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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. However this is the most important one.....
  2. Hi gcb I was very sorry to hear about your experience with the breakfast at the Bridge Inn. Please don’t be put off the as I am sure this must have been a one off. Phil, the general manager is absolutely committed to customer service and I am convinced that he would not condone such actions. When we visited, Terry was managing the bar and restaurant and I have to say we were looked after very well. We had an excellent evening meal and went in again for breakfast the next morning. Superb. The staff were very efficient and friendly. Oh, and the beer was great too. Please do try it again, I’m sure that you won’t be disappointed.
  3. Thanks for the pictures Perry, fantastic stuff. Looks like you were certainly blessed with the weather as well! Also my observant eye noticed that you were drinking what looked like Tanglefoot, I always say, if you are going to drink canned beer, make it a decent one!
  4. That does sound a good deal Dave. Beautiful craft.
  5. Thanks for the updates and pictures Barry. Fantastic job, I’m always very impressed with the skill and craftsmanship involved and it means that another beautiful wooden boat has been preserved. I bet you can’t wait for the day you can get her back in the water!!
  6. Nice one! I like the Church Army boat outside the pub!!!
  7. Glad you had a good time Andy! It's great having a fortnight but even that goes too quickly!!
  8. Can't recall seeing one at Maltsters but i could of course be wrong. Or fuddled. or both. One at the Waveney River Centre as well. Has anyone mentioned Loddon? I think there is also one next to the Bridge stores.
  9. Ah, but a skilled hand on the shutter there Clive ! many thanks for sharing them with us.
  10. Simon Very enjoyable drift but might have to adjourn to the beer thread or Matron will be after us!! Interesting about the Australian beer, just shows don’t pay any attention to stereotyping! I wont disagree about the John Smiths either! Good point about Sundew, I agree it is a bit lacking in depth and flavour. It mysteriously replaced Great Eastern which, IMHO, was a far superior beer. I forgot to mention, Adnams do a summer ale called Explorer which I personally find very tasty. Also might be worth looking out for the Norwich beer festival which I think, is usually around October. Few beers to choose from there hopefully!!
  11. Glad you enjoyed the Reedcutter Simon, it’s a cracking pub. I’m also glad to hear that David has been spreading the gospel!!! Contrary to what the advertisers might have us believe, most lager sold in this country is brewed here. It’s not a patch on the authentic continental brews, and I would guess, the same would apply to Australian beer. Most lager in this country is much of a muchness. Real ale on the other hand has a rich variety of tastes and flavours and its worth sampling a few. For example Adnams bitter and Woodforde’s Wherry taste completely different yet are both classed as bitter!! Some of the finest beers come from the smaller breweries of which there are about 20 in Norfolk alone. Last time I went in the Reedcutter they were selling beer from the excellent Wolf brewery. As a suggestion, look out for their superb Golden Jackal or Straw Dog. Both golden ales, have the appearance of lager but with a lot more flavour!! Keep up the good work!!!
  12. Many thanks for sharing your trip with us Simon, I was almost shivering reading it! The Southgates web cam was showing very damp conditions yesterday but of course you can’t fully appreciate the strength of the wind. Strange thing is that 100 miles up the coast here in Yorks, it has been a pretty good weekend really, bit windy but sunny and warm. The vagaries of the British weather. Also good to hear that the Reedcutter is up to usual standards, looking forward to sampling the beer!!!
  13. Humble apologies folks as I had completely lost track of this one. Jeff, you are spot on the nail sir, it is indeed the Reedcutter at Cantley. The sign is on the front of the pub at first floor level, it’s just on the left out of shot on the second pic
  14. Nope sorry Jonny!! Steve - sorry, I'm not that subtle!!! Just meaning nearer the place or further away (cooler) It is in quite a prominent place and very close the water obviously!!
  15. Sorry, not right but I can see where you are coming from Jonny, as it does flood now and again. You are fairly warm though.
  16. Hmmmm, no a bit off the mark on both counts I'm afraid BS, but you are getting warmish!!!
  17. Sorry Keith, no. Definitely getting warmer though. Hi Jonny, sorry also no but moving in the right direction
  18. Sorry Jonny, not Ludham!!! Bit early for a clue but I can say you are a little chilly!! 8-)
  19. OK, I feel a bit guilty because I stole Jonny’s thunder while he was asleep and sneaked in with Clive’s quiz. So here’s one from me, topical sign, but where would you find it please?
  20. Clive !!! Interesting to compare that view with the summer when its usually packed!! Even harder to get into than Ranworth sometimes!!
  21. In fact this could well be the now picture !
  22. JR !! being just a bit of a Woodfordes fan and spending the odd hour or two up at the Fur and Feather it would have been most embarrassing if I had gone astray on that one !! Good subject though, it certainly was one to make you think !!
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