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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Watney's Red Barrel No probably diesel at 20p per litre
  2. You’re very welcome! Good luck and please let us know how you get on. Just as an example – if you set off today, slack water at Great Yarmouth is at 2.30pm. So if you left Sutton at say, 8.30 – 9.00 you will have the tide with you (easier). Keep checking progress as you go, it should take about 2 – 21/2 hours from Acle, so you could moor up if you are ahead. Go through Yarmouth at 2.30 approx (better later than earlier) and it shouldn’t take more than 1 – 1/1/2 hours to get to Berney Arms. Moor for the night. If you could set off early ( 6 ish say) you would get the advantage of a rising tide to Beccles. It’s not critical but it will cut your journey time down if you go with the tide (use less fuel too). This is just an example. Have a study of the tide tables when you want to go and you can plan your times from there. Good luck!!
  3. it’s a fair trek! 46 miles near enough. It depends on when you transit Yarmouth, if you go down on the ebb tide it would take about 5 – 6 hours to get to Great Yarmouth. If you set off for Beccles on a rising tide it would take about the same. Great Yarmoth is the mid point so a good stop off might be Berney Arms (super pub) or Burgh Castle. But do check the tides (this is good) http://www.norfolk-broads.org/tides/broadstides.asp Oh, and welcome!!!!!
  4. Looks to me like a Faircraft Loynes build (when they were part of the same group). Not been on but I reckon it will be a top spec boat, probably a low wash hull, will probably go along very well indeed. Faircraft Loynes actually build their own engines which run very smoothly. It will be a good boat. Only downside I can see is the air draft, Potter, Wroxham and Beccles old bridges will most likely be out, as Wayford and Thorpe. Bit of extra care needed at Great Yarmouth too. Ludham should be OK but again wise to double check when approaching.
  5. Picked up a copy of Robin Godber’s book from Brian Wards when we had dropped the boat off. As Trevor says, it is a fascinating read. It should be available from a few outlets as I also saw a copy in a bookshop in Beccles. Good stuff.
  6. Few pics of Swancraft’s new baby, Swan Reflection. Only went on hire from June. Beautiful boat based on an Alpha 31 foot hull.
  7. Swancraft will, and do, hire to single handed boaters. However they prefer to do this for customers who they know have the experience. For example mooring at Reedham would need care but perfectly feasible if you plan ahead and have ropes ready which you can deploy quickly. I’ve moored up single handedly on the Yare on several occasions when Mrs Nog has been having a snooze.
  8. Just to let members know that the Reedham shop is currently closed due to bereavement.
  9. 32 foot Alphacraft, John, not mine sadly! You should fit in though, are you 35??
  10. Hi John I think as they have a small river frontage they are a bit pushed for space. However we usually ring first and they are very good about sorting a space out for us. Open all year round too which is very handy.
  11. Called in at LBBY earlier today. Very friendly, helpful and efficient as always. Excellent yard.
  12. Thanks for the heads up Trevor. Sounds very interesting. Something Carol might like a look at
  13. Hi Ken Glad you enjoyed your trip and thanks for reporting back! You did well on the fuel too!!!
  14. I think it needs to be looked at from the yards position. They cannot realistically vet every customer. For example DRL hired out 2 boats in February. The party where archetypal professional types yet managed to trash both boats. They posted the keys through the boatyard letter box and were then miffed that their deposit was withheld! Swancraft had an issue with their smallest boat which was left in a dreadful state and the hirers legged it up the car park!! I believe that the boatyards do everything they can in difficult circumstances. And to put this in perspective these incidents are not everyday occurrences. I’m sure that Clive will confirm that for the 1,000’s of boats that go out, a tiny minority cause problems. As has been pointed out this is becoming a feature of our society unfortunately. Norfolk, although not immune, is still better than many areas of the country. Where I live, sadly such behaviour in the pubs and elsewhere is common place. Let’s not knock the yards – they play a pivotal role on the Broads economy including keeping the pubs open! And finally the increased use of cyberspace means that every incident of this kind tends to be put under the microscope. Mind you I can thoroughly recommend going out in December if you want some peace and quiet!!
  15. A fine job indeed John! Just compare with what it was like in the winter!!
  16. I don’t honestly believe that Rammy means any offence Makes me laugh - drove pasta indeed!
  17. Just a reminder that the Norwich City of Ale Festival is now under way if you are lucky enough to be in the area over the next ten days. An excellent opportunity to support your local pubs and breweries!!! More details here http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/par ... s_1_905408
  18. Poetry in Motion as the old Johnny Tillotson would say
  19. Hello Rammy - glad you are in fine fettle!!!
  20. Looks like the hotel could now be turned into a house if it gets planning approval tomorrow More details here http://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/bou ... e_1_901566
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