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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. ....not sure where you live but often best way is to 'get on your bike' and go around the brokers and yards. Many boats are sold even before they are advertised. You may be lucky and find something just due in.
  2. 2 bits of good advice from OBB From what I hear the market is very lively at the moment which will keep upward pressure on prices. I'm no expert but would guess you could get something around that particularly if you are wiiling to do some work, internal refitting, sealing windows etc.
  3. Alphacrafts (understandably) seem to attract a premium and good ones (even the not so good ones) tend to fly off the shelf. Good luck but be quick and keep your cheque book handy!!
  4. Never been, walked the Ingham Swan once, is it similar distance?
  5. In Cambridge! Good grief. I thought it was bad up here in flat cap land. Should frame that
  6. Agree! No dogs yet kids can run riot and frequently do. Not everyone does like dogs but many do including me. Been in many pubs over the years and I would say 95 per cent of pub visiting dog owners are very responsible with their pets.
  7. Need both laughing smile and thumbs up smilie for this one! Spot on though.
  8. Me too. I love the rivers but not for me at the mo!
  9. All interesting stuff. Adnams are the White Knights of the pub Co's as they cancelled rent during the lockdown. Greene King despite their smoke and mirrors excuses still charged full rent to their tenants even though they had no income. Same with the greedy Reuben Brothers - owners of the Wellington Pub Co - worth 18 billion and still screwing their tenants. Wetherspoons vary, some up here in flat cap land are full of grey haired old drunks (no not me) and are quite unpleasant and intimidating. There's one on York which is OK and I agree, the Beccles one is better than most. They are OK for grub, it's not Egon Ronay but it's cheap and predicable. I've no time for the owner though. To be fair the staff are, generally, polite and helpful even though I think they have poor pay and conditions.
  10. Probably heard about the beer quality and the penchant for booting customers out early
  11. All of the above Getting a warm welcome in the Waters Edge The owner of the Berney and Beauchamp putting some serious investment in Getting Poppy to wear a smoking jacket and deerstalker while out sailing Something worth drinking in Horning
  12. Half of me thinks I wish I was afloat and the other half thinks thank goodness I'm not!!!
  13. I was very sad to read this. I can fully understand Vaughan’s reaction and obviously a home and business to which you have devoted an important part of your life is very special to you. I don’t believe for a moment that Nigel had the slightest intention of causing any offence and I think the whole situation is most unfortunate. Both Nigel and Vaughan have a wealth of knowledge and have been able to share with us much of the past regarding the Broads which is so dear to us all. It is very rare that issues such as this crop up on this Forum. Nigel has been posting here and on the other Forum for many years and as far as I am aware this is the first time any issues have arisen. I really do wish that two people for whom I have the utmost respect could be reconciled. It really is a shame that this should cast a shadow over what is a very friendly and informative place. Sorry, but I’m afraid I had to say something. Please don’t shoot me down in flames.
  14. Anyone seen Helen flying round the rivers? Probably got a reef in with this wind. No reports yet but I think she mentioned Hunters fleet come fitted with 1G as standard
  15. Another thread where I bet the OP regrets asking the question!
  16. Indeed! Just think, if you had been elsewhere in cyberspace World War 3 could have broken out!
  17. Agree, the Nelson Head is an excellent pub with superb beer. You can moor well down the staithe but reversing out is an interesting experience (been there, got the T shirt)
  18. That's brilliant, thank you Nigel. It does look right with the Black Horse and you can just make out the Lacons pump clip on one of the handpumps. I bet that would be around the time it was rebuilt. Internal photos of pubs in that era are sadly very rare. Fascinating stuff.
  19. Found a couple more. Again, a few years ago but its pretty much the same.
  20. Hi Simon You should be OK with care. I believe Hathor has been up there! Have you got bow thrusters? Doesn't matter but does help. Don't forget the low bridge rules out a lot of folk, just get there early if you can. This photo was taken a few years ago but it hasn't changed - we were there last summer but forgot to take a photo. should be space for 4 or 5 boats if they don't leave big gaps!
  21. Good grief the OP is probably wondering what we're all on Quick Google shows typical travel iron to be 700 - 800 watts so could be used on a boat with a decent inverter - for example if the boat has a microwave then it should run the iron. Mrs Nog used a 1,000 watt hairdryer on Swancraft boats with no problem. Run the engine at the same time. But do ask the yard. If they give permission you're covered.
  22. A man after my own heart. One of the many reasons that I love drinking in Norfolk!!
  23. That's the boy! Many thanks Nigel. Seemed such a shame to demolish it. Had a more foody bit at one side and bar at the other as I recall. Cracking pint of Adnams.
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