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Everything posted by NorfolkNog

  1. I hope you popped in for a G and T Lady V!!
  2. Cross Keys? Went in last year. The bowling green has gone and now just used as an outdoor drinking area. It's been done up in quite a modern style but still retains the pub feel. Nice drop of Ghost Ship.
  3. You should know by now Mr G that if you leave them alone for any length of time they'll go off on one
  4. I was thinking along similar lines JM but got modded a while ago for suggesting something similar!
  5. Assume they mean the birds! Very sad. But it operated as a pub perfectly well for many years, why are the RSPB getting excited now? It can't be used as holiday accommodation, can't be used as a pub, what's next? I glorified bird hide? Unless there is more behind the scenes. We will never know. If he was trying to prove it's unviable then he's saved the bother of opening to find out.
  6. I think hire yards these days tend to discourage mechanical interaction with hirers - the days of the daily oil and cooling water check have mostly disappeared, probably caused more problems then it solved. I can quite picture water tanks being dipped and filler caps dropped over board.
  7. When coming in to moor, if one of you (with lifejacket on) can gather and prepare bow and stern ropes ready to step ashore makes life much easier. As has already been mentioned coming in to moor against the tide is one of the best tips.
  8. Appears that Broadland Council will consider the licence application tomorrow (22nd) BA and RSPB objecting. They are referring to access for patrons across permissive rights of way although I suspect Mr Hollocks and Co are not expecting patrons to arrive that way. I've not done the trip personally but I gather it is lengthy, involves various gates and knowledge of the marsh tracks. it wouldn't be feasible. I guess they expect to accept patrons by river, foot possibly or of course on the train but these are infrequent and don't run after dark for obvious reasons. Interesting to see what happens although as others have mentioned one wonders about the motives. Wonder who Netty Southgate is? Name rings a vague bell. A cursory Google search does find a Norwich artist of that name although not the same necessarily. Watch this space https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/politics/owners-of-berney-arms-to-learn-fate-of-bistro-plan-1-6755611
  9. That's very true, it certainly seems busy at the moment, fine weather, relaxing lockdown, pent up demand but indeed come the winter and if we get bitten financially demand could indeed go the other way. The boating industry does have its twists and turns. Mind you I'll be down cash in hand when the lottery comes up this weekend
  10. I think he may have been referring to another poster??? My sense is that the market is very lively. Possibly pent up demand from the lockdown? People asking advice about buying boats are coming out of the woodwork too. Any half decent Broads boat seems to vanish very quickly. Probably why Griff's friends boat sold rapidly - good practical boat in good condition.
  11. Mrs Nog had a crab salad at the No1 in Cromer. She was very impressed. This was back in December though.
  12. This will be the boy. Very interesting little book. If memory serves I bought it from the Jarrolds shop in Cromer.
  13. I believe that the bridge was demolished in the early 60's (not sure of the exact date) so i guess Its quite possible it could still have been there in 1963. Yes, the halt was just basically a pile of sleepers with a bench and a lamp. It was right next to the river. I think the line was single track but doubled through the main station.
  14. It was an amazing boat, we hired it from DRL (sorry) a few times. It was getting a bit tired by then though. There were beautiful etched mirrors above the 'fireplace' and wardrobe doors. Within a season they had been broken. Very sad.
  15. Barnes did (or still do) those I believe - no gas and electric cooker etc. I think you have to run a generator to boil the kettle. I sure someone posted about being moored next to one and making a real racket when the generator kicked in. Times like that I'd rather be moored next to Helen in her yacht!!
  16. I only hired from them once, Camero I think it was, sports type boat. Long time ago now but I do have a vague recollection the sports bit didn't apply to the engine! I think one of those went to DRL too. Sabena had 2 of all the boats, i think the idea was one did weeks and the other did short breaks.
  17. Well indeed and hererby lies the problem. I think the key is to remember you are running from batteries and not a limitless supply as at home. If you take a frugal approach you shouldn't have a problem. But I agree, its easy to say with the benefit of some experience. And of course the best way to conserve energy is to adjourn to the pub The other engine running scenario is also hot water. I'm sure that there is a theory that everyone on board must shower before setting off. The experts may correct me but I suspect the water will heat up much faster under way/load. Mrs N and I shower (separately) whilst under way taking turns on the helm.
  18. Good idea Helen, thanks. My sister I and I did did try to sort something similar out for our Dad as he was a keen sailor. Sadly events over took us. I'll soften up Mrs Nog though. Tell her there's a gin cabinet on board
  19. Loved reading your holiday tales Helen and the cracking photos - many thanks for sharing. Thanks also for your assistance I'm sometimes tempted to try this sailing lark but not sure if Mrs Nog would agree.
  20. Agreed. I've never had a flat battery in my life. The cynic in me suggests boatyards labour this to avoid call outs and perhaps cover for less than up to scratch battery and charging systems. Running engines on moorings is one of my pet hates and as Andrew says even less appropriate now. Mind you another advantage of winter cruising is you don't have to suffer it!
  21. Hi Simon, yes it is. Sorry a bit late picking this up. I hired Swan Royale many times, still my favourite. I do like the 32's and they are pretty rare, I think only a handful were produced. As others have mentioned, it is ex Sabena (they had 2) and DRL briefly. I did look around it a while back. I would want my expert to look at it but sad fact is lack of dosh! I came up on the Thunderball on Saturday but I don't think 11 quid will go very far!!
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