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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. At this rate we’ll be left with the Wherry, the Waveney and the Flying Dutchman. The Commodore (I think) is still closed and the one near the station (forget the name) is now a chemist or something similar. Sign of the times sadly. The old BITD was getting a bit tired but had a bit of atmosphere. Great shame, particularly if its lost as a pub.
  2. V947 perhaps......???? according to Craig's site that is a Hampton Safari, t'other one is an Easticks Falcon - hired one once
  3. Hi Dan Royall's are selling Royall Continental at the end of the season and Summercraft have a Bounty up for sale with NYA - can't remember the name at the moment!!
  4. I believe that its known locally as the "B*tch in the Ditch" Lori Have one for me!!!!!! and have a great time
  5. Hi Lori Very smart looking boat!!! Glad you are having a good time – also glad you had a good experience at the Dog Inn, super pub and a good example of them going that extra mile! (literally)!!! Nice one.
  6. Boating is expensive compared with some other types of holiday. But it is a unique experience. You get the chance to borrow a motor cruiser (or yacht) worth say up to 150k. (maybe even more) Hereby lies the clue. Anyone owning their own boat knows just how expensive that can be. But add on to that the staff – the receptionists, the cleaners, the maintenance team, the boatyard staff. Add on river tolls (much more expensive for hire boats) insurance, gas checks, repairs, boat refurbishment, investment in new boats, repairs caused by idiots stuffing the craft under Wroxham Bridge, the list goes on. And on top of that the boatyard should make a reasonable return on capital. Edit (nearly forgot - hefty kick back to the booking agent too) It is expensive – but if I had the choice of 3 weeks in a Mediterranean hotel or a week on the Broads, it would be a no brainer – Broads every time!!! (Besides no beer on the Med)
  7. NorfolkNog

    holiday time

    Hi Stefan Sorry, what I know about fishing you could write on the back of a stamp but might be worth contacting Boulters to hire a dinghy. This is the link to their website if its any help http://www.boultermarine.co.uk/
  8. Looks a fascinating event. Added a link with more info Lori, hope this is OK http://www.great-yarmouth.co.uk/maritime-festival/
  9. Hi Jill Hope so! Tried to find a better photo of the moorings - this one is a little better but still not the same view, sorry. it was taken from Acle road bridge but shows the grass bank and the wooden part at the end of the moorings.
  10. Apologies to Jimbo for the lakesailoring thingy – Hi Jill, yes Jimbo has confirmed my thoughts. There is a grassy bank next to the moorings as part of the flood defences. I’m sure its outside the Bridge Inn. I have attached a photo – sorry it’s cropped but it does show the old wooden walkway at the end of the moorings as in your photo - this was taken in winter though
  11. Not the Beauchamp I don’t think. It looks to me as if it was taken from the end of the Bridge Inn moorings at Acle looking downstream. If it is, that would be the old moorings though, as they were revamped a couple of years ago. I could be wrong though, I usually am!
  12. Hi Martin A very warm welcome indeed!! The odd drink?
  13. Hi JJ Afraid my knowledge of fishing is zero but I have seen the Brundall Angling Centre right next to Swancraft's yard on the road down Riverside Estate. I'm assuming its still open and would sell bait?? First night, you have choice of either going up towards Norwich, so Surlingham or Bramerton would be good and I think both are popular fishing places. Otherwise down river to Cantley (good pub) or even Reedham.
  14. Tides that week look like neaps i.e. the rise and fall will not be at its greatest. General river levels are always in the lap of the Gods as they are so dependant on a whole host of variables. Fair Majesty looks like an Alphacraft style hull, so should give a better chance at bridges than some of Faircraft’s higher air draft designs. Have a good one!
  15. Hi Jim Glad to hear that you are coming back for more! Plenty to do and see on the Southern rivers and usually less congested and easier to moor. Some great places to visit including Oulton Broad, Beccles, Loddon and you can even sail into the centre of Norwich. Other little gems include Somerleyton and Geldeston with the famous Locks Inn. Also many great places to stop along the Yare. Easily fill a week. As for yards you will have certainly been spoilt for service with Richardson’s. However if going South, I would certainly recommend Swancraft at Brundall. I’ve been with them every year (often twice) since 2004. Boats are immaculate and superbly maintained. Friendly and helpful service from a family run yard. Easy to get to as well, by road or rail. Just my suggestion for starters! Good luck!
  16. Hi Chip You do get the odd more boisterous party but it really isn’t a major problem and I wouldn’t say its got worse – its just that any problems can get aired over the internet these days, which can make it seem worse that it is. Bear in mind any moorings near a pub could be slightly noisier but really there isn’t anywhere to avoid as such. I’ve been hiring on the Broads since 1975 and not had any significant problems. Relax and enjoy!
  17. Hi Lori Me and Mrs Nog don’t drive so we use public transport regularly. The price for the taxi sounds about right – Norfolk taxis are quite expensive. As Jill mentioned you could catch a Number 12 First bus from Norwich to Stalham. You can catch the bus right outside the station on Thorpe Road. Takes about an hour as it goes round via Horning and Ludham. The other option would be to take the train from Norwich to Wroxham. Cost you £3.70 each. Then get a cab to Stalham which would probably half the cost. It’s a shame because Richardson’s did use to run a minibus pickup service from Wroxham station but I’m going back a few years! Also remember that Wroxham station is actually officially know as Hoveton and Wroxham Don’t forget if you travel from home you could get a ticket to Wroxham instead of Norwich and it probably won’t cost you any more. Good luck!!!!
  18. You lucky person John!!!! Understand perfectly - been there, got T shirt etc
  19. Hi John Not at Wroxham, no but I believe the Potter pilots will take private craft but not sure what the fee is. Having said that you couldn’t have bought a better ‘Broads’ boat and I suspect you have more chance than most in getting through. As I’m sure you know (granny, eggs and all that) the bridge gauges at Wroxham are pretty pessimistic and as long as you remember the offset and don’t be put off by the ‘gallery’ it’s a breeze. (but don’t go in the Shed first)
  20. That’s really useful if you’re new to the Broads – at least you know what to expect! Nice one!
  21. Details of Wroxham Pilot
  22. Hi Jill Very useful info, many thanks. Also the Potter pilots use a mobile - number is 07 990 686 097 Also most hirecraft must use the pilot at Wroxham
  23. Sorry about the internals but just found another picture which gives a better view of the upper steering position. Being at high level you can see everything around you which is a big bonus.
  24. Hi JJ You have made an excellent choice with Swancraft – I have been with them for years. Great yard, very helpful and the boats are in superb condition and very well maintained. Most are only a few years old. Sorry, I’ve hired several of their boats but not Rapier! However I have been shown on board. It can’t be more than 3 or 4 years old. Beautifully fitted out with radiator heating if memory serves. You have a dual steering position from inside the boat or up on the ‘bridge’. The latter will give superb visibility which will be a big help if you are new to the Broads. Like all Swancraft boats you get all the luxury features, powerful inverter for 240 volt power, bow thruster (also big help for 1st timers), electric toilet, whirlpool bath etc etc. But its still a fairly compact boat, so I would say for a family, you have made a perfect choice. No problems with an 8 year old either, plenty to see and do although not having kids, others might be able to advise better! This is a picture of Swancraft’s yard, with Rapier in the middle. Sorry I don’t have any internals but the boatyard website Jill gave you gives an accurate impression. It is a beautiful boat. Won’t pass through the low bridges though although I don’t think much is getting through Potter Heigham now anyway. If I can help with any more info please ask! Have a great time!
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