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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Gosh, tide looks well up at Reedham Ferry Glad you enjoyed it, I had every confidence
  2. Well done That statement should be framed You won't be disappointed with the Bridge, excellent pub!
  3. Oh dear! Social media is important in business these days, first thing folk do is look at the website or Facebook. Resting on their past laurels maybe????
  4. Very true I'm afraid, folks tend to stay in more and the Ferry has suffered with many others. It was always heaving back in the day. Shame about the beer too, they usually have a Humpty Dumpty on which I've always been happy with. Glad your supporting the pubs Cal Here's the opening hours
  5. Yes, we shouldn't hi-jack Cal's thread. This Forum has been known to do that from time to time Perhaps we should start another thread about repairs/handovers. Looking forward to hearing how Cal got on at the Ferry.
  6. Glad you enjoyed your trip and many thanks for the holiday tale and lovely photos. The second thread in a row where I couldn't agree more. Bridgecraft really are an excellent yard and look after us (and all their customers) extremely well. Roll on December!!
  7. The thought did occur to me! Hopefully yards would replace batteries towards the end of their useful life rather than waiting until they fail completely. I've an idea batteries can be tested - a drop test??
  8. Hope you get sorted. The 2 battery banks was a Swancraft innovation and a good idea. More expensive of course but helps to reduce call outs. It may be that Richardson's use cheaper batteries but I've no evidence to support that. I am surprised in some ways that they retained the Swancraft dual system. We were out every December with Swancraft - limited cruising time and no shore power, never had a problem. Please keep us posted!!!
  9. Yep, agree great holiday tale and superb photos Some excellent pubs too!
  10. Summed it up perfectly. The big boys tend to apply reactive maintenance whereas the smaller yards (mostly) do proactive maintenance. This is where Swancraft excelled. They would replace things before they failed and their battery systems were second to none. Genuine breakdowns were as rare as hens teeth. Touch wood (fingers crossed) never had a flat battery. But as Jean says, the yards do need hirers to tell them if there is an issue but I agree, I think the yard should have picked up the battery problem.
  11. Thanks for the update - really glad you got through. Glad you enjoyed the Ferry too - good pub
  12. Any news on the Cal front? It's all gone very quiet. Hope all OK
  13. Low water around midday although there's not a lot of variation at Wroxham. Just hope Cal can report back!
  14. Good for Cal, fingers crossed
  15. Wow, respect! Well done. Anyone can drink beer but it takes great skill to make it. Just wish I could try it! Send that picture of a hop to John Smiths, they might be interested to see what these strange things look like.
  16. Good luck and lots of updates please!
  17. Have a good one!!! Do let us know how you get on and what you think of the boat.
  18. Yippee! Good news for Cal and I don't need to drink that stuff! As I mentioned earlier I've got pretty good experience of hiring various boats from Swancraft especially in winter. I can honestly say draughts were never an issue, so it does make me wonder if there is a maintenance issue here? PS forgot to mention, Swancraft fitted a 'brush' system around the canopies which stopped draughts but were not airtight if that makes sense. As Vaughan says I'm sure this was all taken into account during the build.
  19. ...and boyish good looks of course Grendel! Here yer go
  20. Not sure which forums these refer to, but nicked from Broadsbeat. Is that Grendel having a beer?
  21. We never hired Ranger (or Rapier) but had a few others from Swancraft. That is a shame, the draught proofing was usually excellent, Radiance in particular was superb. I wonder if this is a design or maintenance issue?
  22. There you go then. I think the gauge at Ludham is quite pessimistic too My taste buds are safe
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