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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Am I seeing things or is the rudder/tiller missing? Never sure with this flappy stuff
  2. Indeed! Um, trying to guess from memory, bit of a stab, can't see the signal box? Electric post missing? Sure there's safety ladder near there, can't see it, layby pontoon (unless its out of shot) statue looks a bit odd, does it normally have a hat?? Ha! crossed with Grendel!!!
  3. Looking again I think Jean is on the Paddy's Lane mooring rather than Barton Turf. The fishing at Neatishead and Gays Staithe is a pain in the proverbial.
  4. Yep, looks very Barton Turf-ish. Nice little mooring, we were there in Feb. Nice half hour walk to the White Horse
  5. Ah, I always forget there, 2 Mills very close to each other.
  6. Not me! Malcolm's right though, be good boat with a little work on it. Looks in good nick generally.
  7. I think that's Turf Fen mill. To be honest I'm struggling to think of one without sails. I thought Polkies Mill for a moment but it's not that either
  8. Neatishead or Gays Staithe for the White Horse?
  9. Isn't there a low white building, possibly a garage at the side on Oil Drum Lane or whatever it's called? ? Or maybe it's out of shot as it's fore shortened.
  10. Yep! Been there! They usual look in amazement as they can't understand what you are doing. A respected Boatyard owner advised us to "reverse with attitude" ie don't mess about! Sound advice. When it's clear go for it.
  11. Is it the Sutton Stalham junction? Lack of signposts at a guess?
  12. Looks like Horsey but minus the sails!
  13. Fireman Sam is right, when pinned to the bank get the stern out and reverse away from the mooring. You can get away with bow thrusters but risk the stern catching. Reversing out is always safest.
  14. It's not as bad, I think the trick is to look at the local conditions rather than the numbers. We didn't venture South but otherwise no real problems. Mooring side on with springs reduces wind impact considerably. It's worse stern on, T shirt and all that
  15. Not sure what it's called but the wooden 'fence' bit is missing on the left hand side. It's too early - just can't think of the proper name at this time of the morning, yawn!!!
  16. We had some of that in February! Well quite a lot! At least you have bow thrusters, they are not an essential by any means but a godsend in windy conditions. Take it steady and you'll be fine.
  17. Hi Liz, yes you are right now I think about it. At first glance I thought the letters were NO so thought No Mooring but of course they are HO
  18. Wild stab - last bungalow in Horning before Black Horse Broad
  19. No, again a good challenge. I went in quite regularly when Steve and his Mrs (Trudi)?? ran it but I've only been in a couple of times since as it's been closed off and on. It's a reasonable walk but quite do-able. I thought someone mentioned that Jason Tipple's ex was running it but I could have dreamt it. Proper pub.
  20. No, it was a toughie Lady V. I did cheat there as Fireman Sam pointed me in the right direction. It could have been the Yare above Brundall - had a bit of that look about it.
  21. I'm going to suggest the Salhouse Bell. Not been in for ages though.
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