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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. What lovely chaps! Glad you don't see them in December I don't think its Rockland, I seem to remember the channel is marked by buoys and there is more foliage about. I also seem to think all the posts on Barton are wooden (no tops). I reckon it was taken on Breydon but possibly late in the evening which would explain the calm water and apparent lack of other craft. I’m probably wrong though….
  2. In my experience hire yards take this very seriously indeed. DRL for example, insist that each hirer wears the lifejacket during the handover. Obviously when you have set off down river there is little they can do but at least they try. Swancraft are equally vigilant and their staff wear lifejackets at all times when on the boats and doing demonstrations. Incidentally DRL use the inflating ones. I think as David says, its horses and water etc. Once the hirer has disappeared round the corner, what more can you realistically do? Should the matter ever get to court, I’m sure any hire yard would be totally exonerated as they have done everything in their power to make the hirer wear the jacket provided. .
  3. Hi Chip Warm welcome from me too
  4. I normally give these types of debate a wide berth but I felt that the recent posts on this thread sum up the situation so well that I feel I must add my 2p. The points made by Mark, Smellyloo and Strowager in particular put it better than I ever could. Agree 110% I particularly empathise with this bit in Mark’s post “However, this is strictly an internet based forum for exchange of information and communication, not a social club. The fact that some members, myself included, enjoy meeting with like-minded members on a more social basis, doesn't alter that in the slightest†I too, thoroughly enjoy having a beer (or three) with like minded members, given the opportunity, but it shouldn’t be seen as some kind of Holy Grail nor a criteria for Moderator status or standing within the Forum. !!!
  5. What a very good and comprehensive explanation! I more or less understood the concept but that is very clear even to me! Ought to make it sticky
  6. NorfolkNog

    hidden gems

    I've been up there in hire boats many times - I don't think there is a restriction but there again I may be wrong - I frequently am!!!
  7. Hi and Welcome The Ferry is open again but doesn't do accommodation. However I think the Swan does, have you tried them????
  8. View taken last month going through Thorpe Bridge
  9. NorfolkNog

    hidden gems

    Absolutely agree, both beautiful spots, the moorings at West Somerton have just been having a makeover and the water is crystal clear. Just a shame the pub has closed!
  10. NorfolkNog

    hidden gems

    Hi Surlingham Broad is a nice peaceful spot if you want to mudweight or the mooring at Geldeston village ( near Rowancraft) is another pretty and secluded place.
  11. Been there, got the T shirt. Had fun last December when the boat was covered in snow and ice. But Rod’s right, it’s a risk you take with you eyes open. Also unless you’ve got one of those posh LJ’s taking the bulky orange ones in the pub could be a bit awkward not to mention the chances of leaving them behind after a few Little Sharpies
  12. Hi Tre Probably before 4 o'clock! Places like Horning are very popular and moorings are at a premium. The trick if you can is to moor up when everyone else is on the move ideally but don't let this dicatate your holiday. If you can set off a little earlier and moor up a little earlier you will get the benefit. For example don't wait until everyone has had a shower, try setting off and the crew can shower on the move, the water will get hotter too when under way.
  13. NorfolkNog

    Arrival Day?

    Can opener. Hire boat ones are invariably rubbish
  14. And a very warm welcome!!! Are you the very considerate gentleman who waits for us to pass before setting off on your ferry?
  15. NorfolkNog

    Arrival Day?

    This is a view of Potter Heigham, the Bridge Stores can just be seen to the right of picture and Lathams to the left. As mentioned both sell limited food items but may be OK for some essentials. The boatyard is on the other side of the road opposite Lathams (behind the camera)
  16. NorfolkNog

    Arrival Day?

    Hi On the Northern Broads – i.e above GY – there are supermarkets at Roys of Wroxham and Stalham as Rod has mentioned. There is also a Budgens supermarket at Acle, this is a fair way from the river though. Otherwise there a re a few village type shops including Horning, Ludham, Ludham Bridge, Coltishall. There are 2 shops actually in Potter Heigham quite near the boatyard. Lathams and the Bridge Stores. However both sell clothes, souvenirs etc and just a few groceries so not really suitable for a full shop up. They don’t do much fresh stuff. I would go with Rod’s advice. If you can find a corner in the car take a few essentials like loo roll, few tins of dog food, tea coffee and some basic non perishable food. Look at the boat fridge before you set off, bear in mind they are often not as large as domestic fridges and not as efficient so it’s best not to store food for long periods. They often have a small frozen food compartment at the top but again not really suitable for any length of time or large scale storage If you take the boat up to Wroxham or Stalham you can walk to the supermarkets (about 10 minutes in each case) but be prepared to carry everything back! There is also a very good village shop (Throwers) at Ludham and also a good butchers. Moor at Womack. It will be busy in August so this will have an effect. Why not try taking a few non perishable basics with you, pop into the shops in Potter Heigham (just across from the boatyard) and pick up some milk bread etc and then see how you go after that. All the pubs do meals and there are cafes and restaurants as well so you won’t go hungry! As regards picking the boat up. Handover time is technically usually 4pm. Bear in mind they will be very busy. You could try arriving say at 1 or 2 o’clock and pop into reception and ask how long the boat is likely to be. You may be lucky but be prepared to wait if not. But at least if you have a time scale you know what you have to work with. Hope this helps!! Anything else please let us know!
  17. You are more than welcome!!! Anything you want to know, please ask away!! There’s always someone on here who can help.
  18. Don't worry, you never get bored on the Broads!! Have good one and please let us know how you get on!!
  19. I'm just wondering where the Beer festival is? Blackfriars usually run one but I think its already gone. Wonder if it could be the Wetherspoons? Tend to agree with John though, it will be pretty hectic in August.
  20. Think its OK but they MUST be under constant adult supervsion at all times. If an un-supervised child had a bump you could be liable. Oh.. and a very warm welcome!!!!!!
  21. Nearest (good, large) supermarkets to Potter Heigham are probably Roys at Wroxham (Hoveton) and Tesco’s at Stalham. There is a store called Lathams at Potter Heigham but is more of a discount clothing and household store, sells some food but limited choice particularly fresh stuff.
  22. Technically, yes it could be done. You could leave Herbert Woods, say at 4 o’clock and motor down to Acle. This would take a couple of hours. Bear in mind Acle is popular and in August moorings will be at a premium. You could then set off to GY on Sunday morning. Downside is you would be going against the tide on Sunday morning, so it will probably take 3 hours plus a fair bit of fuel! As an alternative you could moor at Acle and catch a train into GY although the station at Acle is a fair walk from the bridge moorings. Or moor at the Pontiac further downstream and get a cab into GY. Virtually every pub on the Broads does meals so no problem there. Also many are doggy friendly, the Bridge at Acle and the Dog at Ludham Bridge for example are dog friendly and do excellent grub (and beer).
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