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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. It can do what it likes as long as the pubs are open!!! Agree though that wind is probably the biggest pain in the preverbial.
  2. Ah, thanks JM with it now. Think you mean North station? There used to be a pub just over the road - not for the faint hearted. The Blue Boar looks a fair walk but the Old Frank could be do-able - I'll have a look next time I'm down - if they're still open of course There is a pub nearby called the Norman Warrior which I think is technically in Lowestoft - was always in the Good Beer Guide at one time.
  3. Not familiar with those 2 JM??? - there was one called the Wolf Inn, maybe renamed???
  4. According to my colleagues in Norwich CAMRA a small property company owns the Locks so it looks as if Grain were just leasing. No more info than that. I'll keep digging.
  5. Thanks Helen. Looks like something is afoot but can't find anything on line. The Wherry is very good and welcoming as you say. I did hear that Colin is working there but not see him.
  6. Been to the Falgate? Keep an eye open for errant Freemans although Captain Bligh is in port at the moment Looking forward to your tale!
  7. If you have (and I'm not convinced you have anyway) certainly no more than the rest of us!
  8. Well spotted Lady V I was thinking more of the content, that's my excuse anyway!
  9. Sorry Lady V - yes should have said Surligham. Reedham OK ish, at least they sell Humpty Dumpty. Horning, hmmmmmm........
  10. Yes, I've commented on this before. I think the issue is very much around hire boats. I had the opportunity to give it another try a couple of weeks ago thanks to a very kind offer of an afternoon trip out. Not on a hire boat. No issues this time and pleasant enough by the river. But any landlord should be welcoming to all - interesting to note that on the same afternoon the Ferry was rammed and is probably one of the best examples of a well run and welcoming pub.
  11. Always wise. I try to read a post a couple of times before hitting the button and have a golden ruke never to post when I've had a few!!!!!
  12. No worries, I also chipped in some say drift is one of the charms of the Forum!!!!
  13. Absolutely JM Colin did a great job and maintained the character of the place, not easy. Love Grain and their beers but not convinced they got this one right. If Colin did get the elbow then it has come back to bite them. Very sad.
  14. Some suggestion in cyberspace that the Locks could be up for sale? Anyone got any info???
  15. Any questions fire away!! We'll help all we can
  16. Looks like a Ferry one? Must have been well outside the channel. To be fair it could have been engine failure. We will probably never know.
  17. Good tip about cleaning windows. A drop of washing up liquid or shaving foam also work well. (on the inside)
  18. Looks like another one caught out on Breydon Water. Wonder if they read/listened to the guidance. We shouldn't speculate of course. I
  19. I don't think you'll be cold by any means but an extra cover is worth considering as the duvets tend to be summer weight.
  20. Agree wholeheartedly about the can opener. Never found a working one yet. Wine is fine but don't forget the pubs (if they havn't been closed by then)
  21. Indeed JM And a record player too! (going off topic as per the norm)
  22. When the yards do the handover they do a 'tick list' - Hoseasons have a standard sheet. I can't remember exactly what's on it but I think it concentrates on safety, speeding etc. Understandably it is to cover the yard against possible litigation. Basic boat handling advice is probably lower priority and hirers can only absorb so much. It's a tricky one. And I agree, if you make too much of a lecture or a test then it's not so much of a holiday. I learnt the hard way but had the advantage of having been on the Broads with my parents. Some friends of ours hired a large 37 footer with just two of them during a windy week. I gather they had a lot of trouble mooring and sadly said they would never go back. Some of the recent staycation first timers probably just wanted a holiday and perhaps don't want to get too involved. As Grendel says we should help if we can but of course there isn't always a helpful Poppy on hand!!
  23. That is actually a very good idea. Mrs Nog gave some assistance to a crew of first timers mooring at the Bridge Inn a couple of week ago. They were very grateful, Mrs N asked if the yard had given any advice and they said not. Maybe they just concentrate on safety issues which is faircraft enough. But surely the big yards could organise some socially distancing accommodaion JM suggests.
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