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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Don't think it's the Ferry. I'll have a punt at Coldham Hall.
  2. Thanks JF, no worries, gives me a good excuse to check it out
  3. Ha!!! Did they have any beer on? He was on about getting some Humpty Dumpty but that was back in February. Assuming same guy running it? Not been in since.
  4. We've noticed that too! Wish I had a quid for every time we've been last out. It's not uncommon for Broads pubs to empty at 8.30. Fair play to the Bridge though, they don't boot you out like some I could mention. Glad to see you back though Mr Fire sir. That was some trek for the first day!
  5. Aw, shame, however water can be got down South, I think most places have been suggested. If you can beg/make/nick a short length of hose, Reedham is very handy. Boats usually carry more water than you think, if you're careful it can last several days. The standard boatyard advice about topping up every day does err on the cautious side. Having said that if you do see water in winter it's always worth topping up. In 13 years we've never run out or had a problem (touch wood). Did use the bucket method the once at Reedham, hence the hose!!! Had to recover in the pub afterwards
  6. You'll be fine Helen. Are you planning to venture North?
  7. I've no axe to grind either way but I suspect (bit like OBYS) they are part of the yacht station facilities rather than public loos per se. There are public loos in Beccles but they are fairly well hidden Personally, if I get caught short, I would pop into the Caxton Club (with a beer of course)
  8. Yes You only need a short length though as you can moor next to the standpipe. Swancraft made one up for us, think I've posted a pic before.
  9. Ah, thanks Ian, probably what I was thinking about. To be honest we fill up at Reedham more than anywhere in winter.
  10. I'm not sure about Beccles but OBYS definitely have water on the pontoon. WRC should have water but last couple of times we've been its been disconnected. The water at Reedham is always on but you need a length of hose. Or a bucket (been there, got the T shirt) I've an idea water is available at Surlingham Ferry but can't be sure. Boatyards may be able to help out if you get stuck and Freedom too presumably.
  11. Excellent time to be out Simon. No major issues, water levels can be high any time of the year, we've had some recently. You can get extreme low tide too - we had this last December. All the pubs are open pretty much as usual, odd one like Reedham Ferry may have reduced hours but mostly as normal. Water is a bit more restricted down South - Reedham (take your own length of hose), OBYS on the pontoon, Goodchilds, Brooms, possibly Loddon..... If you're going solo you didn't need to shower as much.........
  12. Good grief. Take your valuable business elsewhere. Try giving Bridgecraft a bell. They are very accommodating and have a dog of their own too. And a very friendly cat
  13. I'm pretty sure that Royalls described this in one of their blogs. I'm sure that they steamed it first. As they dealt with wooden boats they no doubt had a steam chest. Is it possible to construct one I wonder?
  14. I owned one for a couple of days before getting rid. The only socket was the power one, no USB socket so uploading or downloading very difficult. But some people love them. Bit like Marmite I suppose.
  15. Did you get in at Rockland Staithe OK? Usually a bad spot for fishermen.
  16. With difficulty I think. With an Android device you can just plug them in but Apple devices only communicate with each other. I'm sure someone more technically savvy than me will advise though.
  17. Looks like it came via eBay, might be the best way to go to reach the biggest audiences? There are some specialist boat sales web sites too. Best of luck whatever you do.
  18. Good review and very useful for anyone contemplating hiring this style of boat. Swancraft certainly knew what they were doing!
  19. Just catching up with this. Popped into the Fisherman's back in May. I'm assuming it must be the same management. I chatted to the new landlord and was extremely impressed with his approach. There was just one beer on, Timothy Taylors Landlord. It was superb and I complimented the guy on it. Much better to have one well kept beer on then 5 or 6 poorly kept ones. I hope they do well and can keep the punters coming in during the winter.
  20. Hah! Still a bit baffled why they let me loose with their craft Brilliant yard though, can't recommend them highly enough
  21. Ha, ha! Herbert Woods have no restrictions to cruising area any time of the year. Pricing good too, winter discounts avaiable. Bridgecraft are excellent - however any hire outside the season would be discretionary - I am known to them give them a bell by all means.
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