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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. If you do decide to hire down South, IMHO its worth having a look at Swancraft in Brundall – superb boats and the maintenance is top notch – I know from personal experience!!
  2. Good holiday tale, many thanks for sharing with us. Sorry you had some little niggles, may be that later on in the season Faircraft Loynes have some maintenance to catch up with! I don’t think I’ve hired a boat yet with a decent can opener – good tip is to bring your own! Glad to hear that you will be back – the Southern Rivers are a bit quieter and it’s generally easier to get moored but plenty to see and do! Don’t know if you’ve seen this but does give info on electricity points if you need this for another time. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/boat ... oints.html
  3. Super Time 2 ex Sabena Magnum??? I’ll have it please (when the lottery comes up of course) Assuming it is, sister ship to Swan Royale which we have been hiring for a few years now. Superb craft and the much rarer 32 foot version.
  4. NorfolkNog

    Lift out

    Might be worth giving them a bell (ha ha) Phone number looks a bit old though - shouldn't it be 01?
  5. It was so cold last December that there was even ice on the river at Surlingham. But yes, Ranworth and Womack are among the first places to freeze up in cold weather. Sounds a very good deal from Andy BTW
  6. NorfolkNog

    Lift out

    Are Brooms still doing maintenance?? They should have a ten ton lift.
  7. Thanks Snowy, that would be much appreciated
  8. Hi NN If you do decide on a boat – prices in February can be very reasonable. You could try ringing Woods, Freedom and DRL. Ask about prices, you might be pleasantly surprised. DRL for example are offering 2012 holidays at 2011 prices if you book before the end of Dec and I’m sure other yards will have similar offers. Worth speaking to them direct. I’ve been out in winter many times (including the snow last December) and with the warm air heating you are snug as a bug, honestly. You can’t beat it. Strowager is right to point out about the conditions, places like Ranworth and the Ant above Barton can and do freeze in severe weather. However the main rivers should be OK. Water can be a problem but there are places where it can be obtained all year – DRL, Freedom and Woods as mentioned, Ranworth as long as its not frozen, Ludham Bridge, Boulters, Horizon often have a hose connected in winter, Moonfleet, there are others. The Southern rivers are more of a problem. It just needs careful planning. And yes, the great beauty is you can, and do, cruise all day without seeing another moving boat.
  9. Tide times that week are not the most favourable, the leisurely bit sounds a good idea!!!
  10. Hi Neil I have hired from Royalls in Feb a few years ago but they have cut down their winter hire now and will only do March - Nov. Shame as they are a very good yard. They used to be regarded as the winter specialists. Herbert Woods as mentioned is probably a good bet but don't forget DRL at Ludham who hire in winter (we have just booked with them again for February). Worth checking with Freedom also who I believe hire in winter. Faircraft Loynes also hire in winter but a bit pricey. February is a great time to be out (as is December)
  11. Apologies as this is off topic, although it isn’t in a way as the Alphacraft will have to wait until next week. Just checked my Thunderball lottery ticket for last night. The winning numbers were 1 17 19 24 31 and Thunderball was 6. One of my lines was 1 17 19 25 31 and Thunderball was 5 In other words I was just one number away from winning 5 grand and just two numbers out from winning half a million!!! Grrrrrrr!!!!! Still should cop for a hundred quid and as Little Sharpie is a guest at out local, it should be a good night
  12. Paul, completely OT for which I do apologise – however will be hitting both establishments in approx 6 weeks so hope Humpty Dumpty’s fine ales are still on!!
  13. Very true Martin, well done to all concerned
  14. NorfolkNog


    Just wondering if Northern Light is hydraulic drive which tend to be bit more thirsty. Also it has warm air heating which will use a bit. Still seems a lot though in a week.
  15. Sad but I'm sure that you are spot on there John. Also agree with Mark re the music
  16. Worry not Rod. Had a sneak preview of the up and coming guest ales in the cellar at our local yesterday. Broadland Sunrise AND Little Sharpie. Got a feeling that next weekend could be a little hazy.
  17. Just got the Faircraft Loynes brochure in the post. Glossy affair with some good pictures. Nice to see crews particularly kids wearing lifejackets. However the top boat is thirty quid short of 2 grand to hire for a week in peak season
  18. NorfolkNog


    Thanks Jonzo that is exactly what I was looking for. So at Carol’s 1,500 revs (which is about what I tend to stick at too) consumption is 5 litres per hour. Go up to 2,000 revs and its 10. Go up to 2,300 revs and its 15. I suspect most Broads boats will not go above that and it’s probably the limit of displacement speed anyway. But the point is you can use THREE TIMES as much fuel going flat out as pottering along. You’re on holiday, what’s the rush. The consumption will be less for the Nanni but the curve will be the same. But as Setfair says do they care? Probably not!!!
  19. NorfolkNog


    Good point from Carol, if you can potter around at 3 – 4mph its amazing how far the fuel goes. Perhaps one of the technical experts could help here but I have feeling that if you increase speed by only a small amount you can use twice as much fuel – in other words speed and consumption are not linear. Its amazing the number of people you see blasting around, I’m sure they haven’t a clue how much they are using.
  20. NorfolkNog


    Good idea Washed down with a drop of Ghost Ship I hope Carol!!!
  21. What a sad loss. Remember that classic Headingly test although sadly never got there, we had been to the Test match at Trent Bridge instead. Also remember the commentators dream combination coming to reality…. Lillee caught Willey bowled Dilley.
  22. John, will have to give it a look in. Two quid ninety is not bad for Broads prices!
  23. I also must agree, Andy had made some extremely good points. It isn’t a Broads thing, you will get bad behaviour anywhere as David has said - but I do know from experience that the occurrence of bad behaviour is significantly less than say where I live here in darkest Yorks. Again as Andy has suggested – we have been out on the Broads in December and February for the last few years now. December is brilliant, you are very lucky to see another boat all day, hire or private. February there are a few about but not in any significant numbers. If you are prepared to sacrifice a bit of sun it really is an incredible time to be out. In summer we tend to go in May or early June to avoid the fishing season and this time is usually very peaceful (not that I’m jumping to any conclusions of course). And again to return to Andy’s post – you are bound to get more chance of problems in peak season when there are most people around. I have been holidaying on the Broads for over 35 years and have never had any significant problems with bad behaviour. Maybe I have been lucky but it certainly won’t put me off visiting, which is to me, the ultimate holiday destination.
  24. Hi John Flying Dutchman used to be good but I must admit we were quite disappointed with it this year. Where is Broadview please? Must have missed that one
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