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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Drat! I missed it. I'd have put a flag out if I had known
  2. Good grief. Is it the p******s birthday today! I rest my case.
  3. Yes, I reckon Johnson will be under pressure from his wealthy donors. Not sure if they are donors but for example the Reuben Brothers own Wellington Pub Co (Dog and Lord Nelson among others) I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Martin doesn't cough up too.
  4. Certainly will M. As we've just missed out on a week we might even try for a fortnight in December. Should have quietened down by then and the pubs re-stocked!
  5. Me too. If the queues outside Primark are anything to go by, I think I can wait a bit longer! The Broads will be mayhem. Think I'll save that one till December!!
  6. You have wonderful taste Lady V
  7. I do and once I've got my boat at Swancraft I'll be right behind you and Mrs BB!!!
  8. Again agreed. OK for say for the pub tenant but for Joe Public no chance. That's one of many reasons why the holiday park ideaa is a no no.
  9. I agree. Exactly, dog and Manger as I mentioned earlier. Rather let it rot than give anyone else a chance. Also the forlorn hope it can be turned into holiday or residential use. True. Bear in mind John had a range of building and electrical skills and did all the necessary work himself. Daunting task but someone with skills and determination? Agreed again. Which is exactly what John and Tracy did. By the way that nice review posted earlier would have been during their tenure.
  10. I think permissive access is needed from several landowners. Goodwill needed. Keith knows better as he's done it but I think it takes something like 20 minutes to get to the public road (assume Halvergate) including opening and shutting various gates.
  11. My sentiments exactly JM. Here's a couple of pics taken when John and Tracy were in charge. I remember that day, it was bang on opening and me and Mrs Nog were first in as usual. They did OK - it was just that the rent bore no resemblance to the capital value of the place or even the achievable income. Even the grasping pub co's make some attempt at setting what they think should be an achievable turnover. Time flies I think they left about 7 years ago. It would take hard work to build it up again - a decent pint and basic food.
  12. Absolutely spot on JM. John and Tracy had their rent hiked up. If he'd been realistic they might still be there. I think he's been reading the Pub Co manual.
  13. Nice they're still around Ian. but not hopeful it will be a success. Hope I'm wrong. If it stays with the current owner I very much doubt it. Which would suit them. John and Tracy actually did well apart from the millstone round their necks eg landlord and rent. I believe they were paying twice as much as the Locks (different landlord obviously) Manger greedy dog (not necessarily in the right order)
  14. He owns the place sadly. See other thread.
  15. Bit like the Beauchamp unfortunately. Dogged determination to holiday or residential use. I'm sure that if it were sold for a realistic price someone could make a proper go if it. It was the rent that did for John and Tracy.
  16. I'm trying to remember when John and Tracy left, must be 5 or 6 years at least. I'm assuming it's after that.
  17. It was spot on when John and Tracy ran it and Chris Shepherd too. Things went downhill when they left. It's still with the same landlord so I won't hold my breath.
  18. Very true, Roy's certainly keep busy all year round with local trade. Both Wroxham and Hoveton extend a good way and a lot you don't see from the immediate riverside area. You do get coach trips as well.
  19. Interesting one. Historically yards are usually reluctant to hire out of season. Also there is a perception by the public that the weather suddenly becomes adverse after October half term. I believe that tolls cover April to Match and are not flexible so a yard tolling a boat now will only get 9 months max although if they stick to the 'season' that would reduce to 4 months and maybe a bit of March next year. A yard can't have every boat in the shed at the same time so you would think there would be opportunities. Certainly Bridgecraft have been good enough to fit me in to their winter schedule which has worked very wel and is much appreciated.
  20. It is shaft drive, engine under the bed in forward cabin. Swancraft didn't skimp on insulation. It is (or was) an 1800 watt inverter with a socket in each cabin and in the saloon. Romance was built in 2014 and sold to Richardsons the following year so may have been altered. The best info is from the guy who built the boat! Thanks Paul
  21. Hi, Swancraft tended to use shaft drive on all the 35 foot forward steer Alpha hulls. So most likely the engine will be amidships but I can't be 100% certain. I took some photos when it was built, I'll try to find them later. Having said that Swancraft insulated the engines extremely well and noise was never an issue. They also fitted 1400 watt inverters as standard and there should be at least a couple of sockets. Bear in mind the fleet has been with Richardsons for 5 years so things may have changed. Someone may be along with more up to date info.
  22. I'm a bit inclined to agree with Simon. I know the current situation is critical and we are in unprecedented times and obviously folks want to discuss it. Trouble is of course political discussion tends to raise hackles as we all have different views and I've noticed a bit of discord here and there. There is an old pub saying - don't talk about politics or religion (or statues). I've posted very little in recent weeks because I don't want to get embroiled in politics and secondly as Simon says (isn't that a song) I look down the topics and don't feel I really want to get involved. My choice I suppose. Very few of us are actually getting out on the water (I was booked to be out this week) so that probably restricts discussion. Having said that only a few fools venture out in winter but the topics still keep fairly Broads related. I apologise to all the folk who have contributed to hundreds of posts going on at the moment even though some seem to go in ever decreasing circles. Don't take too much notice of me though, I'm just suffering from pub withdrawal symptoms
  23. I think we should erect a statue for Ramjet
  24. Well every cloud has a silver lining to some extent. I would have been on the Broads this week but if the weather down there is as bad as it is up here in flat cap land it's maybe not so bad. Mind you, I would probably have been sheltering in the pub
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