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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. Well if you keep going at this rate GJ you'll soon have your 50 posts Are you named after the beer? A warm welcome by the way
  2. I'm with MM on this one. Hunslet Mill. Not many mills have trees nearby apart from Diddlers Mill of course.
  3. That's actually a very good idea. Trouble is I don't have a credit card! I wonder how sound Hoseasons are? Be interesting to see what happens.
  4. Not sure if this has been covered already but looks like Hoseasons could be out of order here. Stand to be corrected as always of course. My full payment is due next week, I intend to sit on my hands for the moment.
  5. If it's the former Throwers, it does seem a bit odd. Doesn't do the deli and more exotic stuff now but sells food basics and also some hardware type items which I believe are considered essential. Do they not have the post office too?
  6. If it's a floor in one room, assume you've are travelling alone in your own van, keep the household in the other room at all times, maybe possible by mutual consent?
  7. They do indeed. I think the message is beginning to sink in. Problem is, I believe some companies particularly in the building trade, are insisting that their employees turn up for work. I understand that a large manufacturer of kitchen units is trying to claim their work is essential and putting their workforce at risk. If folk can do without tiling, I'm sure that they can do without new kitchen units
  8. Don't worry Lady V - Mrs N is already on the case, she says it's essential shopping Day after maybe G Cracking stuff indeed Mr B but might be a headache job!
  9. Apart from the very occasional bottle of Broadland Sunrise I never drink at home or on a boat. But......needs must so keeping safe in Nog Towers with a very welcome relief delivery of Yorkshire's finest Keep safe folks and remember off licences and licenced brewery shops are allowed to stay open with appropriate precautions re distancing etc
  10. It already has Lots of pubs up here in flat cap land are doing take aways and even delivering. Could be a lifeline for them. Many Breweries doing the same. Grain in Norfolk have introduced a 'drive thriugh' Good luck to them
  11. I'm booked for early June and have to pay the balance by the end of this month. I wonder if this applies to all eventualities? I'm reliant on travelling by train and some operators are already scaling back their services. I assume if all travel is banned then no one will be taking a holiday! Uncertain times.
  12. Yes, agree, I had a spin on this and a very nice boat indeed. Bit over the budget as OBB says but we'll worth a look.
  13. Private boat? Can't be certain but I seem to think Boulters at Horning offer keen prices on both. Sure someone will be along with more info but I reckon OBB is on the mark.
  14. Good grief. Is it insured? Top heavy can't be in it.
  15. This is such sad news. I had several 'near miss' with Boycee and never did get to have a beer with him. He supported the pubs too. Serious condolences to his family and many friends. Great loss.
  16. Footpath alongside Acle Old Road?
  17. Pub Co websites are frequently out of date. I did hear that the New Inn lease had been taken up but could be wrong. Also I had an idea the Kings Head had changed hands. Again, could be wrong!! (I frequency am) Mind you anyone leasing a pub from Ei is either very brave or naive!!!
  18. Ah! As you say JM or Poppy would have pounced on that one
  19. Probably got the name wrong - it's the white bit where the hull and the deck join.
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