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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Ah, so 1500w inverter - would run small appliances for short periods from the batteries but not fan heaters and the like.
  2. That is the point. In a well designed and maintained boat it shouldn't be necessary.
  3. I think that is more often the case. Certainly was when we hired one of the Fair Regents a while back.
  4. Minor irritation, not worth bothering about
  5. Well no you can't but he does have an honours degree in parsimony
  6. I don't think he's worried about such trivial annoyances JM!
  7. Richardsons I think there is a lot of confusion between on-board inverters and actual plug in shore power.
  8. It didn't have when Swancraft had it (I know because I hired it) By that I mean it didn't have a plug in cable They sold the fleet to Richardsons in 2015 so I don't know what Richardsons have done to it since. There are 2 BTW one shaft drive (2) one hydraulic. If the cable is important might be worth giving Richardsons a bell.
  9. That is true Helen. Swancraft used to wire their new builds up for shore power but left it disconnected. The reason was that it could be easily reversed if the boat was sold on the private market as private owners want shore power! But the quality of Swancraft builds rendered this largely unnecessary (see picture above)
  10. Never a true-er word said! Spot on.
  11. I'd be very surprised if it had hook up as such. The inverter could be 300watts, enough for mobile charging etc but not much else. Could be wrong of course, hard to tell from the boat details.
  12. Thanks for the update Malcolm. Summed up the owner to a tee!!
  13. Swancraft were very on the ball with what customers wanted I.e. plenty of hot water, good heating and double battery systems. The calorifier on some boats is the same size as a Watneys party seven
  14. No, Star Gem I believe M. Its quite an old boat and I suspect the heating system is not up to scratch. Probably in dire need of end of season maintenance. I feel so sorry for them, a better boat with bow thrusters could have made all the difference. But of course hindsight is a wonderful thing.
  15. I've been advised that there would be 'consequences' Grace!!!!
  16. I've posted this before - December 2010 - snug as a bug and no shore power either!!
  17. It is such a shame. Sounds like the heating is dodgy. We hired Swan Radiance from Swancraft back in the day and the heating was superb. Even in December 2010 and that WAS cold!!
  18. A fast service, we've used it several times. By the time you've walked to the station its as quick. The stop in next to the Kings Head or just opposite over the road for Norwich.
  19. Your diligence is duty noted and appreciated Mr Grendel sir!
  20. ......try not to give up though. We all have to learn and I wish I had a pint for every mooring I've cocked up. Practice will bring confidence honest! If you give up now you will never know. Get in the Bridge and have that beer!!
  21. There is a path from Acle Bridge to the centre of the village. Takes me and Mrs Nog about 30 minutes to walk it.
  22. 2 possible problems at Acle either mooring with tide (instead of against it) and the offshore wind. First easy to overcome. Second, stand near bow when mooring with stern and bow rope, step ashore and pull stern in. Easy to say I know but practice makes perfect. I'm not sure I'm brave enough to post Mrs Nog photo However she is better than any hot water bottle (especially after a few gins)
  23. Absolutely!!! Top tip. You should see Mrs Nog's winter bedtime attire. I'm very tempted to post a photo.......
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