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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Two things that are always dodgy, no matter who you hire from - frying pans and can openers. We always take a non stick frying pan and can opener. To be fair if yards provided non stick pans they would be forever replacing them.
  2. Ah, all becomes clear(er) Many thanks. So presumably Ian was also a member of this closed group - so 2 members here were involved. I'm a bit sceptical about cross fertilisation between platforms and from what I've heard about Facebook it makes this place seem like the vicars tea party. I agree, I think maybe the moderators need to take a lead but as we know one prominent part of the team is otherwise occupied I think perhaps respected members are having a disagreement which I'm sure can be amicably resolved
  3. I'm getting a bit confused (not difficult) - "elsewhere" generally refers to the 'other' Forum which we must not mention (sounds a bit like 'allo 'allo) or are we referring to Facebook?? I agree with Vaughan we must respect other members but this maybe a case for the moderators to rule on what is or not relevant 'elsewhere' I think all this started as Ian was kind enough to make enquiries with the BA on our behalf. Confused of darkest Yorkshire.
  4. Personally I find Facebook totally abhorrent and that's why you will never find me there. Stick on here Ian, at least you get treated with respect - most of the time!!
  5. I'll second that. Superb beer. It's well worth a walk up to visit the brewery shop.
  6. Ah, its in the posh bit Me and Mrs Nog are always consigned to the peasants bar with the dogs
  7. Ha, ha I did report on this a while back Lady V. Basically we pulled up, owner comes rushing out, asked if it was a hire boat. Without thinking I said yes. Made in clear we weren't wanted and muttered something about not cooking on board. He's a prat. Later discovered he doesn't like hire boats, lowers the tone. Interesting to read the reviews on Trip Advisor. I mentioned this in a couple of other pubs and it seems the guy is known for his attitude.
  8. The only pub on the Broads I've ever been chucked out of before I even got in. I shan't rush back.
  9. Didn't dare mention that one
  10. That's true although the track to the Locks is pretty rough and often impassable in winter when it's flooded. Car parking space is very limited too. But I take your point.
  11. Well I've run through every pub on the Southern Broads in my mind and I can't place it. I'd rather not guess unless I'm pretty sure. I assume Mr Fire has included a place reasonably near the river.
  12. I wonder if it was even registered on the Broads? Could it have been trailered and launched illegally. One of the pubs CCTV may have picked it up?? If Gus was around I bet he would have seen it. He doesn't miss a trick no matter where he is.
  13. Head and nail again there JM - oh and before anyone says it, an expensive renovation probably wouldn't stack up with the proposed return but someone with knowledge and enthusiasm (like CC) could do something with it.
  14. That is a very telling point. If you are applying for a pub/alcohol licence then it makes sense to do your homework, engage with the appropriate authorities and the police. If the powers that be are on board your chance of success will be much better.
  15. Well true MM but there are similarities, remoteness seasonal trade logistical challenges mains services etc etc . Interestingly I understand that the rent on the Locks was half that being demanded at the Berney.. Which all comes back to the landlord again.
  16. Possibly the best way to effect a rescue there could be by (life)boat? The music does seem to be the big issue. I don't suppose many folks want to be moored next to that. Interestingly Colin Smith regularly put on music events at the Locks including 'sound machine' type events - I don't know if there were any issues. Certainly land access was easier, albeit by marsh track. I don't think anyone could seriously contemplate regular land access to the Berney. I also agree with CC - if the place was in the hands of an experienced and enthusiastic operator who could engage positively with all concerned it could work I'm sure. As mentioned Colin ran the Locks successfully for many years, he understood the Broads and had the skills needed to run a remote and highly seasonal operation.
  17. Exactly, and that falls straight into the open arms of the objectors.
  18. EDP https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/row-over-future-of-berney-arms-pub-1-6763251 I do believe the Loddon Boatyard is also part of Mr H's empire. Looks more and more like the BA and RSPB would co operate if approached in the right manner. When developers spit their dummies out it usually means trouble. I'm not suggesting anything of course
  19. You'll see some sights for sure! Enjoy. Re Alan's comment - we always set off early, magical time and it's much quieter when most folks are in bed or running the engine for a shower
  20. Well yes, as I've said innumerable times, John and Tracy ran it successfully, they were simply shafted by the rent which was totally disproportionate to the value of the property. The local authority rating guy was horrified. Kill a business through greed. It would cost s fortune to get it going again now of course, opportunity lost.
  21. Just spotted a very well informed and reasoned post elsewhere regarding the hearing. If this is the case it would appear that dialogue with the RSPB was offered and not taken up and the suitability of the proposed licensee was considered. JM provided some background which makes perfect sense. Therefore one is left with two possible scenarios - either the application was not made with a lot of thought or preparation or that it was simply going through the motions with other aims in mind. If it had been me I would have consulted and canvassed support, engaged with the BA and the RSPB and employed a good solicitor. More to this than meets the eye one suspects. Incidentally I doubt if the place is insured which would probably be difficult if not impossible anyway.
  22. I think I'd have adjourned to the Recruiting Sergeant But this engine running lark is a pain in the proverbial. I'm not sure what the solution is.
  23. Yes, a lot of pubs are running on reduced hours. I suppose the Locks will do most trade during the day so maybe closing earlier but a bit unfortunate if you're moored overnight and thirsty! Nice walk up to the Wherry though.........
  24. I'll let you off for the moment Lady V Mrs Nog gets through large quantities of Tanqueray No 10 one of her favs. Most pubs are happy to accommodate 'walk ins' if they have room, not always necessary to pre book. They need our support more than ever at the mo. The ones we've been in are very well organised. Most do table service, good social distancing and plenty of sanitising. Just avoid the likes of Wetherspoons
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