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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Five foot and a bit at Potteram to-dye
  2. You could try the moorings between the Bridge Inn and Acle Dyke. Sorry, don't know the cost but doesn't look like any facilities.
  3. Both very true - it also doesnt help when the owner has other more easy and or profitable aspirations for the site
  4. The Bure Court. I never did get in before it burnt down And the Castle which was an excellent pub. And the Railway Tavern...............
  5. I'm not nearly as knowledgeable as many folk on here but my impression was that it was tongue in cheek I believe that you actually live in Reedham? So it's good to have a local correspondent so to speak
  6. Oooo, er, that sounds like a bouncy house crew ie boom boom boom. If it's inside it will certainly rattle the walls. Don't get me wrong, I've played drums in bands but suspect this will be loud! I assume Hollocks still owns the place. It's always closed whenever I've passed but I seem to recall Fireman Sam got in touch and was advised of the opening hours.
  7. Yes, I'm afraid we've had that experience too. Not good. In contrast me and Mrs Nog have been the only customers left in the Lion at Thurne several times and yet they have happily stayed open for us and no question of booting us out. Mind you Mrs Nog's gin bill would probably cover the costs Top pub as is the White Horse. I seem to think the Swan in Horning stays open until 11 We got booted out of the Stokesby Ferry last time and won't be rushing back.
  8. Thanks Ian, yes your culinary expertise has been noted on the Forum! You obviously understand - if someone said you were Ian Smith and worked evening shifts at the Royal Hotel, Mayfair since November, then I think that would be un-acceptable
  9. Yep, I would agree. White Horse, excellent pub, but I would also say 2 miles. Longish walk although I don't know what the road is like at night. I wouldn't be surprised if Fireman Sam has done it.
  10. I don't think its a case of being right or wrong and please don't be put off posting. I've no idea what horning uk is. My point is simply that I don't think its right to discuss a persons employment on a public forum. For example we all take it that Fireman Sam is, er, a fireman but he could be an Estate Agent in Hartlepool for all we know. But I wouldn't dream of asking him I can't think of anyone on the Forum who has said exactly what their job is and where they work (with the exception of Griff possibly). I'm concerned that we are discussing someone who is not party to the actual discussion and may not want details of their employment or otherwise to be broadcast. I'm certainly not casting doubts on what anyone has said, its simply a matter of principle if that makes sense.
  11. I hate to be a miserable old git but should we really be discussing this in open Forum? Is it not a private matter?
  12. Hi JB I think they were a small yard but, as you say, with a reputation for quality. With a smaller fleet I guess photos are harder to come by and of course they predated the digital age with the huge amount of images around now. I didn't actually hire from them although the boat we hire from Bridgecraft (Humber Bridge) was originally a Greenway build according to Craig's database. Called Elysium back then. Carol's Broadland Memories site is a very useful resource with a lot of historical photos - you could try having a look - it is divided into decades so you can look in the areas you are interested in. Not sure if there is what you are looking for but worth a try.
  13. Indeed! I belive that it owned by the Ei Group (formerly Enterprise). Hope whoever takes it on takes care!
  14. NorfolkNog

    Broom Boats

    I sent Fireman Sam a little map, in pub now but will try to find it later. Agree with OBB - best to ring Paul. Don't try to moor at Silverline - you could be in for a roasting!
  15. Church Fen - February last year
  16. That's a good thought too - direct bus and stops opposite White Horse and Swan :-)
  17. Paul's suggestion is a good one. We've done the OBS to Beccles by train loads of times. Very quick, when compared with river! I take it this is March, so engineering work should be finished by then. Taxi? Norwich to Acle - 22 quid. Potter Heigham to Norwich - about 30 from memory. Could ring for a quote. It is very convenient particularly with a lot of luggage.
  18. Check on the First bus website but I'm pretty sure the buses pass through Oulton Broad but a long way from the yacht station - about a mile I think but you'd need to check.
  19. Trains run from Oulton Broad North to Brundall and on the Norwich (Lowestoft train) They should run on Sundays but bear in mind engineering works are running n February.
  20. Jean!!!!!!!!!!! (you know what he's like)
  21. Good grief. Unless I'm missing something, that's nearly a grand each! Are they done in gold leaf?
  22. I'm inclined to agree with Fred. There are a few topics I don't bother with but I read most even if I don't contribute. I think the Speakers Corner is a good idea. I don't have the depth of knowledge of the likes of JM and Co but I can read their opinions. I assume it was inspired by the original Speakers Corner - wonder if Old Frank and Gruntfuttuck will appear - mind you they probably have but under different guises. As I recall JM was the top contributer PS I do also agree with Paul - we should try to be friendly but still have healthy debate
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