=DayBoats or Maycraft?
  21. Keith’s advice is sound, if it’s not strictly necessary to moor at Reedham, going further up the river makes sense even if its not all the way to Thorpe which would be a fair stretch in one go.
  22. Just had a quick look at Google street view to refresh my memory, there are plenty of parking spaces on Riverside and I don’t think you have to pay. As I don’t drive I don’t tend to take much notice of these things!
  23. Eleven sounds a good time to cross Breydon as the ebb should have stopped by then and you will fly down the Bure. You could wait for the flood to build up across Breydon but if you are going to Reedham it shouldn’t be a problem. The main thing with the Yare is to try to avoid going against the tide as this makes progress very slow. Mooring in Reedham is fine but without telling my granny how to suck eggs, be sure to moor against the tide. I always use springs at Reedham and allow plenty of slack. But its perfectly safe. You should have the quay to yourself at this time of year so you should have plenty of choice. However if you moor near the Lord Nelson and the quay ranger’s hut you have an option of electricity and a water hose had been left connected in December. The rangers are only there in the season. The quay in front of the Ship is a bit rough and probably best avoided if you have a choice. There is parking on the road just behind the quay but I’m not sure if the is pay and display or not. Parking shouldn’t be a problem this time of year though. Good luck!
  24. Bit more info about the tolls here... http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boat ... tolls.html
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