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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Wonder why it sank? Don't think it's been frosty recently which seems often the cause. Leaking stern gland? Some problem caused by the recent high tides?
  2. Aw, thanks Mr G I would hate to think that my exploits might be viewed by a prospective employer for example!!!!
  3. Serious question here if one of our technical gurus can help. i know that this site is linked to Facebook. But I wonder if a post in the Members Area can be viewed by anyone who uses Facebook? In other words can Facebook be used as a 'portal' to access the Members area? Many thanks
  4. I'm probably being very thick here but why not buy a Broads boat? Single engine, shan't drive, low air draught, jobs a good un. When the lottery comes up that's what I'll do
  5. Another thumbs up from me. We hired extensively from Swancraft and the boats are top notch. Very comfortable with excellent heating and battery systems, electric toilets and massive calorifiers. Highly recommended.
  6. I've not looked at it for a while but at one time you had to log in with an email and thereafter you were sent advertising material so I wonder if that's the carrot so to speak.
  7. there's obviously a wealth of knowledge on here about boat electrical systems generally. But consider the average hirer or, more particularly, a novice. They have a wealth of information to absorb about tides, speed limits, mooring etc etc. If you have a hire yard would you really want to send someone off with coils of cable, instructions about where to buy cards, how to use the posts, where to find them, how to plug in - that's even assuming if they can find one free. How easy is it to set off while forgetting you are plugged in. From observation it seems to me that the main users of shore power are private/syndicate owners who have the knowledge and can carry the cables and fan heaters and oil filled radiators and all the other paraphernalia and have an in depth knowledge of how to use it. Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking hirers (I am one after all)
  8. That's a very good point actually. We've just returned from a 10 day break without plugging in. No problem at all bar Mrs Nog's hair dryer which could have been easily overcome with a bigger inverter.
  9. Yes, broadly with you there Poppy Location to die for and they do usually have Humpty Dumpty on. I well remember when it was Watneys!!!!
  10. I'm always happy to hold my hands up when I'm wrong. However in spite of a couple of good visits in the past I'm afraid Paul has nailed it. We won't rush back. Not often I'm negative about a pub............
  11. I did wonder. I think often shore power is just a battery charging facility The boat we're on now doesn't have it and to be honest for all the faffing I wonder if it's worth it. Never used it in 11 years of winter boating
  12. Congratulations and use that kit!!!
  13. The lower Ant had certainly acquired some wider bits this morning so highly likely
  14. Ditto - never plugged in in my life. Mind you very few hire boats have shore power anyway. It is actually quite mild at the moment, winds seem to be more westerly.
  15. That Ale Trail nonsense was due to a TV programme and has no relation to sensible drinkers who appreciate and respect the beer. It appeals to stag groups and the like. You can get idiots anywhere. I simply suggested that some very good beer is brewed in Huddersfield for those that can appreciate it.
  16. Probably drifting off topic but yes, Rat is one of my favourites, visited the Rat and Ratchet many times. Mallinsons is one of my favourites too, not afraid to chuck a few hops in
  17. Ah, thanks Alan, I'm not a huge footie fan but love Huddersfield, particularly for its beer but that's another story!
  18. There's a massive gulf between the Divisions. Huddersfield were promoted last season and promptly dropped again. You need owners with very deep pockets.
  19. I think we can safely say that Nigel knows his onions with all things Ludham. It's the same when pubs come up for sale - you tend to get a lot of speculation.
  20. Royall Velvet 2 will get through as good as any non Martham boat. I remember seeing it there when not much else was getting through.
  21. The music House of Pain if memory serves May be something in that.....
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