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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I'll do it on your thread Mr Fire sir. Not gonna disrupt this one!!!!
  2. Bit over my head Paul (Nigel might be the man) but fag packet calculation, I think the inverter could potentially draw 120 amps from the 12 volts output at full power. Do you know what the power output of the generator is?
  3. I don't have the depth of knowledge of other respected members but it does seem a bit odd. Perhaps the Mods could explain the rationale behind the decision? I'm not a legal expert either but has anything libelous been posted?
  4. Thanks Simon, that's interesting to know. Basically the same as Herbert Woods. We normally take 10 days in December so going North could be an issue. I know very little about Ferry - I think Jean suggested they hire in the winter? They do look a bit on the pricey side though.
  5. True, we tend to look at the tide tables before booking with Bridgecraft so our holiday dates can shift by a week or so. Even in December we can usually get 4 days down South. Mooring at Acle or Stokesby overnight helps to make best use of the time. We tend to set off as soon as it gets light.
  6. Not since Swancraft stopped hiring. I think Freedom do/did but with a caveat that prevented crossing Breydon. Herbert Woods don't hire in either December or January. I don't know the situation with Ferry although I suspect they would be a bit out of my budget range. At the moment while Bridgecraft are prepared to do it, I'll keep hiring from them. I think smaller yards are generally prepared to be more flexible and I think it helps if they know you too.
  7. For a big yard like FL possibly not. But Bridgecraft seem happy enough. They can only have one boat out at a time so they simply leave the one they hire to me to be done later. I'm not aware it's an issue. I've never called them out in winter either. Otherwise the boat would be sitting there doing nothing. Bridgecraft seem happy enough with the arrangement. If I had the money I'd have my own boat but until the lottery comes up thank goodness at least one yard is prepared to do it!
  8. Just noticed an item elsewhere indicating that Faircraft Loynes are stopping winter Hire. Sad news indeed and I think they are missing out on at least some income in the winter. Mind you I don't suppose Let Funnell needs the money!! I have hired from them in the past but a bit expensive for this impecunious Yorkshireman. Thanks for the lovely folks at Bridgecraft who are happy to hire to me!!!!
  9. Yes, that certainly looks interesting. That was one of my concerns, the impedance mis match. It also has a level control. I agree with Paul's comment re the Bluetooth - I don't think it will be too fussy and you are not looking at hifi so the sound quality shouldn't be an issue. My main concern is to present a load for the output. However I guess these devices are for short term intermittent use. For 3 quid I don't suppose you're anything to lose! Caveat emptor though!!!!
  10. Hmmmm. We that makes sense. So it's not a line out. I'm a member of a vintage radio forum, the members there are very helpful. I wonder if a forum exists for equipment of this nature???
  11. I would agree with Pauls assessment if the output is, in effect, as Paul describes, a low level high impedance output. Perhaps we would need sight of the manual or someone local could take a look. I've also sent you a PM Smoggy, hope this is OK.
  12. Hi Smoggy Think speaker output is not best option with respect to others, get back to you tomorrow other wise
  13. Hi Smoggy In pub at the mo - quick thought, I think you need a line out - speaker too high level and low impedance - can you give a bit more info on your radio?
  14. That's actually a very good point, I can easily imagine that happening. It's like people buying luxury flats next to pubs which have been there for 100 years and complaining about the noise.
  15. The BA Planning Portal is not the easiest to navigate. However from what I can make out and looking at the objections it seems the 'holiday lets' are more of an issue. I don't think the replacement of the shop would do any harm but I'm not sure about the flats. Developers always go for houses/flats as this is where the big bucks are made. Could just be me being cynical of course
  16. Please don't be put off giving your valuable and knowledgeable opinion Vaughan. I can see the point you are making. I think it's more a case of someone could, and I say could, sue the Forum if they for example injured themselves. If someone tripped over a guy rope holding up the Forum tent for example, given an over zealous ambulance chaser, sorry solicitor, they might be encouraged to sue the Forum for negligence as they arranged the meet and put up, and presumably supervised, the tent. I think Timbo expressed it very clearly but in doing so has maybe set hares running un-intentionally. I think a lot of this is very 'what if' but sadly necessary. Mrs Nog broke her ankle a few years ago while on holiday. She could probably have sued all and sundry but didn't. She made a full recovery and her ankle is stronger than it was. But some could have made a fuss about it and I think it's that minority who could potentially pose a threat which is why the Forum are being understandably cautious. Please folks, don't blow this out of proportion - I'm sure the wine and beer (and tea Neil) will continue to flow
  17. I know Boycee's real name although he doesn't use it much on the Forum. I know his boat (now) so hope to meet up one day. PM's are the way to go I would suggest. If you have a burning desire to meet someone, PM them. They can only say no!!!!
  18. I believe that Sonia knows him so you could ask behind the bar Or give him a knock on his boat! The Fireman Sam and MM encounter was mentioned on open (well members) and I suspect PM's were exchanged. But I would reiterate - I think the word organise is the key I'm always happy to meet any member for a beer but I'm not going to lose sleep over it
  19. I wonder if Fireman Sam does a risk assessment of the walls on his route back. I can relate to that! Seriously though the key word I suspect is "organise" If Fireman Sam meets up with MM for a pint or 7 that's fine. If I announced on the Forum that I'm moored at the Ferry and does anyone fancy a beer, that's OK I suspect. If I say on the Forum that I'm organising a meet at the Ferry that could be different. In today's litigious society I can see the Chairman's view. One of his posts I did actually understand
  20. Excellent pub and at least you could get some decent beer. Maybe it wouldn't be too difficult to reserve moorings in winter. Not for me till next December though!
  21. Indeed, cracking little pub. I've been in but sadly the only photo I have is after it closed.
  22. A critical factor. I don't think there is anywhere walkable even for Fireman Sam. The Wherry at Langley is sadly long gone.
  23. The Ferry is bound for JM land for a refit, inspection and essential maintenance
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